The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 149 The road widened

Chapter 149 The road widened

After confirming that Angelo did not kill General Ross on the spot, Stark immediately launched the Stark Group's influence to directly put pressure on Congress, allowing Congress to put pressure on the military.

General Ross must be court-martialed! Otherwise, the Stark Group's legal team will be dispatched to sue the Pentagon for infringement of Captain America's portrait rights on behalf of Steve.

No one thought that Stark would actually do something to the former big arms customer!

Moreover, if Captain America, the national hero that the U.S. military has always promoted, sues the Pentagon, it will make the U.S. military a ridiculous joke around the world.

Stark had thought that there would be some chatter for a while, but the result was beyond his expectations. The answer given by the military was very pleasant.

Agree to court-martial General Ross.

This surprised Stark, and after repeated questioning, he learned from Colonel Rhodes what was going on.

It turned out that he was not the only one putting pressure on Congress, but also the new president of the Rand Group—Daniel Rand.

The Rand Group itself is also a super-class consortium in the United States, mainly engaged in real estate, petroleum, and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, Daniel Rand himself holds more than 50% of the shares of Meacham Industrial Group, a Fortune 500 company.

Although Daniel Rand only took over the position of president of the Rand Group today...

Stark looked at the profile of Daniel Rand with admiring eyes. The person in the photo was the boy with glowing fists who walked with them today to attack the hand club. The road is really wide, and I will repay you with gratitude.

With the pressure from the two top chaebols of the Rand Group and the Stark Group, the military's reply will be so happy.


On the other side, in a laboratory at a military base in the suburbs of New York.

"Emile, have you really thought about it?" General Ross looked majestically at Emil who was lying on the operating table.

Emir was bandaged and his face was pale. After the hospital's treatment, after the internal organs were broken, he finally managed to save his life. But he only saved his life, and it was difficult to even get out of bed. If there were no accidents, he would receive an order to retire from the army in a month and leave the army with his pension.

"Ahem, general, I've thought about it!" Emil gritted his teeth and said.

He wants to wash away the shame on himself, even if the opponent is a superhero! Moreover, the only way to solve his problem now, to make him walk on the ground again, is to take a risk.

For Emil, it would be better to die like a waste.

General Ross waved his hand, and was about to order the scientists on the side to start the experiment when the door of the laboratory was suddenly pushed open.

The orderly came running in!

"General Ross! The Pentagon is calling!" the orderly snapped a military salute and said.

General Ross sighed silently in his heart, what should come will always come.

He waved to the scientist on the side, motioning him to suspend the experiment, then turned and left the laboratory regardless of Emil's yelling.

General Ross knew that what he did today would get him court-martialed.

Now his only hope is that in the communication with the Pentagon, he can get the military to help delay it for a period of time. As long as he can successfully use human experiments to create a Hulk-like existence before the court-martial, the military’s The top brass, including the hawkish party in the Pentagon, will do everything in their power to keep him.

"Hello, I'm Lieutenant General Thaddeus E. Ross." General Ross answered the phone and said with a serious face.


"Yes, I did lead troops into Corvo University today and implemented a plan to capture Hulk there." General Ross' face was a little ugly.


"I know I will be court-martialed, and I would like to ask the Pentagon to buy me a period of time. Now that human experiments have made new progress, I can prove the feasibility of the super soldier plan." General Ross paused, then continued, " If I can't implement a super soldier, then I will go to the Pentagon and go to the military court to stand trial."


"Five days, no, two days is enough." General Ross said with the last hope.

Now Emil, the subject of the human experiment, is ready, and the laboratory that simulates the environment in which the Hulk is produced is also ready.

According to Bruce Banner's experiment log at the time, the results can be seen in at most two days, and success or failure depends on it.


"Okay!" General Ross had a look of joy on his face.

After hanging up the phone, General Ross breathed a sigh of relief.

The Pentagon promised to give him two days. As for what will happen after two days, it depends on General Ross's own fortune.

If he can successfully create a super soldier, then the Pentagon and the military will naturally help him find a way to get rid of the crime. If he fails, then he will naturally take off his military uniform and be sent to a military court for the most "fair" trial.

The pressure from the Stark Group and the Rand Group, together with the public opinion in the society, must have a person with enough weight to be responsible, and that person will only be General Ross.

General Ross knew in his heart that now was not the time to relax.

Whether he can get through this difficulty safely depends on the results of the experiment.

General Ross adjusted his expression and returned to the laboratory. Looking at Emil lying on the chair, he solemnly stepped forward to check it himself, and he did not return to the outside of the laboratory until he confirmed it was correct.

Through the glass made of special material, General Ross gestured blankly to the scientists beside him, indicating that he could start.

The scientist nodded and operated on the operating instrument in front of him.

Then, with the sound of an airlock, the experimental reinforced metal door was completely locked from the outside, and it could not be opened from the inside.

On the ceiling of the laboratory, a robotic hand stretched out, holding a needle in its hand.

The needle is filled with a green liquid.

It was the blood sample left by Dr. Banner to Mr. Lan and then snatched by General Ross!

At the same time, green lights began to light up in the laboratory! It's gamma rays!

The birth conditions of the Hulk were completely simulated in the laboratory!

Amidst Emir's screams, the mechanical hand injected the green blood in the needle into his body. The green blood flowed under Emir's skin like a swimming snake in his blood vessels.

Emil's skin began to fester, and the pain was as if the skin had been peeled off his body!

The gamma rays in the laboratory also began to radiate towards Emil, which intensified Emil's body's absorption of Hulk's blood!

General Ross looked at Emil who was festering and struggling, his face expressionless.

He turned his head and ordered to the scientist beside him, "Increase the power of the gamma rays."

The researcher on the side looked embarrassed, "This... If the power is increased, I am afraid it will exceed the limit of the human body."

"I said increase the power!" General Ross pulled out the pistol from his waist a little violently, and pointed it at the researcher's head.

I got off work a bit late today, I only wrote two chapters today, and I will resume the 10,000-word update tomorrow~ okay?

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