The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 980 Variety Show (Part 2)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Then tomorrow night, can our director visit your studio in person?" the other party said.

"Yes." Shu Cheng answered bluntly.

After hanging up the phone, Shu Cheng began to look up the information about the variety show "The Amazing Race".

Only then did I know that "The Extreme" is a trump card variety show. The first season of the show was a dark horse in the variety show and achieved a counterattack in ratings. The mainstream media reported it one after another, and the show's reputation was overwhelming.

So is it time to start the second season?

Shu Cheng glanced casually at the results of the previous season.

The entire game is divided into several stages, and the last player in the elimination stage is eliminated until the last three pairs of players complete the final duel.

Each team must follow the route information guidance given by the producer and complete the prescribed tasks in the schedule.

In the program, it also pioneered settings such as resurrection cards, kick-offs, and group confrontation points competitions.


A wicked smile curled up on the corner of the boy's lips, let's go and have fun without filming.

Just at this time, Rong Junyi came over and saw the boy's appearance: "What are you thinking?"

His voice is deep and magnetic, with an inexplicable sense of calm and security.

Shu Cheng turned his head sideways, looked at the man's appearance, snapped his fingers, and whistled hooliganically: "Handsome."

Immediately, he regained his seriousness, and said to Rong Junyi: "A variety show sent me an invitation, asking me to participate, and I plan to go."

"What kind of variety show?" Rong Junyi looked at the radiance on the boy's face, and seemed to be looking forward to it.

"A challenge program, in a team of two." Shu Cheng replied unhurriedly with the corners of his lips raised.

"You want to go?" Rong Junyi squinted his eyes to examine the boy's expression.

The boy nodded: "Of course!"

Rong Junyi: "The reason."

Shu Cheng is serious: "Serve the people!"

Rong Junyi: "The reason."

Shu Cheng is still serious: "Contribute to building a harmonious socialist society!"

Rong Junyi chuckled, "To tell the truth."

Shu Cheng shrugged: "Stick to the road of socialism!"

Rong Junyi's voice was tinged with danger: "Recently, it has become more and more skinny."

Shu Cheng flickered his big eyes, pretended to be innocent, and wanted to hook up with a cute girl, can it be said?


The next day, Shu Cheng looked at the thick dark circles under his eyes, covered them up a little, and went out (experienced by himself)

Arriving at the studio, the director of "The Extreme" has already appeared at the door of the RS studio and is waiting.

Yu Zhou is receiving Shu Cheng.

Seeing Shu Cheng arrived, both of them stood up.

"Shu Cheng, this is the director of the "Extreme Speed" column. He said he had an appointment with you yesterday and wanted to talk to you." Yu Zhou stood up, looked at Shu Cheng, and said.

Shu Cheng nodded and turned his head sideways, with a faint smile on Xie Si's face, but the smile was bottomless, making it hard to see what she was thinking.

"Well, we already contacted yesterday." Shu Cheng said unhurriedly.

"Hello, I'm Zhu Minrui, the director of this season's "The Extreme". Mr. Shu Cheng, I've known you for a long time." Zhu Minrui stretched out a hand and said politely.

Shu Cheng also stretched out his hand, and shook the other person back: "Hi, I'm Shu Cheng."

Shu Cheng's voice was not loud, and while speaking, he also took a look at the director by the way.

The other party is nearly middle-aged, about 1.8 meters tall, with slightly long hair, a big man, casually wearing a dark blue T-shirt, sneakers, it seems that he usually does sports often, and seems to have the demeanor of an artist , Talking and writing Hong Kong Pu does not seem to be an inland person.

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