Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

When the plane landed in Dongchuan, the fragrance of the earth came to the face.

The group took a deep breath. The iron in the soil here was slowly deposited through oxidation, gradually forming dazzling colors.

"It's finally here." The crew took a deep breath.

"This place is not bad." Shu Cheng, with her neat short hair fluttering in the wind, stood on a small hill and said to Rong Junyi beside her.

"This trip is the right time." Shu Cheng pursed his lips wantonly, with a hint of a smile in his deep and mellow voice.

They are standing on a small hillside at the moment, the setting sun is slowly setting down, shedding a burst of dim light, the smell of red land makes people inexplicably comfortable and peaceful, this place seems to have an inexplicable force pulling people's hearts, making them It tends to be stable and peaceful.

The people of the crew stood together and looked down at the land under their feet. This is probably the feeling of freedom that they yearn for.

Everyone stands in this place, with the warm wind blowing in front of them, and the gorgeous or desolate landscape behind them makes people feel refreshed.

To this day, the sound of reading in Tsinghua Academy is still loud, and the former site of Southwest Associated University attracts countless people to pay their respects. The old dragon tree on the red land of Dongchuan stands for a long time, guarding the villagers...

Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi found another way and sat on a rock not far away.

Shu Cheng was lazily leaning against the stone, biting a piece of dead grass that he didn't know where he pulled out in his mouth, and staring into the distance while biting his mouth.

Such pleasant time is not much, Shu Cheng decided to close his eyes and enjoy it.

Shu Cheng's head was resting on Rong Junyi's arm, his legs were crossed, and he seemed to enjoy it very much.

Rong Junyi looked at Shu Cheng dotingly, and let her rest on his numb arm, his sharp-edged face became much gentler at this moment.

The figures of the two people against the red land are magnificent.

Director Wang Yifang walked over with the cameraman, just in time to see Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi.

"This is beautiful." The photographer saw this scene, his eyes lit up, he raised his camera, and snapped a few shots, he couldn't help but marvel.

Such a beautiful place, coupled with two people with such good looks, is a rare beauty.

The beauty of people and beautiful scenery not only aroused the photographer's desire to take pictures, but Wang Yifang couldn't help raising the camera to take more pictures.

"Come on, go over and let them act as a model." Wang Yifang coughed lightly, and beckoned to the photographer.

They came in front of Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi and made a little noise. The two raised their heads. Shu Cheng lazily opened one eye. There was not much expression on his fair face. Only then did he notice the photographer and The director has already come in front of him.

"Shu Cheng, how about taking some photos for you?" Wang Yifang called out to Shu Cheng, her tone relaxed. This place made her tense nerves relax instantly.

Shu Cheng rolled his eyes in disdain, and then looked at Rong Junyi: "That depends on what my wife thinks."

Rong Junyi lowered his eyes, daughter-in-law? Forget it, give her a little face in front of so many people.

He didn't deny it, as if he hadn't heard it.

Rong Junyi said gentlemanly: "I can do anything."

"Shu Cheng, your family's Rongjunyi said it's okay, so you mean it too?" The photographer snickered, looking at Shu Cheng's appearance, he suddenly felt a little funny.

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