The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 971: Starbucks (Part 1)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Too much, really too much.

Whether these companies can be selected by themselves, don't you have a clue in your heart?

Also keep throwing profiles like crazy.



It's obviously increasing your workload.

Shen He sat aside and watched Zheng Yi's hard work, silently reflecting on himself in his heart, it was really unkind.

But looking at the mountain of documents in a blink of an eye, Shen He pursed his lips, letting the guilt in his heart torment him, it was better than letting the pile of documents torment him.

Finally, as time passed day by day, Zheng Yi finally raised his head from the mountain of documents. With huge dark circles under his eyes, he was sure that he had notified all the shortlisted companies in place, and he slumped on the sofa.

This day is simply not human.

Zheng Yi felt that he had experienced a nightmare these days.

Shen He glanced at Zheng Yi distressedly. This kid has been tortured by himself a bit miserably these days. When he sees that he is on vacation, he will probably collapse.

Shen He secretly made up his mind to treat Zheng Yi to a big meal in two days to make up for his wounded heart.

She continued to deal with her own affairs, and then received a call from a stranger.

"Hello, Ms. Shen He, my name is Klaus, and I'm the person in charge of Starbucks in country Z, can I spare you a few minutes?" The man who called himself Klaus spoke to Shen in broken Chinese. and said.

Shen He frowned: "Well, tell me."

"Can we have an interview? I'll wait for you at the Starbucks downstairs in your company?" The other party's tone was very sincere.

Shen He also agreed.

Inside Starbucks.

Klaus was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He was tall and tall according to foreign standards. He had a beard, which didn't match the suit he was wearing. He seemed to be a wandering artist who started to engage in the real economy.

Shen He took a seat in front of him, and the other party shook hands with Shen He, and made a brief self-introduction.

"Miss Shen He, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful." The other party said with a smile, and the way he spoke Chinese was a little exaggerated, which made Shen He slightly uncomfortable.

Shen He frowned slightly, but did not answer his words.

He didn't feel embarrassed, and continued, "What would you like to drink?"

Shen He looked at the menu, raised his head again, and shook his head: "I don't drink coffee, I only drink tea."

"Okay." The other party didn't mind, spread his hands, and asked the waiter to serve Shen He a glass of boiled water.

"Mr. Claus, what do you want from me?" Shen He didn't like to beat around the bush, and didn't have time to play riddles with each other, hoping to get straight to the point.

"Since Ms. Shen and He are so forthright, then I'll say 'Smart people don't speak dark words', that's what the old Chinese saying goes." The other party took a sip of coffee, showing a very enjoyment expression, and said.

"En." Shen He nodded.

"To tell you the truth, we have been paying attention to the small island for a long time. Since Mr. Shu Cheng announced the construction of the small island, we have sent people to make an assessment. That place is a very good development area..." Klaus began to praise the island in various ways.

After talking for about a minute, seeing Shen He's really impatient expression, he slowly changed the topic to the serious business.

"I believe you know the popularity of our Starbucks in the world. It will inevitably bring traffic to the island after it settles in. It's just that we didn't expect that the request actually said that there can only be eight coffee shops on the island. We are shocked. gone."

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