Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[An Zhiruo Su v: The signing of the "Little Prince" that you have been waiting for for a long time will start at 2 pm tomorrow. The venue has not been found yet, and I will let you know when I find it. 】

As soon as this article came out, the fans immediately became excited. In just a few minutes, the number of comments has reached more than 100,000.

[It can be regarded as coming out, even a few days earlier, Anda's work efficiency is really very high. 】

[I'll go, the venue hasn't been found yet, and I dare to say that I'm going to sign a sale. It really is our Anda personality. I admire and admire. 】

[Okay, An Da, it really is your style, you sent out the notice before you found the venue. 】

[I finally waited for you, but luckily I didn't give up. [/excited][/excited][/excited]]

[For the sake of An Da, I am a dignified old man, and I am going to buy fairy tales! 】

[Hahaha, hurry up and announce the location, I'm going to buy a ticket! Tomorrow say what to go to the scene! 】

[Ah, ah, An Da is waiting for me! 】

[According to the kind of grand scenes that appeared in Anda in the past, I guess people will be more popular tomorrow, after all, I have been waiting for this book for so long. I'm really afraid that when I go there, I will be rushed to death! 】

[Looking forward to it, An Da, remember to choose a bigger venue, the brothers are here to support you! 】

【Okay, I'm going to fall into the trap of fairy tales tomorrow! 】

【Looking forward】

【Looking forward】

【Looking forward】


On the other hand, when Shen He and Yu Zhou arrived at the exhibition center, they found that someone was already preparing the venue for the signing event.

"Is it such a coincidence?" Yu Zhou frowned, seeing that other people's exhibitions had begun to proceed in an orderly manner, and everything was prepared.

"Hey, why is the title of this book so familiar?" Shen He stared at the title on the exhibition board, feeling familiar.

After pondering for a while, something flashed in his mind, Shen He suddenly remembered, turned his head to Yu Zhou and said, "It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia."

"What do you mean?" Yu Zhou was confused by Shen He.

"This signing is for Huang Sibi." Shen He stared at the exhibition board, opened and closed his mouth, and said calmly.

"..." The corners of Yu Zhou's mouth twitched, it was indeed that the road to Encounter was narrow.

"No one reads her book, so it's a waste to use such a big venue." Shen He frowned and couldn't help sighing.

She had also heard about Huang Sibi's reputation in the industry, so there wouldn't be many people who came to support the stage with a few poor fans. As for using such a big stage?

But this news still needs to be told to Shu Cheng.

Shen He took out his mobile phone and called Shu Cheng.

"Shu Cheng, I have some bad news for you." Shen He said.

Shu Cheng didn't make too much noise: "Say."

"The Strait Convention and Exhibition Center is occupied, who do you think is the other party?"

Shu Cheng rolled his eyes, his eyes as deep as a lake narrowed his eyes: "Are you going to tell me it's Huang Sibi?"

"Then you really guessed right." The corners of Shen He's mouth twitched, but Shu Cheng guessed right.

"Give me that place!" Shu Cheng opened a candy, chewed it handsomely a few times, a gloomy light flashed in his eyes, how could such a good place be taken by Huang Sibi!

"Isn't that right? They've come here long ago, should I move things out for them?" Several black lines were drawn on Shen He's forehead, this Shu Cheng must have really squeezed himself dry.

"What's the use of you?" Shu Cheng said lightly, he had to say a few words to be happy.

Shen He gave Shu Cheng a hard look on the other end of the phone: "You can do it."

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