Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Although Shu Cheng is angry now, except for hacking methods, there is no definite evidence to prove which paparazzi it is. He will wait until Zhilian Media apologizes to him and the matter is settled, and Shu Cheng will stand up and say a few words.

For now, Shu Cheng decided to ignore this matter for the time being.

"What are you writing?" Rong Junyi saw that Shu Cheng was putting himself into it very seriously, and couldn't help but leaned over and took a look.

Shu Cheng narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "I plan to write a new book."


"You'll know when the time comes." Shu Cheng smiled wantonly, and said to Rong Junyi, looking very mysterious.

"..." Rong Jun was silent, he wasn't so curious that he wanted to ask, you just wanted to say it.

Suddenly a window popped up on Shu Cheng's computer.

It was a piece of news. Originally, Shu Cheng's temper would definitely click it, but this time, it turned out to be the news of Tsinghua University. Under the trend of curiosity, Shu Cheng clicked it.

[Z Department of National Defense Fraud: According to reports, recently a group of telecom fraud gangs pretended to be rich businessmen in Tsinghua University, and gave students some low-interest loans as bait to defraud students of money. According to statistics, 15 students have been deceived, and the amount of deception ranges from 500 to 5,000. The police are still investigating the case further. I hope that students will pay attention to it. If you need a loan, please choose a reliable method with the knowledge of your parents. I also hope that students will keep their eyes open and not be dazzled by the small benefits in front of them. 】

Seeing this news, Shu Cheng's pupils tightened, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which flashed past, making it unreal.

What appeared in her mind now was the scene of Guan Yufei squatting on the ground with a can in frustration.

Among the fifteen victims mentioned in this report, one should be Guan Yufei.


Inside the Tsinghua campus, the cool breeze blows. Even though it is the weekend, the campus is still busy.

Lu Xiao also saw the report. He frowned and came to Guan Yufei.

Seeing that Guan Yufei's booth was empty, there was nothing left.

what happened? Is the business out of business?

When Lu Xiao was thinking about where to find Guan Yufei, he saw Guan Yufei's voice not far away. He was drinking Coke and seemed to be planning to leave the can of Coke behind.

Lu Xiao rushed up, smiled at Guan Yufei and said, "Boy, did the report say you were cheated?"

"No." Guan Yufei raised his head and said with his head sideways.

"Oh? Really? Don't play dumb for me. According to reports, 15 students in our school who took out loans were cheated. Didn't you take out loans a while ago? And you also need to give a deposit." Lu Xiao looked at Guan Yufei's eyes, not very nervous, thinking that if it was a few thousand dollars, it was nothing to a family like Guan Yufei's.

Sure enough, Guan Yufei's words confirmed Lu Xiao's thoughts.

He drank the last drop of Coke in the jar, stood up, and said to Lu Xiao, "I am not the fifteen cheated people you mentioned."

"So you haven't been cheated?" Lu Xiao looked at the other party in surprise, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, could it be that the person Guan Yufei knew really wanted to help Guan Yufei? I'm afraid it's impossible, when has this kid been reliable?

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