The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 110 I would rather be a human being than a god (please subscribe)

Chapter 110 I would rather be a human being than a god (please subscribe)

"You mean Asgardians?" Angelo raised his eyebrows at Gu Yi, "Shouldn't they be called aliens?"

Gu Yi was stunned, she didn't expect Angelo to know even the Asgardians.

So far, humans have never discovered Asgard and the nine planets, and even the existence of aliens is unknown to the public. The only place where aliens are suspected to exist publicly is the mysterious Ninth District in the United States.

Even, there are only a limited number of people on the earth who have come into contact with aliens, and even these few people don't even know the concept of the nine worlds!

"No!" Although he was surprised that Angelo knew about Asgard, Gu Yi still shook his head and said, "You are right, the people of Asgard are strictly speaking a branch of the Earth people , they went to Asgard from the earth, they just named themselves gods, they did not go the same way as the earth, even their god-king Odin is just an alien with great power .”

"Then what are you talking about?" This time it was Angelo's turn to be surprised.

He knew Thor was a big fool who could only yell, and he also knew that Loki was a rebellious and dutiful son. But now Gu Yi actually told him that those so-called protoss in Asgard were not gods at all?

"Do you know the difference between humans and gods?" Gu Yi took a deep look at An Qiluo, "It's faith! Reaching the level of true gods will connect a channel between gods and believers through faith. The power can be reflected on believers! The power of belief of believers can be absorbed by the gods."

A golden magical radiance appeared in Gu Yi's hand.

"The Mage Temple and my source of mana are similar to this. Although there are some differences, there is no difference in essence. My power comes from the Trinity Emperor Weishan. In other words, the mana I use is from other dimensions Weishandi's mana."

"Then what does this have to do with me or No. 1?" Angelo looked at Master Ancient One suspiciously.

He himself was not born as a professional mage, maybe his power is indeed very powerful, but he can be said to be completely ignorant of these theoretical knowledge of mysticism.

"An Qiluo, you have absorbed the rules of Lady Death, and now you have brought some divinity!" The Ancient One mage dropped a bombshell on Angelo, "You haven't noticed that Miss Number One recently Is there any difference?"

"Me? God?" Angelo was speechless. He pointed to his nose and said, "Master Ancient One, are you serious? One has indeed improved his physical fitness a bit too much recently, but I don't feel that there is any relationship between us." What kind of faith link channel."

"This is normal, you just absorbed part of the rules of Lady Death, you are not a complete god, maybe you can be called a demigod..."

In the next half an hour or so, Master Gu Yi explained to An Qiluo a lot of knowledge about mysticism that An Qiluo had never heard before, allowing An Qiluo to have some understanding of his current situation.

Generally speaking, the real gods will connect with the believers through the channel of faith, and project their own power on the believers.

The degree of devotion of believers to the belief in gods will affect the quality of this belief channel. The higher the quality of the belief channel, the stronger the power projected by the gods on believers.

In other words, the more you believe in a certain god, the stronger you are! If it reaches the level of a fanatic, the gods can even descend on the believer!

It's called a god drop!

According to the fanaticism of No. 1 and others for his belief, the rapid improvement of No. 1 and others' physical fitness can also be explained.

As for why An Qiluo couldn't feel the connection between himself and No. 1 and others, it was entirely because the death rules he had absorbed were not complete, and he was not a complete god, so he could only passively project the power of his body to others. No. 1 and others cannot actively transmit power!

And the power projected by this part is very little, so An Qiluo can't feel it. Otherwise, according to the degree of No. 1 and their fanatics, Angelo will descend on No. 1 and the others through the channel of faith at any time.

As for the energy of faith... In the words of Master Gu Yi, it is used to transform the kingdom of God—or to create a dimension suitable for gods to live in. Angelo is not a complete god, he can only Passively transform the environment in which he lives.

It is the church today, and the church already has a taste of the kingdom of God! The ancient mage can't open the portal in the church at all, and can't display the scene space in the church. If he wants to release magic in the church without the permission of the master, Angelo, he can only break Angelo from the outside first. Only the Kingdom of God can do it.

"Did I really become a god?" Angelo looked at the church, which is the comprehensive confession center in Hell's Kitchen, dumbfounded. "Which god's kingdom is like this? One-stop catering and confession services? It's just a bath !"

"If you don't like this place, you can choose another place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and you can even rule the world. Anyway, you already have nine fanatics now." The Ancient One said, staring at Angelo. "It is not difficult for you to come to transform the Kingdom of God."

Angelo shook his head with a smile and refused, "Forget it, I'm more used to being a human being than a god."

Compared with being aloof as a god, Angelo still prefers the fireworks in the world,

As for the nine fanatics... Maybe for other gods, fanatics are a resource they dream of, but for An Qiluo, I am afraid that the degree of trouble is a little bit more. There is a person standing next to you and watching you eat enthusiastically, and you will feel annoyed.

After knowing that he has gained divinity, the only difference for An Qiluo is that he knows that he can absorb the rules of death and become stronger. Maybe he can resurrect a few people in the future, and maybe he can also enforce the law against Lady Death.

The death rules that Ms. Death relies on are useless to Angelo. Using the death rules of this universe to deal with the death rules from the dark world is undoubtedly beheading the officials of this dynasty with the sword of the previous dynasty. That Ms. Death and a weak chicken Is there any big difference between skeleton soldiers?

Hearing what An Qiluo said, Gu Yi also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's great that An Qiluo doesn't have the idea of ​​ruling the world. If An Qiluo really wants to rule the world, Gu Yi can't stop him at all. The reason is very simple, because...he can't beat it at all.

Before absorbing the rules of death, whether she could beat An Qiluo was unknown, and after absorbing the rules of death, she couldn't even beat him.

Even if Gu Yi has now found a way to steal Dormammu's mana through the "Book of Darkness", it won't work, at most he can withstand two more attacks.

Gu Yi didn't have the power of rules at all, and no matter how much mana he had, he couldn't hurt An Qiluo who had the power of rules—even if the power of rules on An Qiluo wasn't a complete death rule.

While the two were chatting, Steve, who was supposed to be back, didn't come back, but Stark, who was supposed to be busy, landed on the door of the church with his steel armor amidst a burst of deafening rock music!

Today's first update, there will be more in a while

Thank you Chenxing v1 boss for the 100 starting point coins~

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