The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 115 My name is Frank Castor

Chapter 115 My name is Frank Castor

When Angelo and Steve walked to the church hall, the two people in the hall were confronting each other.

With a red hood on his head and a slightly funny tights on his body, Matthew is confronting a person with his special blind cane.

Angelo saw the vulgar red hood on Matthew's head, which reminded him of the pervert he saw in an iron pot at night. If the atmosphere wasn't right now, he really wanted to ask Ma Xiu Xiu, is your aesthetics so vulgar?

Confronting Matthew was a man dressed in black, with a skull pattern printed on the black top. From the skin exposed on his arm, it seemed that this was a white male with a strong figure, but his face could not be seen clearly. His face was not hidden under a hood like Matthew's, but completely hidden in shadow.

"What's the situation?" Angelo asked after standing still at the stairs.

He didn't say Matthew's name directly, but he knew that Matthew would understand him.

But to his surprise, it was not Matthew who spoke first, but the white male who couldn't see his face clearly.

"I saw a few thieves entering the church. I was worried about what would happen to the church, so I followed in." The man's voice was hoarse, and there was a bone-chilling chill in his hoarseness.

An Qiluo raised his eyebrows, this man... so murderous!

Daredevil, Matthew, he knew, but the origin of this man did not seem simple.

"Who are you?" Angelo was not in a hurry to kill the other party. Since he was able to confront Daredevil and not be at a disadvantage, at least he was definitely not an unknown person in Marvel.

"My name is Frank Castle." The man stepped out of the shadows.

At this time, An Qiluo finally saw his whole appearance, middle-aged, about 30 years old, with a serious expression, and there was no slight fluctuation in his eyes.

Even when looking at Angelo or Steve, the eyes seemed to be looking at a pile of dead pork pushed on the ground.

This is not the most conspicuous, the most conspicuous place is the head that this man named Frank is holding in his hand! Blood was dripping from the head to the ground.

"Tick tock, tick tock..." The sound of blood falling on the floor was especially clear in the silent night.

In the other hand of the man was a saw about half a meter long! From the looks of it, it seems to be a tool on the construction site!

Angelo could tell that although this man named Frank Castor was terrifyingly murderous, he seemed to have no malicious intentions. As for the head in his hand, An Qiluo didn't care that much. This is Hell's Kitchen, and it's inevitable that there will be thieves who have just debuted without opening their eyes. If they die, they deserve it.

"Dude, you've started recruiting accomplices, and he's holding your accomplices?" Angelo teased Matthew, who had been silent all this time.

"Angelo, this man in red is not my accomplice." Matthew tilted his head and said to Angelo, "I also heard that someone invaded here when I came here. I just ran into this guy when I came here."

"You've been monitoring here all the time?" Angelo frowned upon hearing this.

Now that Angelo, the real master, has come out, Matthew and Frank will naturally be unable to fight, but Angelo has thought of a problem. It seems that not only S.H.I.E.L.D. As far as I know, several groups of people have paid attention to this place, not including those forces hidden in the dark.

"You know, I can hear very far." Matthew's reaction was very interesting, he neither admitted nor denied.

He hasn't been seen in church for a long time since the last time Angelo said that to him, and there's nothing to know about him except that he runs a law firm , no one knows why he went there.

"Mr. Frank, what do you do?" Angelo turned to Frank and asked.

Frank first glanced at Steve who was standing behind Angelo. Steve's position completely blocked the loophole left by Angelo. If anyone wants to break through the stairs to the upper floor of the church, only Two choices, either defeat Angelo or defeat Steve.

"Mr. Angelo, I'm just a worker at the nearby construction site..." Frank didn't finish his sentence.

"An Qiluo, someone is here!" Matthew interrupted him.

Matthew's ears moved, and he heard a large number of extremely slight but extremely neat footsteps coming from the end of the street in the distance, which was in the direction of Brooklyn!


Footsteps were also heard on the stairs behind Angelo, and No. 1 appeared on the stairs with all the members of the Fighting Sisters fully dressed.

Now that No. 1 and others felt it, An Qiluo, whose mental strength was far beyond ordinary people, naturally also felt something strange.

Angelo frowned tightly. He glanced at the human head in Frank's hand. He thought it was just a few blind thieves who wanted to come to the church to play the autumn wind, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"No. 1, take someone to guard the doors and windows of the church." Angelo turned his head and gave orders to No. 1, and then said to several people in the hall, "If everyone wants to help, please help deal with the enemy. If you don't want to If not, hide in the church. As for the rest, we will talk about it later.”

Although Matthew and Angelo didn't think the same about some things, it was impossible for Matthew not to help. When Angelo spoke, he was already fiddling with the blind stick in his hand.

As for Frank, he and Steve looked at each other, and there was an atmosphere of competition between the two of them, which was the induction of the same kind! The blood of both sides carried the smell of gunpowder that would only be left on the battlefield, and only the same kind could smell it.

"Give me a gun if you can." Frank still said in Gujing Wubo's voice.

As for Steve, he trotted into the kitchen, rummaging through something.

Although he still doesn't know where Frank came from, Angelo is not a stingy person. With a wave of his hand, piles of weapons appeared on the ground.

From pistols to automatic rifles, sniper rifles and even two surface-to-air shoulder-fired missiles!

These are all the treasures he found with little Jiali in the hideout in Afghanistan. As for the ones in the church, No. 1 and others are holding weapons found in the warehouse in the backyard, which is a gift from Alexei.

Frank was picking and choosing among the pair of weapons on the ground, and Steve also came out of the kitchen at this time, and he had already picked up a round pot lid in his hand—if Angelo read it correctly, then It's the lid of the big pot that Uncle Long cooks...

"The shield is not here for now, so you can use this." Steve smiled at Angelo.

An Qiluo slapped his forehead, "Dude, your weapon is too horrible to look at. This guy seems to be unable to stop bullets. There are guns on the ground. You can pick two and deal with them first."

Speaking of which, An Qiluo turned his head to look at the pile of weapons behind him, wanting to grab two of them for Steve. Steve has experienced World War II, so it is impossible for him not to know how to use a gun.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't look back, if he turns around, he will be startled.

Excuse me! Good guy, in less than half a minute of talking to Steve, Frank has already finished his equipment, put on an ill-fitting bulletproof suit, covered his body with weapons from head to toe, and even There are two grenades on the waist!

This battle seems to be not about street fighting, but about capturing the White House and assassinating the president...

Man, we're not trying to assassinate the president! Why did you reach out to the surface-to-air missile on the ground again? ? ?

Five more today~

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