Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Is there something wrong with you two?" Shu Cheng's eyes were scrutinizing, seeing the way the two of them sang together, he felt that things seemed not so simple.

"Ah?" Shen He changed his usual aloof demeanor, and when asked by Shu Cheng, he blushed a little.

"We don't understand what you said." Zheng Yi also stood up at this time, with a smile on his face.

Shu Cheng took a look at the situation of the two of them, and immediately understood. He was 100% sure in his heart that these two people must have made new progress during the few days of vacation.

Shen He gave Zheng Yi a hard look.

Now it's all right, surely nothing can be hidden from Shu Cheng.

"Be lenient when confessing and be strict when resisting." Shu Cheng was not in a hurry to start filming the MV, so he sat down at a random place and looked at the two of them.

"Why don't we recruit?" Zheng Yi looked at Shu Cheng, and looked at Shen He in embarrassment.

Shen He pursed his thin lips, still thinking about confronting Shu Cheng for a while. She said coldly: "Knowing too much is not good for you."

"I know you two needless to say, but my wife and I have fed you too much dog food. Finally, you can't think about it and plan to be together." Shu Cheng looked at the two of them, squinting his eyes, with an expression on his face. There is a bit of playfulness in it.

"You can't think about it!!" Shen He retorted excitedly.

As a result, the words had already been spoken, and I felt as if I had missed something.

damn it.

Hey, forget it, let's confess to Shu Cheng, otherwise, looking at him like this, he will definitely not let him go easily.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you the truth." Shen He sighed helplessly, then raised his head, glanced at Zheng Yi, "tell me."

Zheng Yi scratched his head and raised his eyebrows proudly: "Then I'll make a long story short. In fact, I took advantage of the ten-day vacation to successfully catch up with Shen He. Haha, now the two of us are no longer single. Yes! Among us, the only single dog is Yu Zhou."

A single dog, Yu Zhou, sneezed at the shooting base.

For the first time ever, Shen He's face was flushed with a faint pink.

"So that's how it is. Then Yu Zhou was miserable this time, it's kind of fun." Shu Cheng raised the corner of his mouth evilly, and a shrewd light flashed in his eyes.

Zheng Yi and Shen He glanced at each other, and suddenly apologized silently to Yu Zhou from the bottom of their hearts.

"But the two of you won't be as loving as my wife and I." Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows and spoke confidently, showing off in front of them very proudly.

Zheng Yi and Shen He didn't take it seriously, Zheng Yi snorted coldly: "The two of us are not just for nothing! We also know how to show affection!! If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

With that said, Zheng Yi is going to perform a show of affection with Shen He.

In the end, he was frightened back by Shen He's killing look, and quickly withdrew his hand.

Shu Cheng couldn't stop laughing at the side: "Is this what you call showing affection???"

Zheng Yi petrified in the same place, why is there such a big gap between other people's daughter-in-law and his own daughter-in-law!

Unbalanced, so unbalanced!

Zheng Yi wailed.

In the end, the three of them had enough teasing, and finally entered the official theme, shooting the MV.

In order to ensure the quality of the video, rs Studio invited the top shooting team and used the most high-end equipment in the world. As for Shu Cheng...

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