The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 117 Leave it to me

Chapter 117 Leave it to me

Under the crushing force of the crowd, the ninja in red who looked ferocious didn't last long at all.

Under the gunpoints of Angelo, Steve, and Frank, there was almost nothing left except fragments of optical cloaking.

The only survivors left were a ninja in red who was captured alive by Matthew and the ninja in red who was being tortured by Uncle Long with his leather stick.

"Shi は 杀 し て は い け な い!" In the end, the ninja in red who had been slapped in the face by Uncle Long couldn't bear it anymore, and raised his hand to strike.

It wasn't Uncle Long who slashed, but he stabbed directly into his stomach with a backhand.

"Pfft." After a muffled sound like farting, there was only one left alive...

"You all saw it, I didn't kill him! Why did he commit suicide!" Uncle Long turned his head to look at the crowd in a daze. Suicide?

"Also, who knows what he just said?"

An Qiluo looked at Uncle Long's hand, which seemed to be covered with some unknown solid leather, and couldn't help rolling his eyes quietly.

Anyone who gets slapped in the face by this kind of suspicious-smelling smack can't help but kill himself, right?

"He said that a soldier should not be humiliated." Frank said with a look of bitterness and hatred.

Angelo looked at Frank in surprise, "Do you still understand Japanese?"

Frank looked up, but didn't speak.

Steve on the side interjected, "I also know a little bit, I have dealt with them during World War II."

Even Matthew, who has never had a sense of presence, straightened his headgear, "I can understand a little bit."

"Uncle Long, fortunately you don't know how, otherwise I thought I was the only one who was uneducated." An Qiluo said to Uncle Long with a smile.

"Well, I really can't understand the words of these little... Japanese who live a good life, but I can speak French, Vietnamese and German." Uncle Long smiled and threw the leather stick in his hand back Then he turned his head and asked Steve, "The lid of the pot is not broken, is it? Then remember to put it back in the kitchen when you go back, and you will need it for cooking tomorrow morning."

He likes being with these young people very much, it always makes him forget some sad things, and gives him a sense of happiness to get along with his children and grandchildren again, even when they are fighting, father and son soldiers ~

Although, Steve's real age is much older than him...

Angelo: ... I am the least educated co-author?


A roar came from the corner of the street.

A huge green monster came running here with a loud rumbling noise.

This voice startled Angelo! It's not that he's afraid that Hulk will lose control, it's mainly that he's afraid that Hulk will come and smash the road surface on the street. There is no special municipal road repair department in Hell's Kitchen, and he has to repair it himself if it is smashed.

When he saw that Hulk raised his hand and was about to smash it, Angelo hurried forward to block Hulk, "Hey! Big guy, calm down! Calm down! Look at who is behind?"

At the same time, his heart also called for the steel stone demon armor that was guarding the house in the backyard of the church.

There was a whistling sound, and the steel stone demon armor stopped firmly behind Hulk.

The big Hulk looked at the steel stone demon armor behind him, then at the slightly older Angelo in front of him, hesitated again and again, and finally put down his raised fist lightly.

Only then did An Qiluo breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise the opponent's punch would have cost at least fifty thousand dollars.

Under the deterrence of the steel stone demon armor, Hulk's figure gradually shrank, and finally returned to Dr. Banner.

This made Frank, who had been on guard since Hulk appeared, finally couldn't hold back the expression on his face, and opened his mouth slightly in surprise.

The construction site is right next to the church. Naturally, he often sees this good-tempered Dr. Banner. He also knows that Dr. Banner is the tutor of Angelo's daughter. He once thought that if his son hadn't died If so, maybe he will also find a way to ask Dr. Banner to be his son's tutor, that brat's studies are simply terrible!

But unexpectedly, Dr. Banner could turn into this guy! If he remembers correctly, this is the Hulk Hulk who even the military sent out fighter jets in the urban area a while ago and couldn't deal with it! It turned out that Dr. Banner was still hiding in Angelo's church.

Thinking of his dead son, Frank couldn't help but feel a little sad, and he didn't have the heart to pay attention to what everyone said for a while.

Dr. Ethan came late at this time. He supported Dr. Banner, who was a little weak, and helped him put on a coat, "Angelo, what's the matter? Dr. Banner told me that he heard the gun Hey, are people from the military looking for trouble?"

Angelo laughed dumbfounded when he heard the words. It turned out that Dr. Banner was looking for someone who was worried about the military.

He didn't call these two doctors, after all, they weren't very powerful enemies. But even if people from the military come here, according to the speed at which they come to support, it’s all over. If you come here, it’s like the baby is dead and the milk is coming. The stock has risen and you know you can buy it.

Even though he thought so, Dr. Banner had good intentions after all, and he didn't like to pour cold water on him, "No, I don't know what's going on, so without saying a word, a group of lunatics in red clothes came, rushed up and chopped them down. "

As he said that, Angelo took the red-clothed ninja who was tied up from Matthew, "These guys are all like this. After beating up, there is not even a corpse left. There is only one living person left. I plan to take it later." Go back and interrogate."

"Bah! Bageya Road! Private はあもとができない..." The red-clothed ninja with five flowers tied up chattered like a bird.

An Qiluo looked at the crowd blankly, "Did this guy scold me? What did he say?"

"He's literally yelling at you, saying he won't say anything." Steve shrugged.

Angelo thought for a while, went to the pile of debris and picked up the leather bag that was available, then tore off the mask of the ninja in red, um, it really was an islander with a mustache, and stuffed the leather bag into his mouth.

It's all right now, don't scold me anymore!

The ninja in red could only make whimpering noises there.

"You are free to say it or not. Even if you don't say it, I can kill you and resurrect you. At that time, it's not up to you if you say it or not." Angelo clapped his hands. "Okay, let's go back to church first."

Originally, Frank wanted to just leave, and he didn't seem to be involved in the next thing. He only participated in this battle because he wanted to keep his job. After all, if the boss was killed by a few stupid thieves, he would No one paid him a salary.

But his ears were sharp enough to catch a word in Angelo's words - resurrection!

Reason made Frank not believe Angelo's resurrection at all, but he thought of the big green Hulk who suddenly appeared just now, and the robot (steel stone demon armor) that could calm the big Hulk down, and even Even Uncle Long, a cook, can beat a ninja in red with a toilet plug.

All this shows that this church does not seem to be as simple as it seems on the surface.

His son's body is still parked in the freezer of the hospital! Even if there is one ten thousandth hope, Frank wants to give it a try.

"Leave it to me, I have a set of interrogation techniques..." Frank said so.

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