The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 120 When I Wasn't Here

Chapter 120 When I Wasn't Here

"Where am I? Who are you..."

In Frank's surprised eyes, the head on the table whose face could not be seen clearly opened its eyes after absorbing the gray air current, and kept yelling.

An Qiluo was a little annoyed by his yelling, so he casually picked up the leather stick that was used by the red ninja before and stuffed it into his mouth, and then he became quieter.

Although everyone witnessed the scene of the resurrection of the dead, which made everyone a little horrified, but An Qiluo said that the next step is the highlight!

Next, God will be attracted!

Everyone is waiting in full battle, waiting for the opponent to attack as soon as they show their heads!

The dignified atmosphere seemed to freeze the air...

However, after a long time, there seemed to be no movement on the scene except for the head that was still faltering and yelling?

Angelo was also very puzzled, it shouldn't be like this, could it be that Ms. Death is not at home?


In the kingdom of death.

In the all-black Death Manor, it was as peaceful as ever.

Except for the souls that kept wandering in the manor, there was only a sound coming from the deepest room of the manor.

"I can't hear, I can't see, I don't know anything, I just want to play games..."

Ms. Death sat in front of the TV and muttered to herself.

Ms. Death feels that she has been very unlucky recently, um, in the words of the people on earth, it is bad luck!

Since the guy named Nick Fury broke one of his hands last time, it has healed now, but the death rule that should have been attached to the hand bone can never be found again.

She originally thought that she would find a chance in the future to go to that person named Nick Fury to get the rules of death back. Even recently, she hasn't been out of Death Manor much, and has been playing games at home.

But what she didn't expect was that someone tried to snatch her soul from her kingdom of death today!

How dare these mortals!

Ms. Death was very annoyed at the fact that her hand was broken, and now someone came to snatch the soul of the dead from her!

This is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire!

The enraged Ms. Death originally wanted to touch the passage of the soul, and then kill the guy on the opposite side who dared to steal her authority and break the rules of the universe, but considering the situation last time, Ms. Death finally hesitated, out of caution Thinking about it, I didn't touch it directly like last time.

Instead, let go of this soul, and investigate the situation on the other side through the perspective of the soul.

When the soul returned to her "body", Ms. Death finally saw the opposite situation!

There is only one head left in the soul's body, and the rest of the body is completely missing.

The situation in front of her made Ms. Death feel grateful for her prudence!

It was the damn Nick Fury from last time!

The damn guy! That Ancient One mage wasn't there this time, but there were several more people around him! Even Ms. Death felt a slight sense of threat from a strange-looking big green man!

And a guy with the expression that everyone owes him money, the weapon in his hand is second only to that damn Nick Fury in terms of menace! Even stronger than that big green guy!

A group of people formed a circle around this head like a pervert, and Nick Fury still had a hey smile on his face!

What are these people doing!

Ms. Death originally wanted to say a few words on the scene, but in the end she followed her inner choice and completely cut off contact with this soul!

Forget it, take it away if you like it, and pretend I haven't been here. Out of sight, out of mind, anyway, it's not the first time, I always get robbed, I get used to it...

I don't know anything, I don't know anything...

Ms. Death muttered softly while dealing with the game in front of her.

But the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, "Nick Fury! You damned guy, I curse you to be deeply troubled in eternal life, never to enjoy the tranquility of death, no one can save you... vomit~"

As she spoke, Ms. Death couldn't help recalling the suspicious taste in the perspective of the soul, and couldn't help but feel nauseated—although Ms. Death doesn't need such a useless thing as a stomach.

You know, when she occupies that soul perspective, the senses are also in sync.


Angelo didn't know that he beat Lady Death back with a toilet plug, and he didn't know that this toilet plug could already be called the best in the game.

He looked at the quiet church, looked down at the unlucky ghost with only one head still fumbling, and turned his head to look at the crowd blankly.

"Angelo, let's forget it, it's been half an hour, Ms. Death may not be at home..." Dr. Ethan found a stool and sat at the table a little tiredly. "She came very quickly last time."

Seeing that everyone was a little tired, An Qiluo couldn't help but twitched his lips.

In the past half an hour, everyone was in a state of mental tension, and at this moment, they all showed a little bit of fatigue.

"Well, maybe that guy is not at home, so we can look for her next time when she is at home." Angelo said regretfully.

This fishing law enforcement plan can only stop there.

In fact, he still has some conjectures. Since Ancient One can know the mysteries about magic and rules, it doesn't make sense that Ms. Death, an existence beyond the countless ranks of Ancient One, doesn't know. After hurting the other party, Ms. Death might not dare to come again. If this is the case, it will be difficult for me to fight monsters and upgrade...

Not only to defeat the boss, but also to find the boss first, but this boss is very clever to avoid you!

It has to be said that if a fool thinks a lot, he will gain something.

An Qiluo, a non-mainstream mage who was born in a wild way, guessed that it was infinitely close to the truth!

The only difference is that Ms. Death didn't dare to come, but came and ran away, but no one noticed.

Angelo waved his hand to remove the bone prison, and let the Iron Golem armor "help" Hulk return to Banner's body.

After restoring everything to the original state, everyone sat around the poor ghost with only his head left.

"Let me ask him." Frank felt a little regretful about giving Angelo three thousand of your life back. He liked this extremely violent weapon very much.

"No, he will tell himself." Angelo had a smile on his face.

Now that you are resurrected by me, your life no longer belongs to you!

"Tell me, who are you, why are you here, and who sent you here, and what relationship do you have with those freaks in red?" pulled out the toilet plug, and asked.

At the same time, he also took over the control of this unlucky ghost in his heart.

This kind of undead creature resurrected by Angelo with the "Rebirth" skill is essentially Angelo's summoned creature. Dr. Ethan is no different from normal people except for a terrifying hole in his chest. But if An Qiluo wanted to, he could completely take over the other party's control and make the other party a monster who had no autonomy and could only obey orders.

The poor hapless ghost's eyes became dull, and his mouth opened and closed mechanically.

"My name is……"

Thanks to SCP_Reincarnation Task Force for the reward of 500 starting points~

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