The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 856 Someone Always Wants To Make Things Happen (Fourth Update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[Anda must be very troubled now, something like this happened, as a real Anda fan, I will definitely stand by Dada's side now! Looking forward to the reprint of the new book! 】

[Never leave, never give up, life and death depend on each other. @安之如素V@朱成V]

[An Da is probably busy with a lot of things right now, even the V blog is posted by a studio, he must be in a state of desperation, hey, my heart hurts. 】

[Anda, we fans of Anda can all understand, never leave, never give up, life and death depend on each other. 】

[Never leave, never give up, life and death depend on each other. 】


Of course, there are still many fans on the Internet complaining about this matter, and many people feel very disappointed.

[Damn, labor and management have been waiting for so long for the book, which has repeatedly whetted our appetite again and again, An Da is getting skinny again! 】

[Is Anda really getting skinnier? Did someone teach him a lesson? 】

[Originally, I have already bought the train tickets, and I am planning to rush to the city of Ontario to participate in the new book signing event, what should I do now? So many things have happened, hey, I have to refund the ticket. 】

[Male god, your "Little Prince" really made us wait so hard, isn't it a fairy tale written for adults, but in the face of reality, I always feel that fairy tales don't exist at all! 】

[Crying, crying, it's too uncomfortable, and I have to wait for a while longer. 】

[It's too miserable, I waited for all the flowers to thank, but I still haven't waited, this time the publishing speed is really the slowest in history, I feel uncomfortable, I want to cry! This feeling of waiting is really uncomfortable! 】


Various comments were fermenting on the Internet, Shu Cheng faced it calmly.

Although the fire was inexplicable, no one knows how the fire happened until now, and there was no warning at all.

The police have also retrieved traces from the scene for analysis.

But so far there are no results or clues, and it is said that the fire spontaneously ignited.

However, in order to prevent fires, the factory usually takes very strict inspection measures. How can it be said that a fire will start a fire?

But these are all things for later, the most urgent task now is to solve the fans' concerns about the new book.

For the first time, Shu Cheng felt that he had lost his trust, and was thinking of countermeasures.

However, Huang Sibi on this side learned about the postponement of Shu Cheng's new book while browsing the V blog.

A sinister light suddenly burst out in her eyes.

Hahaha, Shu Cheng, I really didn't expect you to have today.

In the previous scolding battle, Shu Cheng's fans took turns bombarding her V-blog every day, which made Huang Sibi afraid to go to V-blog for several days.

This time, the opportunity to fight back against Shu Cheng came.

The postponement of the new book has caused a lot of repercussions on the Internet, and there is no specific publication date, so fans can only wait indefinitely.

At this time, Huang Sibi seized the opportunity, and her fingers painted with red nail polish tapped on the phone screen.

[Huang Sibi v: I heard that the publication date of "The Little Prince" has been postponed indefinitely, don't you think it's strange, why it suddenly caught fire, why it was suddenly postponed, all of this is too much of a coincidence, right? . Do you believe everything Shu Cheng says? Don't you have a little bit of your own judgment? Perhaps, Shu Cheng didn't write this book well at all, the previous gimmick was just to gain popularity, and now the book can't be held back, so he came up with a reason, saying that there was a fire. 】

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