Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[Yeah, can the camera show more of Shu Cheng in the audience. 】

[Well, I also think this award is pretty good. I feel that the male god has a general feeling about this award, but I really can't hold back what to say, so I can only say so. 】

[Wow, how can there be such a maverick person on this planet, a young girl is jumping for joy. 】


Shu Cheng sat on the seat, lazily leaning on his mobile phone.

Finally, the awards ceremony was over, and the last link was that the award-winning guests on the scene began to take photos together on stage.

Shu Cheng walked to the center of the stage step by step with his slender legs.

After everyone stood in their positions, the camera took several consecutive shots, and then announced the end.

The crowd dispersed, Shu Cheng pursed her thin lips, and walked out of the awards ceremony.

Bring the trophy back to rs studio.

Zheng Yi and Yu Zhou looked at the trophy, their eyes lit up, and then asked Shu Cheng where the prize money had gone.

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows wantonly: "Anyway, I won't come to your place."

"Ah? Then what are you going to do with this bonus? Don't you just give it to us, or take it out to treat us to dinner?" Yu Zhou was an actor, and began to look at Shu Cheng pitifully. will drip.

With this acting skill, Shu Cheng looked at her with several black lines drawn on his face.

After being silent for a while, Shu Cheng said casually, "I handed everything over to the Red Cross."

"Have they all been donated?" Zheng Yi's eyes widened in shock.

Shu Cheng nodded in disbelief.

"It's really self-willed to be rich." Shen He raised his head and sighed.

"Well, since we donated it, why don't we sell the trophy, maybe it's still worth a little money." Yu Zhou rolled his eyes and got the idea of ​​the trophy.

Shu Cheng glanced helplessly at the group of poor ghosts, and gave them a blank look: "Look at how you are like wolves and tigers. Can you be more reserved and calm?"

Shu Cheng couldn't help complaining, there was not much expression in her pitch-black eyes, making it impossible to see what she was thinking.

However, at this time, Shen He, who was looking at the mobile phone, suddenly frowned, glanced at Shu Cheng lightly, walked up to Shu Cheng, and handed the mobile phone in front of him: "Look! look at this."

Shu Cheng looked at Shen He's appearance, frowned, and took the phone.

The first trending search is impressively written - "Shu Cheng C Position"

After clicking in, it was clearly a photo of me at the awards ceremony, and I was indeed standing in the middle position. It was originally a random position, but it was deliberately interpreted by someone.

It is really impolite to say that Shu Cheng is deliberately grabbing the C position, and there are many seniors with better qualifications than Shu Cheng.

Shu Cheng's slender fingers slid the phone screen lightly, leaning lazily on the sofa, the corners of his mouth still showed a sinister arc, he didn't have much expression, and he didn't seem to want to get angry.

Zheng Yi and Yu Zhou knew that something must have happened just after seeing Shen He's serious look. They stopped what they were holding, opened the hot search, and yelled loudly after seeing the content. "This is clearly someone's malicious interpretation!"

Inexplicable sunspots began to appear on the Internet, constantly expanding things.

Shu Cheng's fans began to maintain all kinds of maintenance, and fought with the sunspots. As Shu Cheng's fans, they would not allow anyone to slander their male gods, and they actually enjoyed this kind of scolding battle, so there was no need to use foul words It feels really cool to be able to piss people off.

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