The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 135 We are not the first to use Angelo

Chapter 135 We are not the first to use Angelo

With Sharon Carter looking at Angelo in horror, everyone returned to the church.

"Go ahead, everyone." Angelo smiled wryly, looking at the atmosphere in the hall that had quietly changed, "The trouble has been resolved."

"This..." Stark walked over, "Let's forget it, Angelo. It's not suitable to continue the party today. Go to my place in a few days, and I'll take care of it."

"All right……"

An Qiluo looked at the different expressions on everyone's faces, and could only let it go. As Stark said, after such a commotion in the Hand, the party will definitely not be able to continue today.

Blame the damn Hand!

It is really impossible to keep them!

When the two were chatting, Steve put his arms around Sharon Carter and comforted her, "Carter, it's okay, Angelo is actually a very good person, don't be so afraid of him, he won't watch it because of you He hits you right away."

"But! Just now he clearly said that because that woman took a look at him, she was beaten to death by that woman..." Sharon Carter's eyes wandered, especially when her eyes fell on Angelo, Immediately, he hurried away like a frightened deer.

Angelo naturally also noticed the commotion here, and he shook his head amusedly.

He didn't need to think about Sharon Carter's purpose. He must have been sent by Nick Fury to spy on information, but he never expected that Nick Fury could actually send such a rookie here. He even brought himself in.

Of course, even if Angelo knew, for Steve's sake, he wouldn't be able to do anything to Sharon Carter again, otherwise he could still tell Steve, I just messed with your new girlfriend died?

Angelo has no information here that people are afraid to know, because even if you know, no matter what coveted things in the church, as long as you dare to reach out your hand, he will dare to chop off your claws.


After the party ended, everyone left one after another, even Steve took Carter and left the church.

Of course, before leaving, everyone agreed with An Qiluo on tomorrow's battle plan.

Originally, according to An Qiluo's intention, he pushed the Hand's strongholds over one by one. But under the persuasion of master tacticians Steve and Frank, Angelo gave up the idea.

In the words of the two, Angelo can guarantee that there will be no accidents by doing this, but at the same time, he cannot guarantee that the Hand members in other strongholds will not run away after receiving the news.

In the end, tomorrow's battle plan became to divide the troops into four groups to ensure that no fish slipped through the net.


Early the next morning, the four of them gathered at the church and followed the route planned by Frank—well, Steve shouldn't have had time to plan the route last night.

The four of them set off.

Stark put on his steel armor and soared into the sky. Steve rode on his big motorcycle and carried the big pot cover on his back. Frank's original truck had been disposed of along with the car of corpses, so he could only drive the second-hand pickup truck bought by No. 1 and others.

Fortunately, the combat style of No. 1 and others is not much different from his, and the various heavy firepower loaded in the pickup truck can be used just right.

It's just that before he left, little Jiali clamored to go with him, and got up early to wait for Angelo in the hall with her big hand cannon.

Angelo had no choice but to delay for a while, coaxing little Jiali to go to class with Nick.

After that, I drove off slowly in the big G without taking anyone with me.

According to the comparison of the force values ​​of the people, An Qiluo got the most difficult bone to crack - of course, this difficulty is only relatively speaking, for an elephant, what is the difference between an ant and a praying mantis? Is there a difference?

As soon as An Qiluo drove out of Hell's Kitchen, many people received the news.

No one knows how many influencers there are in Hell's Kitchen right now.

Of course, bear the brunt, what is certain is that Nick Fury will be the first to receive the news.

He looked at the message he just received, thought for a while, and called Coulson, "Colson, tell Director George not to interfere with today's affairs."

"Yes, Director." Coulson's face was a bit bitter. He has been in Director George's office for the past two days, preventing Director George from interfering in the affairs between the Guild and Angelo. He knew that this was the Director. In order to protect Chief George and prevent Chief George from intervening rashly, according to Chief George's personality, there may be some head-on conflicts with Angelo. If Angelo is annoyed, he will rush to the New York Police Department building and kill Chief George. , that would be a big deal.

What they have done is to keep the impact or nature of this matter within the scope of a gang seeking mutual revenge.

After all, the Hand is really not a good thing, and they can't stop Angelo's actions.

But he has no way to tell Director George about this kind of thing, he can only keep it secret, especially Angelo's information still needs the highest level of confidentiality authority, if he hadn't had contact with Angelo, and it was Nick Fury He probably doesn't have the authority to know the executors personally named by the director!

But there must always be a reason for not letting the New York police intervene in this matter...

Coulson sighed, pushed open the door of Chief George's office, and started making up lies...

"Director George, hello, the FBI will have an operation today..."

Today is still the day when the FBI takes the blame every day.


On Stark's steel battle suit, he was loaded with many pendants with heavy firepower.

This is a tactic he has recently developed. Although he has been urging the engineering team to rush to work on the church's laboratory, it has not yet been completed.

Angelo asked him to study gold coins only in the church or when Angelo was around. Without being able to upgrade and manufacture the battle suit, Stark can only find ways to enhance his strength from the external pendant.

Under the nearly invincible defense and saturation bombardment of the Warframe, the stronghold of the Hand was vulnerable to Stark.

After successfully destroying the Hand Association stronghold assigned to him, he went to support Steve and Frank.

Everyone's actions went smoothly, except An Qiluo.

Angelo thought that he would be able to destroy the assigned Hand Association stronghold smoothly. It is impossible for the Hand Association to have existences comparable to the Ancient One or even Lady Death in terms of force. At most, there are some strengtheners.

The fact is exactly as he thought, there are a few enhanced people, and their abilities are also very strange.

Some can summon two illusory giant wolves, some are invulnerable, and some have great close combat skills.

But in front of An Qiluo, they didn't have much effect, they were all killed with a stick. Only the master of close combat could stand in front of him for a while longer, it was extremely slippery.

After being counterattacked by the attack, the fighting master also learned to be smart. Instead of attacking, he just dragged An Qiluo and planned to inform other Hand Association strongholds.

In the end, An Qiluo was a little annoyed by the entanglement, and he simply released a corpse explosion and a poison explosion directly at the body of a killed peripheral hand member on the ground.

Then he walked out of the stronghold without looking back.

In the stronghold, the screams of close combat masters came along with the roar caused by the corpse explosion.

The entire stronghold was blown into a big pit, and the surrounding ground was quickly soaked by the rules of death, turning into scorched earth without a blade of grass. Fortunately, this stronghold was not located in the center of New York, and there were no people around it except the Hand.

Otherwise, with just this corpse explosion plus the poison explosion, half of the sad New Yorkers would be killed before the aliens arrived. This is also the reason why An Qiluo doesn't like to use skills. The power of skills is too great to be controlled at all.

Especially after he absorbed the rules of death, this phenomenon is even more serious!

Nick Fury watched with horror in the satellite surveillance video of the Hand's stronghold that was blown into a piece of scorched earth. The scorched earth after the explosion was clearly the strange sand left over from the Afghan desert last time.

Angelo's ability has been strengthened again!

After Angelo left Hell's Kitchen, he used S.H.I.E.L.D.'s satellites to observe Angelo. There was no way. The number of times Angelo usually fought in Hell's Kitchen could be counted on one hand. Ways to do an effective profile.

Nick Fury silently looked at the power assessment report just made by his subordinates, feeling a little bitter in his heart.

Angelo is simply a moving humanoid nuclear bomb!

Moreover, according to the observation of the instrument, after the explosion made by Angelo, there will be a very strange energy force field wrapped around the field.

Thanks to his inexplicable acquisition of the ability of immortality, he thought that even if he couldn't withstand An Qiluo's attack, the difference would not be too much. Now it seems that he was thinking too much...


When Angelo kept destroying the stronghold of the Hand Association, he was in a building belonging to the Rand Group in the center of New York City.

An old lady looked at the information in her hand with an ugly expression. With so many strongholds destroyed, even the Hand would be seriously injured.

You must know that the members of the Hand Society were not the only ones in the stronghold, and countless new drugs developed were also destroyed.

These new drugs were originally intended to be sold to Jin Bin, but who knew, the delivery date was coming soon, and Jin Bin suddenly said no more, so they had to store them in various strongholds, planning to find another market.

Angelo and the others destroyed almost all the apparent strongholds of the Hand in New York. Although they were caught off guard at the beginning, the strongholds did not send out signals, but with so many strongholds, how could the Hand not notice.

"Madam Gao, what should we do now? I didn't expect a keel to cause so many troubles." An Asian man beside him said.

Mrs. Gao glanced at the other four people in the room, her expression hesitated, and then she seemed to have made a decision, she gritted her teeth and said, "The loss of drugs and strongholds is small, but the keel is the key to our immortality, so Keel must never give up."

"We are the five fingers of the Hand. At this time, we must unite. Start the black sky experiment now. As long as we can complete the black sky experiment, we can completely eliminate this priest named Angelo."

The Asian man who spoke just now said again, "But, the Black Sky Project...the preparations are not yet complete. The previous generation of Black Sky has consumed more than five hundred fifteen-year-old children to choose from it." Suitable hosts, beasts have very strict conditions for selecting hosts, and we have only collected more than a hundred qualified children from all over the world..."

"Now we can't control that much now. We have the experience of the previous generation of Black Sky. This time we use drugs to activate it forcibly. We don't need Black Sky to have a complete mind. We just need to know how to execute orders. When the time comes, we will control the previous generation of Black Sky." The ring to control the new Hei Kong. As long as Hei Kong kills this priest named An Qiluo and gets the dragon bone to live forever, it doesn’t matter if there is no Hei Kong.”

"Okay!" Faced with the temptation of immortality, the Asian man's last persistence was defeated by Mrs. Gao. "I'll let my men start summoning the beast."

"Okay, I will go to An Qiluo to negotiate first tonight, to buy you time, and I hope you can summon the black sky as soon as possible." Madam Gao said through gritted teeth.


It was already afternoon when Angelo returned to the church, and the others had already returned.

Stark took off his Mark armor and was sitting on a chair chatting with Steve. Frank sat on the sidelines silently maintaining his firearms.

After seeing Angelo coming in, Stark's expression was a little subtle.

"Dude! I think next time there's a problem, or you need to kill someone, you can have Steve or Frank do it for you. Or me."

Angelo looked at Stark inexplicably, "Why? Am I moving very slowly today?"

Stark shook his head. "No, on the contrary, you came back sooner than I expected. It's just... forget it, you can see for yourself."

With that said, Stark took the phone from Steve's hand and handed it to Angelo.

Angelo looked at the content on the phone screen, and finally understood why Stark said that.

Fuckbook is displayed on the screen of the phone, which is Steve's account, which is not the point.

The point is that a piece of the latest news hangs on the homepage of Fuckbook - "New York City Suspected to Be Attacked by Missiles, Mysterious Bombing Areas Appeared in Many Places".

"Man, you're making too much noise." Stark said helplessly.

Steve and Frank nodded in agreement.

Even when he went out in the morning, he carried a pendant full of heavy firepower. The movement he made was not as great as Angelo's.

In the news, when Director George was interviewed by reporters, he could only say that he had no comment with an ugly face.

In the comments below the news, many people have speculated whether this incident has something to do with Iron Man Tony Stark. Now Stark's Iron Man name has penetrated into the hearts of New Yorkers. He even has quite a few fans.

"Well...Actually, I wanted to be quicker, so there was such a big movement." An Qiluo touched his nose in embarrassment, which didn't match their plan yesterday, and he was also a little annoyed by that master of close combat Only then did he frequently use corpse explosions, and finally let Stark take the blame for him.

"Maybe it was made by S.H.I.E.L.D.?" An Qiluo took out his mobile phone, logged into Fuckbook, and habitually sang a wave of black corned eggs in the comments.

Anyway, anything can be said about S.H.I.E.L.D.

Stark looked at Angelo's behavior a little dumbfounded, it's really unlucky for S.H.I.E.L.D. to provoke this guy.

However, he had already made up his mind silently in his heart. If the enemy didn't use nuclear weapons or it was not a last resort, he would definitely not let An Qiluo do anything.

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