The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 138: The Ceremony Begins

Chapter 138: The Ceremony Begins

Angelo hugged little Jiali with a smile, and confiscated the big hand cannon in her hand.

Daniel Rand looked at this pair of unscrupulous father and daughter, and was speechless.

He really doesn't have that much money now, but the other party's proposal moved him very much.

As long as he regains the Rand Group, let alone 9 million, even 10 million will not be difficult for the Rand Group.

Anyway, what is signed now is a empty check. If the Rand Group can be recaptured by then, the money is not too much. If it cannot be recaptured, the money will naturally not be given.

"Okay, I'll sign." After thinking about it, Daniel Rand agreed without hesitation.

An Qi found a pen and paper and began to write and draw on the paper.

"Well, the total is 9.98 million. I lent you the money first. Tomorrow I will go and kill all the Hands. Of course, if you borrow money, you will naturally have to calculate the interest. It is more than 9 million. If I lend it to you, it’s not too much to calculate the interest of 20,000 yuan a day, just make up the whole, let’s make it 10 million!”

Angelo neatly wrote down the figure of 10 million on the paper, and handed the IOU to Daniel Rand with a smile on his face, "Chenghui, please sign."

Daniel Rand: ...

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

Daniel Rand finally signed the IOU.

Alexei, who was eavesdropping in the distance, heard Angelo's operation, as if he had opened the door to a new world!

What is a businessman!

Mr. Priest is a businessman!

I will lend you money and ask you to ask me to help you solve the problem. Not only will you earn the money you need to solve the problem, but you will also be able to calculate the interest!

Compared with Mr. Priest, what kind of business is selling box lunches on the construction site!

"Okay, I'll take over this matter. Remember, if you renege on the debt, I'll hit you too." Angelo solemnly put away the IOU, and then said while staring into Daniel Rand's eyes.

"Mr. Priest, we can provide bill collection services. How can such a trivial matter bother you!" Alexei, consciously enlightened, moved his bald head over and looked at Daniel Rand expectantly, as if wishing Daniel Land Rand reneged on his debts, "We only need 10% of the hard work to collect the bills."

Angelo originally wanted to take a sip from the wine glass on the table, but when he heard Alexei's words, he almost spit out the wine.

Is this guy crazy? Am I not scary anymore? The money came to me?

Angelo looked at the daring Alexei in disbelief, "Are you crazy? You need 10% of the hard work to collect the bill? One million?"

Angelo originally planned to wait until Frank asked where the remaining members of the Squad were hiding, and then went to take them out tomorrow, so as not to bother him endlessly.

Now that Daniel Rand appears, isn't this hitting a rabbit with grass?

As a result, Alexei planned to share a portion of the 10 million that he had just obtained?

Facing Angelo's scrutinizing gaze, Alexei smiled awkwardly, "Of course, Mr. Priest, as the first customer, I should give you a free offer."

Daniel Rand looked at Alexei, who seemed certain that he would renege, feeling a little embarrassed.

Do I look like a bad guy?

"Don't worry, Mr. Priest, I will keep my promise." Daniel Rand said firmly.

In this regard, Alexei could only leave regretfully. If he did not leave, Angelo would beat him.


Without keeping Angelo waiting for too long, Frank soon returned from the backyard with his hands full of blood. Both hands dragged a pool of "objects" that kept screaming, and the blood was dragged out on the ground. Two long lines.

The gang bosses in the hall stared at this evil spirit in silence.

In the past few days, they all knew that there was a demon in Angelo's church, a ruthless person who could give corpses as gifts.

According to Billy, this fiend also became the shooting coach of No. 1 and others and the chief referee of that heresy.

They didn't know exactly what the chief heresy referee did, but the only thing they knew was that this ruthless man was the last thing to be messed with in the church.

At least Mr. Priest is reasonable sometimes.

Now they understood what the Inquisitor Billy was talking about was.

The two piles of objects on the ground were obviously Mrs. Gao and the driver who they watched being dragged into the backyard just now!

How long has it been, and when you come out, you will look like no one! Moreover, the most frightening thing is that after suffering such a great torture, the two of them are still alive!

The bosses of the gang looked at each other, and after a shiver, they paid their bills and left very consciously.

Well, it's definitely not that I'm afraid, it's just that I have to get up early for breakfast tomorrow, so I'll go back to sleep early!

"The question came out. The rest of the people are hiding in the basement of the RAND Group building, which has been converted into a laboratory. Mrs. Gao said that there is a black space plan going on there. As for the specific content of the plan, she did not say. The driver has no idea."

Frank threw the two piles of objects on the ground and sat down at the table.

Angelo glanced at Daniel Rand, who looked particularly embarrassed. This news made Daniel, who had been devoting himself to destroying the Hand, extremely embarrassed.

Obviously, the headquarters of the family is hidden under his nose, but in the end he didn't know it, making people play like a fool.

In Frank's hands, Mrs. Gao was still quite stubborn, and she lasted until Frank chopped her into a stick before she couldn't hold back and told the news Frank wanted.

But that driver was a lot of waste. Seeing Frank's cruel methods, he was so scared that he peed his pants on the spot, crying and saying that if he wanted to know anything, just ask.

At that time, Frank insisted on cutting off his finger and then asked.

In the end, the driver even told how old he was when he peeked at his neighbor taking a shower, and of course he also told about the fact that he was actually Mrs. Gao's little boy.

Frank looked at Mrs. Gao's face like an old orange peel, thinking that this driver could actually talk, even Frank had to admire his good appetite.

Frank sorted out the information from Mrs. Bigao and the driver, and finally came to a conclusion and told Angelo.

"Do you know what the Black Sky Project is?" Angelo asked Daniel.

Daniel shook his head in embarrassment. He has been played around by Mrs. Gao, and he has never even heard of the so-called Black Sky Project. "have no idea."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, I'll take a trip tomorrow to help you solve this problem." Angelo patted Daniel on the shoulder, "You can leave today and come to me tomorrow morning."

Daniel nodded, got up and was about to leave the church.

"By the way, settle the bill for the bottle of wine you just drank, a favor of five hundred dollars." Angelo's voice came from behind.

"Yes! Pay the bill!" Little Jiali helped Angelo's arms without knowing why. "Otherwise I will beat you together!"

Daniel staggered and almost fell to the ground. He swore that after taking back the Rand Group, he would definitely never come to this church again! This father and daughter is even darker than a black shop!

After Daniel paid the bill obediently, Angelo smiled and pinched little Jiali's nose, causing Little Jiali to giggle and gently kiss Angelo's face.

"Little Jiali, girls can't be so violent!"

Little Jiali jumped down from Angelo's arms with a smile, and picked up her big hand cannon from the table beside her, "Got it! Dad, I'm going to sleep then!"

I don't know if she really knew or pretended to know, but Angelo immediately forgot about it when he saw the cute look of little Jiali, anyway, cute is enough, isn't it, um, so The cute little princess can be said to be smashed to pieces with a single shot, isn't it?

Only then did Angelo ask No. 1 to send little Jiali back to her room, ready to go to bed.

Frank and Steve looked at An Qiluo, looked at each other, and said after hesitating, "Angelo, let me go tomorrow, you're making too much noise."

"No, Frank, you and Steve will go with Dr. Banner tomorrow and protect him from Corvo University."

Frank has a weird expression on his face, asking him to protect Dr. Banner? That big green monster?

Angelo could guess what he was thinking, "The main reason for letting you go is to prevent people from the military from catching him. Dr. Banner doesn't want to release the Hulk."

"Okay, I see."

Now even if people from the military came to arrest Dr. Banner, after seeing Steve, as Steve's Captain America, the soldiers would not be easy to do it.

Angelo did not want to have a direct confrontation with the military.

Tomorrow's affairs are considered settled, Frank took Nick home, and Steve also left the church.

As for Mrs. Gao and the little boy driver... Frank took them away. As for what will happen, I think it won't be leaving Hell's Kitchen alive.

After everyone left, Uncle Long found An Qiluo.

"An Qiluo." Uncle Long asked An Qiluo, "Do you still remember the Kunlun Mountain I told you about?"

"Remember, what's the matter, Uncle Long?"

Uncle Long hesitated for a moment before saying, "When I was young, I had friends who came from Kunlun. I see the traces of Mrs. Gao's attack today, which is very similar to Kunlun's kung fu."

When An Qiluo heard what Uncle Long said, he immediately frowned, "Then what does the Hand have to do with Kunlun in China?"

What An Qiluo hates the most is the development of this kind of development that beats the younger ones, and then the old ones jump out to take revenge, and then beats the old ones, and the older ones jump out.

It's not that you can't beat it, it's that it's endless and annoying. Mrs. Gao's dazzling scraping swordsmanship is not much stronger than the old ones.

"Probably not. Kunlun is a positive organization. They hardly get involved in the secular world. Moreover, they have a national background. It is impossible for them to have any relationship with a criminal organization like the Hand. I feel that they may be traitors or deserters of Kunlun." Long Uncle is not too sure, let alone recent years, even within a hundred years, I have never heard of any deserters or traitors in Kunlun.

"Forget it." An Qiluo shook his head, and said to Uncle Long, "Don't think about it, it's not important, if Kunlun is really so unreasonable, because Hands wants to trouble me, then I don't have to. Show mercy to them. Kunlun can't represent the whole country."


In the underground secret laboratory of the Rand Group Building, the other four leaders of the Hand were pacing anxiously in place.

"Why hasn't Mrs. Gao come back yet? The secret medicine given to those broilers is about to take effect." The Asian man kept looking at the watch on his hand.

"Murakami, don't wait. Mrs. Gao may be entangled in something. It's not like you don't know her strength. What could be unexpected? Let's start the summoning ceremony now."

A woman of African descent stood by an altar and said.

"I agree with Suowanda's opinion." Another white man raised his hand and voted.

"I also agree with Suowanda's opinion." Even the only remaining white female in Europe and America agreed.

"Botu, Alexandra, you..." Murakami's expression was a little ugly.

The five of them are leaders of the Hand, known as the Five Fingers of the Hand. Even so, but in fact it is faintly divided into three forces.

Among them, Mrs. Gao and Murakami are a team, and Mrs. Gao is the strongest among the five, so they usually have the final say on various affairs of the Hand Association.

Botu and Alexandra came next, and the African Suwanda was last.

Originally, according to the original plan, the summoning ceremony was not started until Mrs. Gao came back after negotiating with the priest, but now Mrs. Gao has not come back, obviously something happened.

At this time, the other three joined forces and forced Murakami to start the summoning ceremony.

Because if Mrs. Gao is not there, Murakami will not be able to compete with them for the control of Black Sky. No matter who gets the control of Black Sky, then in the next time, Black Sky will not die, and the controller is the real boss of the Hand. !

Murakami looked at the time, and then at the other two groups of people who had their own ghosts, he could only sigh silently.

Things have come to this point, and the arrow has to be fired.

The secret medicine mixed into the dinner for those children was very rare, even the Hand would not be able to collect a copy in a short time.

Moreover, if the summoning ceremony is given up at this time, it is impossible for others to agree.

Murakami took out a simple black ring from his pocket, put it into the altar in the center of the room, and put all kinds of weird materials into the altar.

Then, under the fiery eyes of the remaining three people, they poured a few drops of blood into the altar.

His blood is the key to summoning the "beast", which is their family's ability.

To create a black sky, the blood of their family must be used.

This is also why Mrs. Gao formed an alliance with him. He needs Mrs. Gao's protection, and Mrs. Gao needs his blood to create a black sky.

After doing all this, Murakami took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Send it in."

Hundreds of red-clothed ninjas immediately pushed the iron cages into the empty laboratory, and each iron cage contained a child of about fifteen or sixteen years old, of all races and colors.

All the eyes were dull, even if they were sent to the laboratory, there was no change in their dull eyes.

The dinners of these captured children were all drugged. What the Hand needs is a black sky that has no feelings and no selfish desires, not a black sky with its own consciousness.

After using this drug, after Heikong was born, his mind would be blank, just a machine, without any selfish desires except the killing instinct from the "beast", and it could also be controlled by the ring.

It was not until more than a hundred children were sent to the laboratory that the four people withdrew from the laboratory.

Through the monitor, Murakami saw a puff of black smoke gradually rising from the altar, slowly spreading throughout the laboratory.

"Okay, the ceremony has already begun, you just need to wait quietly for twenty-four hours."

Murakami said this on his lips, but he knew very well in his heart that this time tomorrow is the time when the four Hands will compete for control of the black sky.

He could only pray silently in his heart that Mrs. Gao could come back before the ceremony was completed...

Thanks to Crazy Dong for the reward of 100 starting points~

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