The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 976 Disqualification (six more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng took the microphone gracefully, his eyes glanced lazily over Klaus, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

"I'm here today, and I just want to say one thing." Shu Cheng's tone was calm, and he spoke unhurriedly, but it seemed to have a lingering aura that made people dare not ignore it.

The people at the scene seemed to be overwhelmed by Shu Cheng's aura, and fell silent for a while, waiting quietly for her to speak.

"I want to announce that Klaus will be disqualified from all Starbucks auctions." Shu Cheng's eyes moved to Klaus, and the micro-purchase was a bit playful.

There was an uproar at the scene.

"What? Why revoke? What happened?"

"Did Starbucks offend Shu Cheng? Why was it suddenly disqualified?"

"Seeing that Shu Cheng is not a person who avenges private revenge, Starbucks must have failed in some way!"

"Oh, I just said that the coffee they make is not very good at all. Why don't you come to our tea house, authentic Dahongpao, Tieguanyin, bergamot, everything you expect. Originally, their family's philosophy is not the same as Xiaodao's philosophy. the same."

"Looks like there's a good show to watch."


Klaus looked at Shu Cheng in shock, his face full of disbelief. He himself didn't understand why Shu Cheng would suddenly disqualify him?

Cold sweat broke out unconsciously on his forehead, suppressed by Shu Cheng's unique aura.

"Today's auction is based on the principle of fairness and justice. However, some people approached the person in charge of this auction with malicious intentions, bribed them, and wanted to operate in secret. I am absolutely ashamed of such a shameful thing. It won't be allowed to happen. At this moment, it's also to expose the truth of this matter in front of everyone." Shu Cheng said every word, his voice was light and there seemed to be a smile.

"What? Shen He actually told Shu Cheng about this?" Klaus's eyes were full of shock, and his whole body was shaking.

"However, everyone at the scene is very conscious. So far, only one such enterprise has emerged. I believe that under your management, the island will become better and better. If some merchants with ulterior motives are allowed to settle in , even if it brings in traffic, the effect will only be counterproductive.” Shu Cheng’s mouth curled into an evil curve, and he looked very chic and handsome while holding the microphone, and continued, “The integrity and values ​​of an enterprise determine the success of an enterprise. Destiny and future, if you can't even do the most basic, I don't think I'm qualified to settle in my small island."

After Shu Cheng finished speaking, there was bursts of warm applause at the scene.

Everyone looked at Shu Cheng with great admiration. Shu Cheng's success is not without reason. Such a foresight is unmatched by ordinary people.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were even more excited.

[The three views of male gods are the most upright ones I have ever seen, what they say makes sense, is domineering, and is so handsome. 】

[Aww! Crazy CALL for the male god! 】

[That's really good, if a company lacks integrity in its development, how can it serve customers better, let alone a catering industry, it's really shameful to think of using such heresy. 】

[The male god is really handsome when he is serious! ! But I still like the one who sang "The Man Who Feels Cute", lol. 】


While everyone was excited, only Klaus stood where he was, receiving all the gazes from Ling Chi.

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