Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Why don't you know how to think about it when you're secretly afraid?" Shu Cheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the other person fiercely. Under the short black hair, there was a delicate and handsome face.

"Ah, I'm really sorry, I was just dazzled at the time. A small company just started, and what I want most is popularity. After the first sneak shot, you didn't make any movement, so I thought you didn't care about it. So I took more blatant candid shots." Mr. Zhang was on the point of crying, and quickly explained to Shu Cheng.

"Heh. If I don't give you a long memory, you don't know what to do and what not to do." Shu Cheng glanced at Mr. Zhang who was begging for mercy, and snorted coldly. He didn't feel that Mr. Zhang was pitiful at all. .

Mr. Zhang kept wiping off his cold sweat, and said to Shu Cheng: "Please, we are really a small company, please let us go once, we promise that we will never do this again, and we must appeal Everyone protects the privacy of celebrities."

Shu Cheng stroked her chin, thinking quietly. Actually, if she really thought about it, she didn't know how to punish this person, but perhaps, this person is still useful.

She rolled her eyes and said to that person, "It's okay if I let you go."

When Mr. Zhang heard what Shu Cheng said, he immediately opened his eyes, looked at Shu Cheng, and said, "Okay, okay. Tell me, no matter what you say, I will agree."

Shu Cheng hooked the corners of his lips, and said to Mr. Zhang unhurriedly: "Since you guys are so good at taking pictures, why don't you make an unannounced interview program. I will provide you with resources, and you will change it into a report column, and go unannounced to visit some black people." Small shops, maybe e-commerce scams or something.”

Mr. Zhang was stunned when he heard this suggestion, thinking that Shu Cheng would take revenge on him, but he didn't expect that he would indirectly find a new way out for his company.

He looked at Shu Cheng flattered, and then said excitedly, "Okay, okay, I'll do it! I'll do it! If you want me to make unannounced visits, I'll do so."

"Agreed so readily? Don't think about it anymore? It's not easy to do unannounced visits, and you will offend someone if you are not careful." Shu Cheng pursed his lips wantonly and said.

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Zhang was stunned and hesitated for a moment. This has already offended such a powerful person as Shu Cheng just now, if he offends an even more powerful person in the future, wouldn't it be even worse?

Shu Cheng seemed to have expected Mr. Zhang's reaction like this, smiled wickedly, then waved his hand smartly, giving Mr. Zhang a reassurance: "But I can tell you, as long as you give me a good If you do a good job in this program and expose some moths in the society, I can cover you and let your company run smoothly, and you don't have to worry about financial matters. But I only have one request."

When Mr. Zhang heard what Shu Cheng said, his eyes immediately glowed with brilliance. He looked at Shu Cheng excitedly, thinking that his luck was too good. He smiled and said, "Okay, tell me."

Shu Chengsi opened a candy and ate one, then said to Mr. Zhang unhurriedly: "That is to do this column well for me, and expose some negative energy as quickly and accurately as possible! If you can do this If so, I can invest in you well and help you make the show."

Hearing what Shu Cheng said, Mr. Zhang was not only excited, but also moved.

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