The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 113 Smartphone Plan (for Subscription)

Chapter 113 Smartphone Plan (for Subscription)

What Stark thought Angelo didn't know.

For the time being, there is no target to be resurrected in the matter of catching the dead lady. Simply, Angelo is not in a hurry. He simply waits for Steve to come back and ask him if there is anyone who wants to be resurrected.

For the resurrection, it is impossible to go to the hospital morgue and just pull a dead body to be resurrected. In case of resurrecting a person with a dark mind, the enhancement of An Qiluo's passive skills alone can bring countless benefits to An Qiluo. trouble.

"An Qiluo, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." The Ancient One mage stood up and said to An Qiluo.

"Master Gu Yi, why don't you stay and have a meal before you leave?" An Qiluo was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry to bother you all this time."

"No, your appearance made me have a different view on some future things, and I have to deal with it." Gu Yi smiled indifferently, and she glanced at An Qiluo meaningfully, "If You really want to thank me, and I hope you can promise me that you will stand up when there is a crisis on Earth or the Mage Temple."

"Of course!" Angelo agreed without thinking.

If Master Gu Yi had asked him like this from the beginning, An Qiluo would definitely not agree. Moral kidnapping is always so uncomfortable, but Master Gu Yi has been helping him unconditionally from the beginning to now. An Qiluo couldn't refuse the request of the Ancient One mage.

"That's good, then I'm leaving now. If you have time, you can come to the Mage Temple in New York for a walk." The Ancient One smiled and walked to the door, summoning a teleportation with golden sparks in the air The door collapsed in one step, and Angelo saw that the other side of the portal did not seem to be the Himalayan snow-capped mountains, but a bizarre scene!

After the golden light completely disappeared into the air, An Qiluo slapped his thigh.

Depend on! Forgot to ask for contact information again!

Ancient One Mage! wait! You didn't say where the Mage Temple in New York is!


Angelo and Stark returned to the church and saw Stark sitting there in a daze, he walked up and patted Stark on the shoulder, "Hey! Dude! What's wrong? Last time Didn’t you meet Ancient One Mage in Afghanistan?”

Stark came back to his senses at this time, he forced a smile, "No, it's nothing."

Seeing his expression, Angelo could probably understand what was going on. Although Stark never said anything, he was always brooding over the death of his parents.

When Angelo talked about the resurrection today, it was inevitable that Stark would not think of his parents.

Outsiders can't persuade this kind of thing, and Stark doesn't need to be persuaded, all he needs is to relax himself.

Angelo patted him on the shoulder and said, "Dude! Be happy, life always has to go on, doesn't it? If you really need to revive someone, just come and I'll be there Here, you know."

"Well, I know, man, I'm fine. Thank you." Stark pulled himself together.

"Aren't we friends?" Angelo smiled, got up and poured another cup of coffee for Stark himself. "I had a new idea recently, and I thought we could talk about it."

Next, Angelo chatted with Stark about his ideas about smartphones. As for Steve Rogers, who has not returned yet, Angelo is not worried at all.

You think the name of the 50-50 opening in the United States is for nothing? At least Steve Rogers is unlikely to be in any danger in the United States. If there is any trouble, I believe Steve will call himself.


It wasn't until the afternoon when it was almost dinner time that Steve parked outside the church on a motorcycle with a very tough guy style.

An Qiluo just finished chatting with Stark about the functions of mobile phones in his previous life. For Stark, the functions of these so-called smart phones mentioned by An Qiluo are not smart at all, and they can be done easily. arrive.

"Dude, does your idea really work?" Stark fiddled with the phone, "This thing is too cheap, I think we can add some more functions, such as implanting Jarvis's program into it. That's real artificial intelligence."

Angelo shook his head when he heard the words, "No, buddy, these functions are enough, at least for mobile phones. We want everyone in the world to use Stark mobile phones."

Stark looked at Steve who came in from the outside, and shook the mobile phone in his hand, "Hey! Steve, I brought you the latest mobile phone, throw away your old antique !"

Steve had a strange expression on his face. He took the mobile phone handed over by Stark and thanked him. He didn't fiddle with it, but looked at Angelo, "Angelo, Nick Fury looked for Me. He said he wanted to form a special team, but I said no."

Only then did Angelo realize that it was Nick Fury who found Steve after he had been out for so long. Thinking about it, Nick Fury didn't dare to show up at the church, so he was looking for Steve when he was going to check out the rent. On Steve's?

"Special team?" Stark also came over interested, "What kind of special team, is there any enemy that can't be dealt with, I am enough, of course, except for dealing with Angelo."

Angelo glanced at Stark with contempt. Ever since he announced that he was Iron Man, Stark has been very embarrassing. As if he was already invincible, he even tried to invite An Qiluo to a duel.

Of course, when the two of them were discussing, Little Gal, who was in class in the backyard, unsurprisingly pushed Hulk out of Dr. Banner's body, and Stark witnessed a scene where the Iron Golem armor beat Hulk violently After the daily routine, he was very tactful and never proposed to fight An Qiluo one-on-one.

nonsense! I have a battle armor, and An Qiluo also has a battle armor. It seems that An Qiluo's battle armor is stronger than his own, so naturally he can't ask for trouble.

"I didn't say what my name was, but I refused. I'm tired and I should retire." Steve shook his head.

Having said that, Angelo knew that, according to Steve's character, if he knew that the Hydra he spent the first half of his life devoted to eradicating, it would be a joke. Now that he has become the largest shareholder of S.H.I.E.L.D. His shield, go find Hydra desperately.

But Angelo didn't mean to point it out, he didn't like Nick Fury's black corned egg, that black corned egg was always used to taking advantage of everyone, even if Steve wanted to carry the shield again to face Hydra crisis, that cannot be in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"Hey, Steve! You're almost a hundred years old! Can you still move?" Stark still whispered beside him. "After I make you a new shield, let's try it!"

Angelo smiled and watched Stark provoke Steve to death, without any intention of stopping.

Steve squinted at the junior who needed to be beaten.

"I can fight all day! I don't need a shield, you don't wear that armor, or we try it now?"

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