The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 966 Movie Theme Song (Fourth Update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The other party looked forward to it, and looked at Shu Cheng with some embarrassment: "Shu Cheng, we hope that you can give us some suggestions for the theme song of this movie."

Shu Cheng's creative strength is obvious to all in the music industry, but Shu Cheng is still busy with acting and composing songs, so he may not have enough time.

"Give me some advice?" Shu Cheng asked.

"Yes, I just want to ask you to give me some advice. What kind of music should be used for this song, and what kind of musical instrument should be used for accompaniment would be better integrated into the movie." The other party looked at Shu Cheng and gestured with his hands.

Shu Cheng's deep eyes shone with dazzling light, she raised the corners of her lips, and opened her thin lips lightly: "Why don't you leave this song to me?"

"Is it true?" Everyone was still in disbelief, they never thought that Shu Cheng would volunteer to write a song.

Shu Cheng nodded in disbelief: "Yeah."

"Okay, okay." Everyone became excited.

If Shu Cheng were to compose this song, the effect would definitely be nothing to speak of.

"But in terms of time, do you have no problem?" Someone asked suddenly at this moment.

Shu Cheng laughed, "Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem."


This time it was decided to use piano accompaniment.

Shu Cheng took the stave and wrote and drew. It didn't take long before the approximate track of a song came out.

Shu Cheng's music style is as free and easy as her person, and the arbitrary conversion of treble and bass is very charming. The whole song of "Wuwen Xidong" is about four minutes long, with a somewhat ethereal and profound flavor. It also confirms the theme of "Wuwen Xidong", the collision of time and life, the blending of era and characters, under the "confrontation", complete a fit-courage and fearlessness, stand upright and stand up, Wuwen Xidong.

Shu Cheng sent a small clip to the crew.

The result surprised everyone in an instant.

In the crew of "Wuwen Xidong".

[I'll go, this sounds too good! It's the sounds of nature. 】

【awesome! It only took one day to complete such a good composition. Shu Cheng. What on earth is your brain made of to be so successful no matter what you do. 】

[This song will definitely be popular. And it sounds very theme-substituting! I like it! 】

【I'm looking forward to the lyrics part! If the two are combined, it is estimated that it will be perfect. 】

[I, a person who doesn't understand music, think it sounds good, this song is very stable. 】

【awesome! 】

[The song is a bit ethereal, the high and low sounds are well coordinated, and the tune is also very special, not popular, but also in line with the depth of our movie. No matter how you listen, you are indeed talented! This song will definitely be a hit, and it feels like it adds a lot to the whole movie. 】

[When will the whole song be released, can we listen to it first? Looking forward to it! 】


Shu Cheng looked at everyone's comments on this word arrogantly and confidently, and the corners of his lips curled up.

Next, it's time to write the lyrics.

In fact, writing lyrics is easier than composing music.

Moreover, he has been filming a scene in the crew for a while, and Shu Cheng feels that he has a deep understanding of the plot. She began to search for all the things about the movie in her mind, and then after putting together and adding her own things, the inspiration slowly came to her mind.

Shu Cheng "swish, swish, swish -" began to write lyrics for the song according to the stave on the paper.

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