Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

As soon as this incident happened, everyone was taken aback. Even Zhang Qianbo's manager didn't expect him to stand up and happen at this time. Isn't this pushing himself into the fire pit?

At first, no one knew that it was Zhang Qianbo's house, but now they all know that he and Liu Ting'er spent the night together.

Under Zhang Qianbo's comments, a bunch of inquisitive comments began to appear.

[So are you guys and girls now? That's why Liu Ting'er stayed overnight at your house? 】

[Zhang Qianbo is really domineering when he stands up at this time. It feels like the two of them are together. 】

[But there are so many rumors about you, Liu Tinger, on the Internet, and it is said that she has been unspoken by the director. Zhang Qianbo, you still have to keep your eyes open because of her physical superiority. After all, nothing will come from groundless grounds. 】

[Liu Ting'er has been picked up with so much black material, I really don't believe she is a white lotus, I feel that Zhang Qianbo still needs to think carefully, don't slap her in the face when the time comes. 】


Seeing Zhang Qianbo standing up to speak for Liu Tinger at this time, Xu Xinxin trembled angrily and clenched her fists fiercely. How could Liu Tinger be so lucky!

She decided to buy more sailors and completely discredit Liu Tinger on the Internet.

On this side, Shu Cheng discovered that someone on the Internet bought a large amount of water troopers to create public opinion, and it seemed that it was the same person who took the photo yesterday.

Shu Cheng tapped her fingers quickly on the keyboard to find a person's IP, which was a piece of cake for Shu Cheng. She wrote the code, her eyes were squinted, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, with a look that made people unable to catch up. self-confidence.

Three minutes later, Shu Cheng locked on to the person who bought the navy, and the LAN of the other party was actually nearby.

She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, with a faint smile on her lips: "It's near here? That's interesting."

She was more and more sure that it was the crew who did the trick, so it would be fine to start with the crew.

Now that the scope has been narrowed, Shu Cheng only needs to spend a little more time to find out the clues behind the scenes.

I believe that Zheng Yi's monitoring should also have progressed.

The person behind the scenes is about to reveal his true form, Shu Cheng immediately felt that it was very funny, and couldn't wait to catch him out.

She continued to write the program and began to check the crew.

Time passed minute by minute. Finally, after a carriage return, an ID was displayed on the screen. Is it her?

There was a wicked smile on Shu Cheng's face, looking at Xu Xinxin's name on the screen, squinting his eyes, he understood everything in an instant.

At this time, Zheng Yi also retrieved the surveillance cameras near Zhang Qianbo's house, and circled for Shu Cheng the person who was squatting near Zhang Qianbo's house for the sneak shot.

Looking at this figure, it is Xu Xinxin.

It seems that you, Xu Xinxin, did these two things. This woman is nothing more than jealous of Liu Tinger, that's why she did these things.

Shu Cheng hasn't played with such a person for a long time, and immediately imagined how to punish this woman, and have some fun for himself by the way.

She put on her coat smartly and walked out.

When I came to the production team, I took a look at Liu Tinger. Although I was under such a great pressure, I still persisted in my work. I read the script meticulously and took notes from time to time.

Looking to the side, Xu Xinxin was still putting on makeup, sitting in a corner by herself, staying in the darkest place.

It's no wonder that Shu Cheng doesn't have a deep impression of this woman, she usually sits in this kind of place, lowering her sense of existence.

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