The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 973 Recording Songs (Third Watch)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Let's hang him for a few days, then we will revoke the company's candidature at the bidding meeting." Shu Cheng said lazily.

"Then do you want to compensate me for the loss of my coffee shop?" Shen He said deliberately with the corners of his mouth hooked.

"Oh?" There was a hint of amusement in Shu Cheng's tone, "Do you need compensation?"

Shen He: "...No need."

In front of the boss, you still have to develop wretchedly.

"I'm going to hang up if I have nothing to do. I still have to sleep."

Then, Shu Cheng, once again, hung up the phone.

Shen He: "..."

Turning his head again, he saw Zheng Yi waiting for him to take him to dinner.


the other side.

Shu Cheng raised his voice for a few days, then went to the recording studio to report.

This recording studio is a mixing studio specially prepared for Shu Cheng. The decoration and acoustics are very particular.

The purpose is to make the song "Wuwen Xidong" more effective. After all, this song is a very important part of the film's early promotion.

In the past few days, Shu Cheng has slightly changed the lyrics and music to make it more perfect, and also adapted it more in line with his own voice characteristics.

When entering the recording studio, Wang Yifang greeted her.

"Shu Cheng, how are your preparations going? Is the recording ok today?" Wang Yifang pushed up her glasses, with sweat on her forehead, it was obvious that she was still preparing for field control just now.

Shu Cheng nodded: "No problem, we can start now."

Wang Yifang nodded and continued to arrange the situation in the arena.

Ten minutes later, everything is ready.

Shu Cheng put on the earphone and sang directly into the microphone without looking at the staff.

Her voice carried a kind of inborn ethereal, slowly flowing in the air, reaching the ears of those present, comfortable and pleasant to hear.

When I sang the line "Please let me sing loudly", the falsetto can be switched freely, which makes people get goosebumps all over.


The colleagues in the recording studio all showed shocked expressions. This singing skill is very difficult.

A singer without a certain level can't sing at all.

Several experienced tuners in the recording studio listened to Shu Cheng's singing and nodded to express their satisfaction. Such a voice is perfect and hardly requires much modification, which is really impressive.

The whole process was recorded only three times, and it passed perfectly.

And there was another time because everyone thought it sounded so good and wanted to listen to it again, and the other time was because Shu Cheng felt dissatisfied and asked to do it all over again, but ordinary people couldn't hear anything wrong at all. nice place.

Everyone: "..." Sure enough, powerful people have very high demands on themselves.

"Shu Cheng, you are a potential stock. You have such singing skills at a young age. If you keep practicing, it will be terrible." The tuner specially walked in front of Shu Cheng, hoping to have a good communication with him.

Shu Cheng nodded and smiled, showing his gentlemanliness and politeness: "Thank you, I will always insist on singing."

The tuner lamented that Shu Cheng was not as arrogant as the Internet said, and he was also very polite.

Shu Cheng muttered silently in his heart, thank you for having such a good vision.


"Well, there are not many young people like you now. If you continue to persevere, with your singing voice, you can even become a national-level singer." This tuner has served many singers at the National Center for the Performing Arts before. , the recognition of pitch can be said to be very high. When I hear Shu Cheng's voice, I feel that there is potential for development.

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