The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 954 Adding a new chapter

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Wu Yufeng glanced at Shu Cheng indifferently, frowned, and said in distaste: "Why can Shu Cheng teach me? You don't want to find an old senior to teach me, so how can you just find someone so casually?" thing."

Shu Cheng listened to the other party's words, and sneered from the bottom of his heart, since the other party was so rude, there were times when he was crying later.

Wang Yifang glanced at Shu Cheng in embarrassment, never expecting Wu Yufeng to speak so freely, but fortunately, Shu Cheng didn't have too much resentment flashing across his face.

Wang Yifang's tone became a little harsher: "Wu Yufeng, when your father sent you to the crew, he said that you must make this movie well. If you don't listen now, I can only tell you about these things." Give the revs to your dad."

Wu Yufeng bared sarcastically, except to threaten himself with this matter, there is nothing else.

Even if he told Wu Yufeng his father, he would not be fired from the crew, but he would still be verbally abused when he returned home.

Wu Yufeng frowned when he thought that he might be nagged when he went home.

He waved his hand: "All right, all right, stop talking nonsense, let's start quickly."

"Okay, then let Shu Cheng teach you." Wang Yifang nodded, then turned and left, ready to start shooting.

"Go to the middle over there, and then squat down." Shu Cheng slightly raised his eyebrows, and said to Wu Yufeng.

Although Wu Yufeng was very unwilling to ask Shu Cheng to teach him, he still remembered what Wang Yifang said just now, and followed what Shu Cheng said, and came to the middle of the venue.

Crouch down.

With a sly smile on Shu Cheng's face, he said to Wu Yufeng, "Then stretch out your hand and hang it in the air, don't let it go yet."

Wu Yufeng hesitated, feeling that this posture was a bit strange, frowning and asking displeasedly: "What are you doing all this for?"

Shu Cheng?? The young man tilted his head, his dark eyes under the black hair shrugged with a smile, and the red earring on his left ear emitted a dark red light, and he said to him: "This is me. It’s an original way to relax before the show, you do what I say, and you can get into the state soon after a while.”

Wu Yufeng gave Shu Cheng a suspicious look, and found that Shu Cheng's face was serious, so he believed it.

Then he continued to do what Shu Cheng said, and stretched out his hand.

Then, Shu Cheng continued to speak: "Then, stick out your tongue and take a few breaths."

Wu Yufeng didn't think too much, just followed what Shu Cheng said.

However, when he made this move, the whole crew laughed.

The uproarious laughter brought Wu Yufeng back to his senses, and he suddenly thought, doesn't he look like a dog now?

Shu Cheng crossed his arms and looked at the other party condescendingly.

She smiled arrogantly and evilly, provoking the other party unrestrainedly, with no fear in her eyes.

Wu Yufeng stood up quickly, staring at Shu Cheng fiercely, with strong anger exuding from his whole body: "Damn it! How dare you play me!!"

"It's you who is playing tricks." Shu Cheng's body was straight, and there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes as deep as a lake. She just couldn't understand Wu Yufeng's behavior. If he didn't teach him a lesson, he would really I thought that no one could do anything to him.

"I think you don't want to mess around anymore! Do you know who my father is? You dare to provoke me?" Wu Yufeng became angry and shouted fiercely, clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his face burst out of anger , He has been pampered since he was a child, and he has never been angered like this.

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