The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 129 Weren't you the CIA last time?

Chapter 129 Weren't you the CIA last time?

In the kingdom of death.

Ms. Death's skull gritted her teeth. If she didn't have a lacrimal gland structure, she might have burst into tears!

Ms. Death feels very aggrieved, she is the first batch of creatures in the universe.

Since the day she was born, she has never been wronged like this!

A mortal! He actually provoked himself again and again! Constantly destroying the death rules that have existed in the universe since ancient times! Constantly resurrect dead mortals on the earth!

Yes, she has already found out the planet where the soul of the dead is located in the kingdom of death—that is the earth!

If it was another planet, she would have already opened the gate of the kingdom of death on the surface of the planet and pulled the entire planet into the kingdom of death. By then, on her own territory, wouldn't she let herself be squeezed and flattened?

But...there is the earth, a place in the universe where only a few beings who survived from ancient times know its horror, and even the five gods would be afraid of it.

What's more, Ms. Death also discovered that this guy named Nick Fury has absorbed her own death rules! I opened the gate of the kingdom of death on the surface of the planet, whether it was letting the army of dead souls pass or pulling the planet into the kingdom of death, it was all giving food to the other party!

It's almost impossible, and no one even thought about it! There are only two possibilities for rule changes in the universe. One is to return to a state of no owner. Perhaps after countless times, an existence that controls the rules will be born again by chance; or the rules will disappear, and the universe will be destroyed from then on. reopened road.

But the person on the earth does not belong to either of these two situations. He is like an ant, bit by bit eating away the rules of Lady Death. At the same time, because the rules have not disappeared, the universe will not be destroyed. the way.

After thinking about it, Ms. Death, after the familiar pulling feeling reappeared today, she pinched the soul that the other party wanted to take away, and threw it over with a note. To be on the safe side, she threw the other party's soul over Then withdrew it.

She was very grateful for her caution. When she retreated, she also noticed the gunshots from the other side of the passage and the big mouth of the bone dragon.

Thinking of this, Ms. Death looked at the exquisite "metal ring" she put on her finger. The material of this golden ring was very strange. Normal materials, let alone metal, even star cores, After being in contact with her body for a period of time, they will be corrupted into fly ash by the rules of death wrapped around her body, but this seemingly ordinary golden ring has no sign of being corrupted at all!

"Well, it's pretty pretty too." Ms. Death muttered to herself looking at the "ring" on her hand. Didn't mean to take it off at all.

Sure enough, for women, beautiful jewelry is irresistible. What's more, Ms. Death, after so many years, she has been wearing this black robe made of rules, and now she suddenly has a piece of "gold jewelry", which makes her like it more and more~

This gave Ms. Death a little comfort while being wronged, although she didn't know why the other party threw a "golden ring" over.

Ms. Death can live for so many years, she is definitely not a character who dare not fight back after being bullied.

Although she was like a dog biting a hedgehog for that Nick Fury, she couldn't say anything, but she could find someone to do it!

I heard that the ghosts who came recently said that there was a guy named Thanos on Titan who was so fierce that he almost killed half of the people on the planet, let's find him...

When Ms. Death was thinking, she didn't realize that the golden ring on her finger was constantly sending out a signal in a certain direction in the universe...


Police headquarters building in New York City.

Director George was looking at the surveillance video in front of him, and he growled angrily at his subordinates.

"Find me! Are you trash?! The whole building is dead! Not a single body is left! The murderer can't be found! Now I can't even see what happened in the surveillance video! Find me Don't let go of any clues!"

Although all the subordinates felt aggrieved in the face of the furious chief, they naturally did not dare to contradict him!

Can this blame them?

Who knows why these guys are all dead! Of course, it can only be called missing to the outside world now, because so far, apart from bloodstains covering the entire building, no body has been found, not even a stump!

The people who started it are really professional! Perfectly avoid all monitoring!

Even if they played the surveillance video frame by frame, there was no clue. The surveillance outside the building was artificially destroyed as early as this morning.

But the order from the director general has already come down, what can I do... Let's find it! Just find the off hours.

Director George returned to the office, slammed the wooden door of the office angrily, and sat down at the desk.

His business just now was only half because of the problem with this case, and he was less angry when he knew that the whole mansion "missing" was a member of the Hand.

The Hand Association, this organization itself is not a good citizen, Director George has known this for a long time. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, illegal experiments...everything!

However, he has been suffering from lack of evidence, Chief George is unable to go beyond the prescribed procedures, and the other party's lawyer is difficult to deal with, so the police chief did not join hands.

The hand, if you die, you die, it doesn't matter.

As for the other half of the reason why Director George was so angry, it was because he was checking the surveillance outside the building just now.

He actually saw his daughter on surveillance! The monitoring time is still in the middle of the night!

Moreover, his daughter was actually with a boy. He knew this boy, named Peter Parker, who was his daughter's classmate.

Although Chief George, as a father, was born to be at odds with his daughter's boyfriend, this was not what pissed him off the most.

What annoyed him the most was that when he wanted to see what his daughter and Peter Parker were doing, the surveillance was cut off!

And when the monitoring was cut off, the two of them happened to walk to the door of a hotel!

In the middle of the night, hotels, lonely men and widows, puberty, firewood and fire, this makes Director George, who has been through it, can't help but think about it, and the more he thinks about it, the more he gets annoyed!

Now he can't wait to catch that guy named Peter Parker, throw him into a cell in the police station, and shoot him in the leg again!

My own cabbage is suspected to have been pushed by wild boars, which vegetable farmer can hold back?

However, Director George has always had a bad relationship with his daughter because of his busy work, which made him want to go home and talk to his daughter, but he didn't know how to talk.

When Director George was distressed, a familiar figure pushed open the door of his office.

"Director George, hello, now this case is fully taken over by our FBI..." A slightly bald middle-aged man appeared at his door.

"Huh? Coulson? It's you? But the last time we met, you weren't from the CIA?" Chief George looked at Coulson, whose hairline was getting taller and taller, and said suspiciously.

The friendly smile on Coulson's face froze, and then he lied without blushing, "Well, it's like this, I have been transferred from the CIA to the FBI. Director George, we are all old friends, this is my certificate."

As he spoke, he handed over a brand new FBI license.

Although he said so, what Coulson thought in his heart was that if the director hadn't asked me to take over this matter, I wouldn't be bothered to come!

Recently, because the CIA has taken too many scapegoats for S.H.I.E.L.D., it has filed several complaints against S.H.I.E.L.D. in Congress. S.H.I.E.L.D. is also under pressure, so it replaced all its certificates with those of the FBI.

Anyway, the FBI is notorious in the United States and even the world, so it shouldn't matter if there are more scapegoats.

Director George looked suspiciously at the brand-new ID photo in his hand, and it seemed that the smell of ink could still be smelled from the ID photo.

"Colson, your ID is quite new, isn't it?"

With a smile on his face, Coulson said imperceptibly, "Yes, I also just got this new certificate this morning, and I was also transferred to the FBI for work reasons."

They all say they want to lie, seven points of the truth and three points of lies, in order to be seamless.

What Coulson said instantly dispelled Director George's last trace of doubt.

He did get this FBI certificate this morning, and he did use it for work reasons, but his FBI certificate was fake, and he got it at S.H.I.E.L.D. this morning .

I'm not lying to you, I just didn't tell you everything.

At least from this point of view, Coulson deserves to be a qualified agent!

"Okay, then here is the information on this case, you can take a look first." Director George handed a document file to Coulson, "As for the surveillance video of the building, it is in the office area outside. You still need to go to the scene Shall we take a look?"

"No need, these are enough." Coulson said with a friendly smile on his face.

Director, I've done it here, the rest is up to you...

In fact, Coulson already knew who the murderer was, and also knew that the dead were members of the Hand. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret service organization. If you can't even get this bit of information, then don't mess around.


"Arist, let me know that our deal with the Hand has been cancelled, and I need them to return the deposit for this drug."

Jin Bin stood at the top of the building, looking at New York in the daytime through the glass.

He's the king of New York's night, one of the few times he's dealing with mob business during the day. On weekdays, Jin Bing is in the gym and exercising during the day.

The self-disciplined Jin is not terrible, as can be seen from his seemingly bloated, but actually strong and terrifying body.

"But, boss, the Hand will be able to deliver the goods tomorrow night, and now only half of the deposit can be refunded... Then I will order the people below to get the deposit back?"

Arist stood cautiously behind Jin Bing and said tentatively.

"No, I'm an honest and trustworthy businessman, half and half. Remember to get my money back in a while." Jin Bin raised his hand and rubbed his temples.

"Why, boss?" Alister looked at Jin Bin puzzled.

Jin Bing turned his head and took a deep look at the assistant who had been with him for many years, and said with a little deep meaning, "You don't understand, the Hand is over, although on the surface it seems that they just lost a stronghold by a lunatic, but I have already Seeing the end, they're done."

Alister was covered in cold sweat when Jin Bing saw it. Every time he traded with the Hand, the Hand would give him a little bit of "meaning". Naturally, he couldn't help asking the sentence just now talk.

He always thought that Jin didn't know it, but now it seems that his boss already knew it, but he just didn't want to say it.

Although he didn't understand why the boss was so sure that the Hand would be over, he knew that he couldn't disobey Jin Bin's intentions. If he said anything else, there would be an extra piece of cement on the bottom of New York tomorrow!

This is the rule of Jin Bin in the New York underground world!

"Understood, boss, I'll do it now." Arist collected his own thoughts, turned around and left Jin Bin's room.

After he left, Jin Bin looked at the bustling New York City and sighed.

How could he not know what his assistant was doing, he just didn't want to take care of it. Ever since he knew that the Hand was going to attack Angelo, and Frank went to the Hand's stronghold today, he knew that the Hand was over.

Especially after his eyeliner in Hell's Kitchen told him that Frank had spent most of the day in Angelo's church, he was even more convinced.

He even knows more about the mysterious church in Hell's Kitchen than the New York police. It seems that the relationship between myself and An Qiluo needs to be a little closer.


Angelo, Stark and Steve sat in the church hall and chatted.

Angelo thought for a moment, then took out a stack of rags from his space backpack and handed it to Stark.

"Man, what's this?" Stark asked in confusion. "Is it made by those strange abilities of yours again?"

Angelo shook his head, "No, it was worn by the Hand who invaded last night. It can be invisible. You can study it."

These are the pieces of clothing that Angelo collected from those ninjas in red. He left some for Ethan and Dr. Banner for research, and basically handed over the rest to Stark.

Stark watched with interest as the rags in his hand changed color as he moved.

This invisibility ability is very interesting. In the past, invisibility can only allow aircraft or aircraft to erase traces in front of radar, but in fact it can still be seen by the naked eye.

Wouldn't it be interesting to combine radar cloaking technology with this optical cloaking technology on the Iron Suit?

At this moment, Frank pulled the little boy Nick who had just been resurrected by Angelo out of the backyard of the church and returned to the hall.

"Thank you, Angelo..." Frank took Nick's hand and thanked Angelo solemnly. "I don't know how to thank you, I really don't have much money now..."

The expression on Frank's face was grateful, but mixed with embarrassment. It’s really hard for a penny to be a hero. Although Angelo didn’t say anything to thank him, Frank felt that he couldn’t repay him if he didn’t say anything. To Frank, resurrecting his son was more important than saving his own life. Your kindness is even greater!

The only thing he can do now is his ability to kill, but Angelo's pet, the little bone dragon, is better than him...

4K Chapter~~~

Thanks to a salted fish who can only hit 666 for the reward of 1500 to bring you the starting point~

Thanks to Anastasza for the 1500 starting point coins~


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