The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 874 (Second update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[I regret that I didn't organize a group to go there yesterday! Is it still too late to cry and faint in the playground? Will my orange come to rescue me? [crying]]

【Sneakily followed all the way yesterday, I was always embarrassed to go up and disturb their two-person world, but in the end he took the initiative to call us over, and even gave us a bunch of toys he got from shooting. 】

[[Squint-eyed smile][Slant-eyed smile] Hahaha I also saw the male god go to play on the merry-go-round, and even picked a pink pony, it’s so cute. 】


Continuing to scroll down, Shu Cheng found a photo of himself and Rong Junyi kissing in the sunset.

I don't know which netizen is so talented. This photo was taken very well, full of artistic conception. The background is the sky rendered yellow by the setting sun. She and Rong Junyi hugged and kissed.

The teenager tapped lightly with his finger, saved it, and set it as a screensaver.

Only then did I get up and get dressed contentedly, and start a new day's work.

I have to go to Tsinghua University today. The principal asked me to sign the contract a few days ago, but it has been delayed until now.

Shu Cheng chewed his gum, and appeared in Tsinghua University refreshed.

At the door, I met Guan Yufei again. Why did I meet Guan Yufei every time at the door?

He was still fiddling with his soda can, babbling in his mouth, Guan Yufei put one hand in his trouser pocket, and held the soda can in the other hand, muttering in a low voice: "What a bunch of stupid human beings! The corrupt world... really needs me salvation!"

But next to Guan Yufei, there was still a booth.

When I got closer, I found that the books on the booth were Harry Potter books.

It seems that this kid is really doing well, Shu Cheng walked slowly in front of Guan Yufei.

Guan Yufei just raised his head and saw Shu Cheng, without much surprise, he greeted Shu Cheng lightly: "Shu Cheng."

Shu Cheng took a look at the things he was selling: "You boy, you really made this thing."

Guan Yufei didn't pay much attention to what Shu Cheng said, and continued to throw his cans in the direction of the trash can, and said indifferently: "These are the power of God."

Shu Cheng rolled his eyes at him: "If you're here, you won't be afraid of being kicked out by the city management or school leaders."

Guan Yufei didn't take it seriously, and waved his hand: "I have already earned my first pot of gold, and when I get another sum of money, I will expand my store and open a store of my own."

Hearing what Guan Yufei said, Shu Cheng nodded. If he really had such a mind and idea, he would be a good choice.

"Okay. If you have no money, you can tell me." Shu Cheng said very loyally.

"Well, I heard that you are cooperating with the school in filming?" Guan Yufei felt that he would not be reduced to asking Shu Cheng to borrow money, so he did not linger on this topic, and changed the subject.

"Yes, remember to give Gora a box office when the time comes." Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, smiled, then waved at Guan Yufei, turned around, and continued walking.

Guan Yufei glanced at Shu Cheng's back, didn't say anything, and continued to sort out his items.

Lu Xiao came over at this time, saw Guan Yufei, and looked up at the back in front of him: "Hey, isn't that person Shu Cheng?"

"Yes. I'm looking for the principal again." Guan Yufei replied casually, all his attention was on his sales.

"Like this, your small business is still doing well." Lu Xiao looked at Guan Yufei's pile of things, and couldn't help sighing.

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