Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

No wonder Shu Cheng told everyone not to help Xu Xinxin just now, it turned out that it was because of Xu Xinxin!

Xu Xinxin was completely speechless, stood where she was, opened her mouth to say something, but her mind went blank, she couldn't make up a reason at all, she just denied it: "Liu Tinger's matter has nothing to do with me, why don't you Can you squirt blood?"

Seeing Xu Xinxin's reaction, the people around were discussing and in a state of shock.

"So it's really her?"

"Usually her personality is so withdrawn, and no one else cares about her anymore, so Liu Ting'er treats her better. I didn't expect her to be so ungrateful."

"This woman's heart is too cruel. If Zhang Qianbo hadn't appeared in time that day, Liu Ting'er might have died."

"It's terrible. I didn't expect there to be such a vicious person in the crew."

"Seeing that she usually walks alone and doesn't have any friends, she is quite pitiful. Now that sentence has finally been confirmed, poor people must have something to hate."

Xu Xinxin's ears were lingering with the discussion of that group of people, and she clenched her fists tightly, with a look of resentment on her face.

"Don't spit on me, I didn't do it at all!" Xu Xinxin yelled at them.

"Oh?" Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, and then showed the surveillance video CD and the IP address he found.

Then order people to play it on the spot.

Surveillance shows that after Liu Ting'er entered Zhang Qianbo's house, there was a figure squatting under a big tree not far away, and that figure was undoubtedly Xu Xinxin, and Xu Xinxin was also wearing such clothes that day, at the gate of Zhang Qianbo's house One squat is one night.

"Ah? So those videos on the Internet were all distributed by Xu Xinxin?" Someone covered their mouths in surprise, their eyes flashed in disbelief, Xu Xinxin actually played so many tricks behind his back.

"My God! If there is no evidence for the Wia incident, then there is conclusive evidence for this incident! Lai can't be blamed."

"There is such a person around me, I really think about it and am terrified."


Then, Shu Cheng announced the IP address of Xu Xinxin's sailors and Xu Xinxin's personal IP address. It's something to slander Liu Ting'er.

"Wow, Shu Cheng is amazing. You can find out all of this!"

"It seems that the evidence is so solid that Xu Xinxin has no way to deny it."

"The most poisonous woman's heart, Liu Ting'er is such a good person."

"Hey, what are you talking about Liu Ting'er? Why didn't you see the person involved?"


At this time, everyone noticed Liu Ting'er who was standing aside and had not spoken. She was the person involved, trembling all over, with eyes as clear as water, looking at Xu Xinxin in front of her, her eyes were full of disbelief.

Her heart still couldn't get used to these things. She thought everything was a coincidence, but she didn't expect that the people who appeared around her every day would do it, and her heart suddenly couldn't accept it.

Shu Cheng stepped forward, patted Liu Ting'er on the back, then turned her head, and said to Xu Xinxin, "It's really well-intentioned that put so much thought behind it."

There was coldness in Shu Cheng's eyes.

Xu Xinxin's face was pale, she had no idea that it was so easy and fast to investigate a person's information.

She hadn't even reacted, and she had been discovered before watching Liu Ting'er drowned in saliva.

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