Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

At this time, the girl's mind flashed again, and she said to Shu Cheng: "God, can you catch dolls? I tried many times just now, but I didn't catch it once. You know how to do it." something?"

Shu Cheng raised his thin lips, nodded sharply, and said to the girl, "Yes."

Hearing what Shu Cheng said, the girl jumped two more circles, her big dark and bright eyes radiated light, and said to Shu Cheng: "Wow, male god, are you so powerful? I admire you so much." !!"

Girls know that one of the boys' favorite things is narcissism, so no matter what, praise him first! Anyway, her Shucheng boy is omnipotent.

The corners of Shu Cheng's lips were very useful to the girl's words, and she decisively gave the girl a look, you have eyes.

The girl was instantly attracted by Shu Cheng's eyes, the boy was simply too cute!

"Let's go, I'll take you to catch two." Shu Cheng said, he took the girl's hand and came to the claw machine.

The girl's heart was beating so fast that she was almost suffocating. Her male god even held her hand today! ! What an exciting, once-in-a-century event! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

Bringing the girl to the claw machine, Shu Cheng said domineeringly: "Tell me, which one do you want?"

The girl blushed, and pointed shyly at the little white rabbit with long ears, looking at the fluffy, very cute, sweet voice came to Shu Cheng's ears: "I like that one, is it okay?"

Shu Cheng nodded, and said decisively, "You can do it if you say so."

As he spoke, Shu Cheng took the game currency that the girl had exchanged just now, and with a flick of his slender fingers, the game currency rolled into the machine.

With a beep, the game begins.

While controlling the position of his paw, Shu Cheng coolly chewed the candy.

Quickly adjust the orientation and press the button.

The paws fell and clasped the doll's body. The paws lifted, moved, and let go, and the doll fell into the hole in one go, perfectly and smoothly, without muddling at all.

"Ahhhhhhh, you are amazing, male god, I have never caught you before. You are really amazing!" The girl covered her mouth to control herself from screaming, her eyes exuded admiration of light.

Shu Cheng squatted down very gentlemanly, picked up the doll from the hole, and handed it to the girl.

"I can teach you how to catch it." Shu Cheng said softly, curling the corner of his mouth.

"Really?" The girl raised her eyes, a faint blush appeared on her fair face.

"Of course." Shu Cheng nodded resolutely, said, and put in another game currency.

The girl excitedly picked up her phone, planning to record a video.

While operating the joystick, Shu Cheng patiently explained to the girl: "Look, for a doll like this, you should grab her body. The head is round, so it's harder to grab. If you grab the body, you You can use the three claws to hold the doll's neck and arms, so as to form a support, and you can easily grab the doll. Note that the direction must be aligned, and the doll that is closer to the hole should be grasped. Do you understand? ?”

Just as Shu Cheng was talking, he pressed the button, and a doll was grabbed again without any pressure.

"Wow! It's great!" The girl shouted excitedly when she saw this scene.

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