Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Immediately afterwards, Rong Junyi hung up the phone hastily.

"Pfft!" Shu Cheng laughed loudly, if it was as expected, her daughter-in-law must have taken a cold shower by now.

On the other side, Rong Junyi, after putting down his phone, walked into the bathroom, and the sound of water began to come from the bathroom.

He pursed his thin lips, thinking that when Shu Cheng came back, he would definitely take care of her.


That night, the crew of "The Extremely Fast" made an official announcement.

[Extreme Speed ​​V: We have invited our national male god-Shu Cheng on this show. Do please look forward to. 】

In an instant, the vbo exploded underneath.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,I heard some amazing news! The male god hid it too well, so he secretly came to participate in this show. 】

[I've watched the first season of "The Extremely Fast Forward", and none of the missions I challenged are for nothing! ! 】

[The skill of the male god before is obvious to all. That's amazing. 】

[I'm going to start chasing this season! For the male god! Decisively become a diehard fan of this variety show! 】

[Looking forward to it, when will it start broadcasting! ! 】

[Yeah, when will it start broadcasting! 】

[Ask about the broadcast time! 】


Early the next morning, Shu Cheng put on a black sportswear and went out. Wearing the sportswear on her body, she looked laid-back and full of scorn. It was so high that many girls were subdued by Shu Cheng's super good looks.

When we arrived at the shooting location, many people were already present.

The guests present all expressed surprise that they didn't see Shu Cheng yesterday.

"Wow, isn't that person Shu Cheng? So he also came to participate!"

"Then the first place is designated as him. I have seen his skills in other programs before."

"I feel that Shu Cheng is a little more handsome than what he saw on TV."

"All right, all right, don't be obsessed with other people's looks, this time they are our competitors. However, being the girl next to her is quite happy."

"Hmph, still talking about me, don't you want to team up with Shu Cheng..."


With one hand in his pocket, Shu Cheng walked in front of Chen Wen step by step, and the two stood side by side.

Shu Cheng's eyes casually glanced at the few people present. There were about ten guests this time, and they were all in groups of two or two. There were five groups in total. It's friends like Shu Cheng and Chen Wen.

But even though they are friends and partners, in fact, the two of them just met yesterday.

The tacit understanding value of the whole audience is probably only this pair with the lowest.

But Shu Cheng looked at the pair of girlfriends, the courage of the two girls to participate in this program is quite admirable.

Director Zhu Minrui saw that everyone was present, and shouted: "Okay! All departments will make the final confirmation!"

At the beginning, many people reported the situation to the director.

"The props group is ready!"

"The referee team is in place!"

"The camera is in place!"

"The host and guests are ready!"

The host is a person of Singaporean nationality. His Mandarin is not standard, but he still tries hard to speak well.

It was the first time that Shu Cheng saw a program choose to use such a host, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Then came the introduction of the host.

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