Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"God, you guys also come to play in this playground today, let me tell you, it's super fun, we come every week." Fans thought that Shu Cheng also liked the playground, and enthusiastically introduced it to her.

"God, can we take a photo with you?" The female fan looked at Shu Cheng excitedly, her face full of anticipation.

Shu Cheng, who called himself a fanatic, nodded.


Rong Junyi suddenly pulled Shu Cheng over, she stood beside her, smiled and said, "Come on."

As he spoke, he put his hand on Shu Cheng's shoulder. The fans stood aside, clicked, and took pictures.

"Wow, thank you male god, you are really kind."

"Well, it's okay."

"Okay, then let's go first, you guys have fun."

Shu Cheng knew that fans would definitely post a V blog soon, and in a few minutes, he would definitely be on the trending list again.

He glared at Rong Junyi fiercely: "It's all your fault, I am now the title of the national male god. I'm afraid I will lose it."

"With me here, it doesn't matter if you're a male god or not. Let's go, I'll take you to have some exciting fun." Rong Junyi said with the corners of his mouth hooked.

Shu Cheng had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk forward with Rong Junyi.

And here, as expected by Shu Cheng, those two fans had already posted V blogs.

[Little Lingling who loves to play games: Hahahaha is booming and in a trance, I met young Shu Cheng at the playground today, and I am still with his family Rongjunyi, it’s really a great match, the two of them are so sweet Ah, and the young man Shu Cheng is also super nice, if you say take a photo together, you can take a photo together. Watching the two of them come to the playground, I felt a kind of cute contrast, ouch~ I felt like I was going crazy, needless to say, it must be the boy dragging the man here! I feel like I'm real! 】

In an instant, the comments below exploded.

【Wow! In which playground, I am going to meet now! 】

【Too lucky, indeed our Shu Chengda is everywhere. I can meet in so many places by chance. I will travel all over the world in the future. I don’t know when I will meet us, Shu Chengda. 】

[Hahaha, the boy is so cute, he even went to the playground! ! Agree with the poster, it must be the boy who dragged the man away, laugh [squint smile]]

[Wow, Kaka, I'm already dressed and ready to go out, is there anyone with me in a group to catch the living male god? 】


Shu Cheng couldn't hear the voice on the Internet for the time being.

In a daze, she was led by Rong Junyi to the front of the roller coaster.

"Have you ever sat there before?" Rong Junyi raised his eyebrows and looked down at Shu Cheng.

"No." The boy shook his head, how could she come to play with this kind of thing.

"It just so happens that neither do I, let's go." Rong Junyi said calmly.

...Shu Cheng was silent. When he saw Rong Junyi just now, he thought he often came to the playground, but he never played.

Just as she was thinking, Rong Junyi pulled her into the seat and buckled her seat belt by the way.

"How tall is this?" Shu Cheng turned his head sideways and asked Rong Junyi.

Rong Junyi pondered for a while, then said casually: "Not much, only sixty or seventy meters by visual inspection."

Sixty or seventy meters?

The teenager raised his eyebrows, and his brain began to count crazy data, emmm... I still feel that this project is not exciting enough.

Countdown, three, two, one...


Suddenly the roller coaster kicked off.

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