The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 853: Summoning A Xiaorong (Part 1)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

【Secretly @rjy】

[Man, your boy came out to flirt with girls! @rjy also took others to catch dolls! 】

[Nicknamed bitch Zhang Lailai: Oh my god, this girl is too lucky, she has been blessed for several lifetimes, and she can meet us Shu Chengda in any shopping mall. Could it be that we are skinny? Does Pishu also like to go shopping? It seems that I will go to the shopping mall to spend some time in the future. Looking at the picture, it seems to be from Erhuan Taihe! ! ! ! Did you go in a group together? ? #朱成打娃# But, hey, man, your boy came out to flirt with girls! @rjy also took others to catch dolls! 】

[Nobi Nobita: Oh my god! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! In the video, our Shu Cheng's big voice is so su ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah my girlish heart is rippling, little heart Plop plop! Even so, I still want to - man, your boy came out to flirt with girls! And take others to catch dolls! @rjy]

[Cheng Chengcheng who loves to sing: Are you still there now! ! ! I regret it, I went to the shopping mall at noon today, but I didn’t see the boy, the girl’s luck is too good, I also want to meet by chance, crying, crying, crying[/big crying][/big crying][ /crying][/crying][/crying][/crying]]

[Man, your boy came out to flirt with girls! And take others to catch dolls! @rjy man, your boy came out to flirt with girls! And take others to catch dolls! @rjy]

[Cheng I am fascinated: the boy's skills are perfect! I was thinking, is there anything in this world that Shu Cheng can't do? Really an omnipotent idol, moved to tears! I have a crush on the right person, every day is like Valentine's Day! I feel like I can publish an article another day called, An Inventory of Shu Cheng's Skills! But I still have to say -

Man, your boy came out to flirt with girls! And take others to catch dolls! @rjy]

[Shu Cheng's data casts the group: #朱成抓娃# Boyfriend Li max, if I were that girl, this matter could last for three years! ! It's so cool, a girl who has reached the pinnacle of her life, and! I think Shu Cheng must have invited this girl to eat candy. It's really annoying to compare people to others. Why don't I have such luck? But I still have to say -

Man, your boy came out to flirt with girls! And take others to catch dolls! @rjy]


Shu Cheng scrolled through the fans' comments, the corners of his lips twitching slightly, a bunch of fake fans.

At this time, the man walked over with steady steps, with a strong aura.

"It's nothing." Shu Cheng took back the phone.

Looking at Shu Cheng's expression, Rong Junyi guessed in an instant that she must be hiding something from him.

He sat down next to her calmly: "Children had better not lie."

Rong Junyi raised his eyebrows and spoke casually.

"What? I don't understand." The young man turned his head a little guilty, not daring to look into Rong Junyi's eyes.

Rong Junyi watched her reaction, squinted his long and narrow eyes, and narrowed his eyes tightly on her body: "Don't say? Huh?"

As he spoke, he stretched out a finger, lifted Shu Cheng's chin, and asked.

"Ring ring ring..."

At this moment, the boy's cell phone rang suddenly.

It's Shen He's call.

At this time, why would Shen He call himself?

But this call came at the right time. Shen He must be given a raise when he returns home. The young man smiled and said to Rong Junyi: "Look, Shen He is calling, and I have to answer it. Hahaha."

The man frowned, watching helplessly as the teenager walked out of the room with his mobile phone.

"Hey, Shen He, your call is really timely." The young man answered the phone and spoke straight away, with a laziness in his voice.

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