Chapter 133

"Frank, do you know Nick Fury?" Angelo asked Frank after Frank and No. 1 returned to the church.

"What does this Nick Fury you're talking about look like?" Frank looked at Angelo inexplicably. He did know a Nick Fury, but he didn't know if he was talking about the same person as Angelo.

"A black marinated egg with a bald head."

"Uh...then I do know him, what's the matter? He is a friend I have known for many years, and Nick was named because of him."

Frank looked at Angelo suspiciously. He was still thinking about the discussion of crime and punishment he had with No. 1 on the road just now. He found that No. 1, a nun who looked peaceful on the surface, was His thoughts are astonishingly consistent with his, consistent extreme!

On certain issues, as long as someone violates the line in their hearts, they can only kill, kill, kill!

"It's okay, I guessed it!" Angelo shook his head, not telling Frank the truth.

He knows it! It is absolutely impossible for Nick Fury to show affection to him for no reason! It's obvious! Most of the reason why Nick Fury intervened in this matter was because Frank was the one who made the shot.

Frank and Nick Fury have been friends for many years, just for this point, Nick Fury gave himself the address of the Hand, also to eliminate the troubles, and by the way, he can also trick himself.

Even if you see through Nick Fury's routine now, so what? Is it possible that people from the Hand Association will not be killed?

Fortunately, I was not caught by Nick Fury's routine just now, and I didn't have the special team that I promised him to form.

Otherwise, it is really sold and returned to the number. Sure enough, the king of agents is not called for nothing!

"Ding~" The phone's text message sounded, and it was an email from Nick Fury.

An Qilu looked at the email on the screen of the phone. There were more than one page of addresses densely written on it, all of which were branches of the Hand.

"Dude, do we have work to do tomorrow?" Stark leaned over and saw the picture on Angelo's phone screen, and said with interest.

Angelo smiled, and sent a message to Stark, "I have work to do, Stark, just help me monitor the entry and exit personnel at these locations, and leave the rest to me. Good. You should go to develop your mobile phone~"

Stark punched Angelo's shoulder in dissatisfaction, "Hey! Dude! I'm not that old bastard! I haven't reached the point where I can't move!"

Angelo smiled, and did not continue to reject Stark, "Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow."

However, what Stark said made Steve, who was preparing drinks, shout, "Stark! Just say what you say! Don't take me! Or you take off that armor and let's practice!"

"Well...Steve, when I have a chance to bring my new fighting coach! I think that big beautiful girl with big breasts and big ass will definitely satisfy your hunger and thirst!" Stark moved wisely topic.

An Qiluo looked at the "harmony" scene in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After coming to this world for so long, I finally have family and friends. This is considered to have some sense of belonging, otherwise he would always feel that he is out of this world.

"Hey, Nick!" Angelo looked at Nick who was leading Little Jiali on a small bone dragon, "Watch out for Little Jiali, don't let him fall!"

Sure enough, children will be children. Although Nick was depressed for a while because of his mother's bad news, he soon recovered under the influence of Pistachio Xiaojiali.


At night, the church is brightly lit.

Angelo drove away the gang bosses who came to dinner early, I want to hold a party, what is the matter with me, a priest, attending the party with you gang leaders.

The church that had already been transformed into a comprehensive confession center was now arranged not like a church, but like a villa.

Long tables were set up in the hall early on, and the tables were also filled with various kinds of food.

The table and the food on it were delivered in the afternoon when Stark called the New York Hilton Hotel, otherwise Uncle Long would be exhausted just by cooking.

Of course, Uncle Long's Chinese dishes were well received and served as the main course.

A Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the church, Angelo thought it was Pepper.

But the person who came down surprised him.

It turned out to be Jin Bing!

Speaking of which, Angelo only met with Jin Bin once, and the only time when Jin Bin was going to deal with the unruly gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, he came to him to discuss the Hell's Kitchen's gang confession fees, and In fact, there is not much intersection except that the monthly payment will give him a sum of money.

Of course, whether it was out of courtesy to the host family or to the big sponsor, An Qiluo stood up and greeted him.

"Boss Jin Bin, why are you here?" An Qiluo asked with a smile.

Jin Bing only brought the driver here today, not even his younger brother. An Qiluo didn't believe that the other party was here to cause trouble.

There was a simple and honest smile on Jin Bing's fat face, and he couldn't see the underground emperor of New York at all. "It seems that I came at the wrong time. Are you having a party?"

"Yes, the visitor is a guest, so the boss Jin Bin will stay and participate together." Angelo extended an invitation to Jin Bin.

Jin Bin smiled, took out a bank card from the pocket of his white suit, and handed it to Angelo, "It still doesn't work, I have other things to do later, I saw you building a hospital in Hell's Kitchen recently, I just wanted to do my part, this is an anonymous bank card with 50 million in it, it's a little bit of my heart."

An Qiluo took the gold with some surprise and handed over the bank card, "What do you need from me?"

"No, it's just a little thought. After all, the place of Hell's Kitchen has actually changed a lot since you came here. I was also born in Hell's Kitchen. I know what's wrong with it and what I can't do. You did. Maybe when I retire, I'll come back here, and it would be nice to have a better hospital."

Jin Bin looked at the dark night in the church and sighed sincerely. In fact, he really had the idea of ​​retiring, but too many people in his position did not want to see him retire alive and secure. If he continued to sit in this position , maybe there will be no problem, but once he leaves this position, there will be countless troubles for him.

"Okay, An Qiluo, I'll go first." After Jin Bin finished speaking, without giving An Qiluo a chance to refuse, he turned around and got into the car, and drove away from Hell's Kitchen.

Angelo stood at the door and watched Jin Bing's Rolls-Royce getting further and further away, gradually disappearing into the night, with a bewildered expression on his face.

What's wrong with Kim? Inexplicably sent 50 million to himself, said a bunch of inexplicable things, and then left without eating?

Gold and retire? An Qiluo would rather believe that the black marinated egg will be shot to death with a black gun in the street in a few days than that Jin will be able to retire.

But, forget it, who knows what Jin Bing is doing, since someone gives him money, then he can just keep it. Could it be that the money is too hot to handle?

Before Angelo could think about it, a Rolls Royce drove towards the church in the distance again, and stopped steadily at the door of the church.

This time it was Happy and Pepper who came down.

"Hey! Pepper, Happy!" Angelo greeted the two with a smile.

Then he hugged Pepper again, "Long time no see, Miss Pepper, welcome to my banquet."

"An Qiluo, don't be so polite. Thank you for bringing someone to rescue me a while ago, I haven't thanked you yet." Pepper said with a smile.

Angelo wanted to be polite to Pepper, but he heard Stark's displeased voice coming from behind him, "Angelo, a hug is enough, this is my assistant!"

Stark walked over wearing his flamboyant golden-red armor and put his arm around Pepper's waist.

Pepper had never been able to resist such a Stark, and suddenly blushed, and after pushing Stark lightly, he found that he couldn't break free, so he simply leaned directly into Stark's arms.

Angelo seemed to be able to smell the sour smell of love through the air.

He looked at Stark's shy look, and raised his eyebrows immediately. "Pepper, let me tell you, in the afternoon, Stark also said that some young models would be invited to the party tonight. If Steve and I hadn't strongly opposed it, I'm afraid he is having fun behind your back now. !"

Pepper immediately changed her shy look, raised one foot and stomped on Stark's foot fiercely.

The high-heeled shoes and the steel armor made a crisp collision sound. In order not to hurt Pepper, Stark could only loosen his arm around Pepper's waist.

Pepper snorted coldly, pushed Stark away and walked into the church without looking back.

Stark could only smile wryly, and said to Angelo, "Dude, you didn't refuse at that time. I remember you were discussing with me whether there was a new young model who debuted. You are naked jealousy!"

Angelo shrugged, "But Pepper doesn't care if I refuse or not. She's not really angry, I think, Pepper is waiting for you to coax her."

Stark was no longer interested in bickering with Angelo, so he hurried after him.


At the banquet, everyone was very happy. Little Jiali felt like she was in a dream. There were piles of food on the table, and everything was delicious. The delicious food even made her a little dazed!

Now Angelo is taking her and Nick from one end of the table to the other! Xiao Bone Dragon and Ju Zuo followed Xiao Jiali like two followers, could they still get some food from Xiao Jiali's hands?

"Slow down, slow down, little Jiali." Angelo stopped Xiao Jiali from grabbing and eating directly with a smile, "If you want a lady, don't grab it with your hands."

Little Jiali tilted her head, thought about it seriously, and then, under Nick's shocked eyes, directly picked up a plate of creamy dessert and poured it into her mouth.

An Qiluo: might as well just grab it with your hands.

Pepper looked enviously at Angelo, who was taking care of the child, and she came over, "I'll come, I'll take care of little Jiali and Nick, Angelo, you men, go talk."

Angelo saw Pepper's envious eyes on Little Gali, and he looked at Stark who was chatting with Steve in the distance with some pity, and he knew that Stark was going to be in trouble.

Whenever a woman has this look, she just wants to have a child, and she doesn't know if Stark's kidneys can hold it. Maybe I should sponsor Starr a rune that increases his physique?

An Qiluo shook his head, moving this absurd idea out of his mind.

If Big Pineapple knew that these magical runes from Diablo were being used by An Qiluo for such absurd functions, he wondered if he would be so angry that he would run over to beat him directly.

Angelo walked over and participated in the chat between Stark and Steve.

Everyone is very happy tonight, except Stark, who is hard-working, and Steve, who has the same fate. Stark's bitterness came from Angelo's small report with Pepper, as for Steve's...

"Hey! Steve! Where's your new girlfriend? Why hasn't he come yet?" Angelo asked Steve.

Steve had a wry smile on his face, "She hasn't left work yet, she said she will come over after get off work."

Stark said to add insult to injury, "Maybe your new girlfriend has no interest in you?"

Steve: ...

Just when Steve was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer, the expressions on Angelo's and Stark's faces changed at the same time!

There are a large number of footsteps coming from the street in the distance, accompanied by the roar of the car's engine.

Angelo's reason is because of his strong mental power, as for Stark, it's purely because of Jarvis' reminder in his earphones that the satellite has detected that there is a nearby heat source approaching.

"Hey! Dude, there's no time for embarrassment, someone is here to disrupt the situation!" Angelo patted Steve on the shoulder and walked to the door first.

Stark also quickly equipped the steel armor and ran to the door.

Steve picked up his pot lid from the side of the bar and rushed out. Frank obviously also saw the commotion here, pulled out the three thousand that will kill you from the bar, and then walked out.

"No. 1! Protect everyone, someone is here to disrupt the situation." Angelo walked out of the church door, turned his head and gave orders to No. 1.

"Yes! Boss!" The actions of the Sisters of Battle seemed to have been rehearsed countless times, and they took guns from all over the church neatly, and set up guns on the doors and windows of the church.

As for the steel stone demon battle armor and the two clay stone demons with statues at the door, An Qiluo didn't plan to move them at all because they couldn't be used.

At this time, Angelo had already walked to the street, and he saw clearly what was going on.

A red car was quickly driving towards the direction of the church. Behind the car, there were many red figures chasing the walls on both sides of the street non-stop.

It was an old acquaintance from last night - the Red Ninja Legion of the Hand!

Angelo's eyes gradually turned cold. He was still thinking about going to the Hand to trouble him tomorrow, but he didn't expect that the Hand would come to his door first. It seems that I can't let you live another day!

There is a way in heaven if you don't go, there is no way to hell.

"Go! There are too many ninjas in red clothes!" A slightly familiar voice sounded, and a head poked out from the cab of the red car, shouting desperately at An Qiluo and others from the air.

An Qiluo took a closer look and was immediately happy, good guy, this is also an acquaintance!

Did you know that there was a banquet today, so you came to add to the fun?

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