The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 828 Will there be pressure? (three more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Huang Sibi's new book promotion was actually on the same day as Shu Cheng's new book promotion, and both of them actually had fairy tales as their theme.

The turmoil of the previous online scolding war has not yet subsided, and once this matter broke out, it pushed Shu Cheng and Huang Sibi to the cusp of the storm.

But in comparison, the venue for Huang Sibi's new book promotion is a bit bleak, no media is even willing to come to interview, only a few staff members stand there.

But Shu Cheng's venue media scrambled for success, and the scene grew stronger.

Huang Sibi looked at her empty field, her whole body exuded anger.

Seeing this, the assistant next to her comforted her: "Sister Si, today may be due to class time, so there are fewer people here. Don't worry. When we advertised on the Internet before, the effect was pretty good."

Huang Sibi's face turned black, and she clenched her fists dissatisfied.

Just now she got the news that the media was called over by a writer named Shu Cheng next door.

Huang Sibi also heard that the book published by Shu Cheng this time is also a fairy tale, called "The Little Prince".

Huang Sibi despised from the bottom of her heart, adults still read fairy tales, fairy tales should be for children! And who is Shu Cheng? The industry has never heard of this name. He is just a little-known writer with such arrogance.

Every knowledgeable person in those media has been thinking about hot blog topics all day long. No one cares about good books like myself, but those weird things have repeatedly attracted attention.

Shu Cheng has neat short hair, ear studs shining brightly under the flashlight, deep black eyes looking at the front coldly, without much expression on his face.

There are indeed a lot of media who came to interview this time, and many of them originally wanted to come, but because of the limited space, Shen He refused. Facing the microphone and flashing lights, Shu Cheng curled his lips, evil and calm, and turned all sentient beings upside down. .

At the beginning, some reporters frantically asked Shu Cheng questions.

"May I ask why you chose to write a fairy tale for adults? You must know that adults rarely read fairy tales nowadays. And if it is written for adults, will children not be able to understand it?" ?”

Shu Cheng smiled charmingly, took the microphone, his deep eyes swept over everyone present, and spoke slowly, his voice was not loud but could be heard very clearly by everyone present: "Every adult has Childhood, and the book "The Little Prince" is thought-provoking, maybe you should stop at a certain busy moment, listen carefully to the sounds around you, and savor the trace of innocence in your heart It is beautiful and beautiful, revealing the emptiness, blindness and ignorance of adults, and using simple and innocent language to describe the loneliness of human beings, the fate of wandering with the wind without foundation. Moreover, I think a book that adults can understand may not necessarily be read by children. I just don’t understand.”

When Shu Cheng said these words, many people admired them.

Only Shu Cheng can describe a book with such unique language and topics.

"See through the emptiness, blindness, and ignorance of adults, and use simple and innocent language to describe the loneliness of human beings, and the fate of wandering with the wind without foundation." Many people present silently recited this sentence in their hearts.

If Shu Cheng really uses fairy tales to describe the complexity of the adult world, then he is really too good.

The crowd started whispering, talking all about the book.

"What you said just now is really exciting. We all want to see this book come out. This time it can be regarded as opening up a new topic. What is the source of inspiration at that time?"

"This is a story about another planet. I like this unconstrained style very much, so I wanted to write a story about this at that time."

"So that's the case. According to your description, we all feel that this book will once again become a sensation in the world. It's just that your publicity is so extensive in the early stage. Will there be any pressure?"

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