The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 125 Life's revolving lantern (4,000-character chapter)

Chapter 125 Life's revolving lantern (4,000-character chapter)

"I, I want to ask you to do me a favor..." Frank seemed to be unaccustomed to asking for help, and he stuttered when speaking.

After listening for a long time, An Qiluo finally understood.

"You mean you want me to help you revive your son?" Angelo said to Frank, "Damn, I was shocked, I thought you were going to ask me for today's reward, money is not enough, it's terrible Can."

Angelo looked at Frank who suddenly became agitated, "However, buddy, don't get excited, I want to tell you first, if you want to resurrect your son, first of all, your son's body must remain relatively intact, otherwise , You have also seen the fate of that unlucky ghost's head before.

Secondly, even if your son is resurrected, his life will be fixed with me and completely under my control. Of course, I will not control a child, but if one day I die suddenly, your son will The respawn effect will also disappear. Although it is unlikely that I will die..."

An Qiluo's rebirth skill sounds nice, but the actual conditions are a bit harsh, and there is no way to do it. An Qiluo himself doesn't know how to change the rebirth conditions. Therefore, it is better for Frank as a father to think clearly, Angelo does not want to do bad things with good intentions.

Frank's excited and expectant eyes quickly calmed down, and he lowered his head to think silently.

After a while, Frank finally made up his mind, gritted his teeth and raised his head again, "Okay, please help me revive my son!"

For him, hope is better than no hope. The reason why he still keeps his son's body in the cold storage in the hospital mortuary is because he still has some unrealistic fantasies?

As for his wife... Under the attack of those gangsters, Frank's wife didn't even have a complete body left, so she was buried early.

Now that Frank, the father, has thought about everything, Angelo has nothing to hesitate, "Okay, then you bring your son's body here today, and we will come again at night to see if we can attract Lady Death, I have something to ask her and want to "chat"."

Frank returned to his taciturn look, and nodded silently.

By this time it was already morning.

Uncle Long has already prepared the ingredients for the morning, and is going to go to the backyard to exercise after they come down on the first day.

"Steve, I think you should give me back the pot lid?" Uncle Long walked up to Steve and reached out to Steve to ask for the pot lid he was holding. I can’t even cook.”

Steve reluctantly held the lid of the pot. This lid gave him a better feeling than the shield made of Edman alloy that Howard made for him. In addition to being unable to absorb kinetic energy like sound-absorbing steel, it can also Speed ​​up your own recovery speed. In such a short while, the injury just hit by the bone dragon has already fully recovered!

As a soldier, even a soldier who thinks he should retire, but seeing a good and suitable weapon, he is naturally reluctant to return it, but his outrageous moral values ​​still restrain him, making it impossible for him to be promoted. Thinking of being a rascal, he could only tightly hold the lid of the pot in his hand, and pursed his lips.

Uncle Long looked at Steve's expression with a funny face, couldn't help but said with a smile, "Hey! Steve, don't do this, I will return it to you after I finish cooking, and then I will go out to buy it during the day A replacement pot lid, but you have to pay for it!"

Steve quickly nodded gratefully at Uncle Long, took off the pot cover from his arm, and returned it to Uncle Long. "Okay, I'll pay. I think my pension is enough to buy a pot. Uncle Long, please buy the best one!"


Angelo didn't continue to sit with them in the hall, he was already yawning non-stop.

After handing over the bone dragon Ma Yinglong he was carrying to the No. 1 caregiver who had already woken up, he greeted everyone and then went upstairs, intending to go back to sleep again.

It's all the damn wolf gang, the Hand, if it weren't for them, my biological clock is very regular, which can be called a model of health preservation, how could I stay up late! When I get up, I will take Ma Yinglong to find them, they want the keel, I hope they don't die too soon!

An Qiluo hated the Wild Wolf Gang and the Hand so much, it wasn't that he was angry at the other party for coming to him for trouble, this kind of rookie who he could shoot one at a time, could even be called trouble, he was angry at the other party Came to harass him in the middle of the night, so that he didn't even sleep well!

In fact, according to An Qiluo's original physical attributes, he has already surpassed the human level, not to mention that after picking up the wool of the death lady, there is no problem even if he does not sleep for a week, but he is used to sleeping on time every day. For him, eating and sleeping on time is a way to enjoy life.


By the time An Qiluo got up again, it was already afternoon.

An Qiluo went downstairs to find Uncle Long to have a meal, and after he was full, he went to seek revenge.

As a result, when he went downstairs, he saw Ju Zuo and Bone Dragon fighting together.

Of course, Juzuo and Bone Dragon seem to be just playing around, which can be seen from the fact that Bone Dragon didn't reveal his real body and broke the church.

And little Jiali was clapping her hands to cheer for both sides.

Of course, it would be nice if the master's daughter didn't look at her with that salivating expression, which makes the dragon's hair stand on end.

An Qiluo walked over and stroked Xiao Jiali's soft long hair with a smile, not caring about her behavior of skipping class today.

Hulk was punched and vomited blood by the bone dragon yesterday. As a whole, Dr. Banner needs to cultivate, and naturally there is no way to stop Xiao Jiali from skipping class.

Of course, this sentence would be more convincing if Dr. Banner and Dr. Ethan were not energetic and studying the dark gold coins that Angelo gave them for free in the backyard.

The two poor doctors just took advantage of the fact that Hulk was beaten and vomited blood, and they just found a reason to give themselves a day off, so that they could get out of the torment of teaching Xiao Jiali...

Really answered that sentence, people and ghosts are resting, only Hulk is being beaten.

Steve, the girl at the bar, was sitting at the bar and playing with her mobile phone, addicted to the Internet and unable to extricate herself. When she saw Angelo come down, she just nodded and gestured, and then continued to surf the Internet with her head bowed.

As for his big pot lid, it was leaning against the bar and placed at his feet. It seemed that he had already bought a new big pot for Uncle Long.

Anyway, no one came to ask him to order wine, and he was idle when he was idle.

"Uncle Long, help me get something to eat!" An Qiluo yelled at Uncle Long in the kitchen, and then sat down at the table. Then he turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, where's Frank? Didn't he say he wanted me to help him revive his son? Could it be that he's still in the mood to go back to the construction site to move bricks?"

"He went out in the morning. He said he was going to do some work, but he didn't say what he was going to do." Steve said without shaking his head. At the same time, his fingers kept typing on the screen, and he didn't know Who are you talking to.

"Oh, okay." Angelo didn't care, anyway, Frank is not a child, and he always looks like a perverted murderer. The worry is not that something will happen to him, but that others will not mess with him.

Uncle Long brought a freshly prepared meal with a smile. An Qiluo just moved his chopsticks when he heard a burst of deafening rock music.

Stark fell from the sky wearing a golden and red armor!

"Hey! Little hired dragon! Let's try again!" Stark shouted to the church from the street in his Mark armor.

As a result, the little bone dragon ignored him at all, and instead put down the loveless Tachibana that had already been held in its mouth.

He rushed to An Qiluo's side like a puppy, and kept biting An Qiluo's trousers to pull him out.

An Qiluo listened to the deafening music on the interface outside, and then looked down at the bone dragon who kept biting his trouser leg, so he had no choice but to put down the chopsticks in his hand and walked out.

Angelo picked up the small bone dragon and walked to the door of the church and said to Stark, "Dude, can you stop being so ostentatious next time you come here, look, the workers around are not working anymore, they are all here to see you."

As he said that, Angelo specifically pointed Stark to the workers who came to watch the excitement at the nearby construction site. When he saw Angelo pointing at them, these former gangsters all dispersed.

Compared with watching the excitement, his nickname is more important, after all, Mr. Father is an existence that even the bosses of the gangsters must fear.

Stark watched those gangsters put away their mobile phones, but said to Angelo triumphantly, "How is it? This is my improved Mark V! I specially added the function of loudspeaker."

"Is your improvement just installing a speaker on this armor?" Angelo looked at Stark in surprise.

"That's right, otherwise, the defensive power of this suit is already sufficient. In terms of offensive power, I can't put a nuclear bomb on it, right?" Stark asked Angelo.

"..." An Qiluo was speechless for a while.

The defense is indeed enough. The material of this suit is still cast from the dark gold coins provided by Angelo to Stark. The attack power of this suit is also loaded with enough micro-missiles and laser cannons.

But he always felt that it would be a pity if the various models of Mark's suits in the middle and later stages of the movie would stop here.

"Man, do you want to try nanotechnology? Like the suit can be turned into a folded alley or something? Nanotechnology should help the suit shrink enough for you to carry it with you, after all... you took off the suit It's time to be a weak chicken."

It has been several years since An Qiluo traveled to the Marvel universe, and he has long been unable to remember exactly when Stark applied nanotechnology to his battle suit in the movie of his previous life.

However, this direction must be right, and Angelo didn't mind giving Stark a hint.

As a result, who knows, Stark said, "Dude, are you kidding? The current nanotechnology is just in its infancy, and it can't be applied in practice at all..."

"Huh? Okay, buddy." Angelo could only shrug his shoulders. He felt that he might have misremembered. Maybe it was a few years before Stark applied nanotechnology to the suit. ? "I don't understand anyway, let's go in and talk about it, Mr. Stark the genius."

"Okay, buddy, but it really surprises me that you still know about nanotechnology. I remember you've always been a technology idiot..." Stark walked into the church with Angelo, and looked at Angelo strangely. Qiluo.

"Hey! Dude! I'm just against the development of artificial intelligence, and I'm not a primitive!" Angelo wanted to hammer Stark on the shoulder in dissatisfaction.

As a result, Stark jumped away all of a sudden, and stared at the small bone dragon in his hand vigilantly.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Dude, keep that little guy in your hand away from me! He's too dangerous!"

Angelo put the little bone dragon on the ground again, and kicked him lightly, letting him play by himself, "What? Dude? Is there any festival between you two? This little guy is still a child, I just picked it up yesterday. Made it out."

Stark opened his mouth, trying to say something but couldn't.

still a child? Whose brat can defuse a bomb and bite off his own ass?

He couldn't say that after he came here this morning, he saw this strange little guy, and went to tease the little bone dragon for a while, but was almost bitten off by the little bone dragon, right?

"Stark came this morning, but he teased the little bone dragon, and his pants were bitten, so he should go back and change his pants just now." Fortunately, Steve saw Stark came back at this time, and he put down his hands. The mobile phone on the phone, walked over with a glass of freshly mixed wine, and put it in front of Stark.

Only then did Angelo understand what was going on.

He looked at Stark with a funny face, no need to think, according to Stark's cheap and cheap character, it must be Stark who provoked the little bone dragon first. Fortunately, An Qiluo gave the little bone dragon an order not to hurt people before going to bed, otherwise Stark might have become the food in the little bone dragon's mouth by this time.

Biting his pants just wanted to give Stark a warning.

Stark looked at Steve with an ugly expression, and couldn't help but argue, "Steve! You must have read it wrong! I just went back and studied what to do with your new shield! After all, your pot lid As stupid as some statue in the Metropolitan Museum!"

When it came to his new shield, it was naturally impossible for Steve to go after Stark - although the lid was indeed very powerful, he also felt that this shape was simply stupid!

But in order to cure Stark's bad mouth, Steve shrugged, "Man, if you can try this drink I just made, I might forget about it completely. "

Looking at the suspicious liquid in the cup in front of him, Starka hesitated. In the end, I chose alcoholism in my own face and the possibility of alcoholism!

He picked up the cup, gritted his teeth, and poured it down his throat like drinking poison.

"Steve, your glass of really good...vomit~"

In the end, Stark couldn't bear the suspicious taste in the wine, and retched.

The ghost knows that Steve also used some suspicious ingredients to make this glass of wine, but Stark actually tasted a mixture of dates and bananas in this glass of wine!

Like eating a fly drowned in soapy water! At that moment, he seemed to see the revolving lantern of life!

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