Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"In the future, without my permission, you are not allowed to rush to such a dangerous place to save people." Rong Junyi's heart unconsciously tugged at the thought of Shu Cheng standing in such a dangerous place just now.

"Don't worry about my skills."

"I'm worried!" Rong Junyi said domineeringly, he could not allow Shu Cheng to be in such danger again.

"Daughter-in-law, you care about my appearance, so handsome." Shu Cheng squinted his eyes, and his handsome short hair fluttered against the wind a few times, trying to divert the man's attention.

Rong Junyi's face was still dark, not very good-looking.

In fact, Shu Cheng was also a little scared in his heart, this kind of thing happened more than once or twice, if things go on like this, something big will happen.

Time passed by, because of the help of Rong Junyi's subordinates, the rescue operation was accelerated a lot, and the fire brigade also rushed to help. When Liu Ting'er and Zhang Qianbo were rescued, they were in a coma. It seemed to be more serious, probably because Liu Ting'er was protected during the accident, and her head was covered with blood.

The condition of the remaining three group performers is not serious, most of them are just skin trauma.

In such a situation, Shu Cheng couldn't help much, and there was no medical equipment around him.

"Rong Junyi, go to the hospital." Shu Cheng took Rong Junyi's hand and walked forward.

The man immediately stepped forward, protected Shu Cheng with his tall and muscular body, and led him towards the hospital.

After the preliminary examination results came out, it was determined that Zhang Qianbo had a moderate concussion, and his condition was not particularly good. Liu Tinger had a mild concussion, with only skin trauma on her hands and feet, and she could be discharged from the hospital after a period of observation.

Rong Junyi used his contacts to arrange the best wards and attending physicians for Liu Tinger and Zhang Qianbo, and ordered that the two of them must be cured, otherwise the doctor would leave.

Of course, this is just an appearance to the outside world, with Shu Cheng around.

Shu Cheng's confidence in herself far exceeds that of the people in this hospital, but the people in the hospital don't trust her, but there is no way, Rong Junyi has money and power.

Shu Cheng was able to intervene in these matters.

She looked at the situation of Zhang Qianbo and Liu Ting'er, and made a disease analysis plan for them. The precautions and professionalism of these days made the doctors in the hospital amazed.

"What?! The boy can also be medical?! Still so awesome? Relying on pulse diagnosis?"

When he left, Shu Cheng's deep eyes were filled with a somewhat obscure gloomy light.


Two days later, Liu Ting'er recovered smoothly. After various strict index checks in the hospital, it was confirmed that her brain was fine.

But after Liu Ting'er recovered, she stayed in front of Zhang Qianbo's ward almost every day, refusing to listen to anyone's persuasion, and kept waiting for Zhang Qianbo to be out of danger. She felt uncomfortable and blamed herself.

If Zhang Qianbo hadn't pounced on him to protect him at the moment when the house collapsed, maybe everything wouldn't have turned so bad. Liu Ting'er would rather be the one lying in the ward. It seems that from her appearance to now, Zhang Qianbo has been Get hurt, and every time you get hurt, you protect yourself.

Liu Ting'er couldn't help but wondered if it was because of herself that Zhang Qianbo had brought these bad luck.

Now she can only endure the torment in her heart silently, and her tenacious will supports her from falling down.

She must wait for news of Zhang Qianbo's safety.

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