The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 151 Are You Insulting My IQ?

Chapter 151 Are You Insulting My IQ?

Skye looked at his thin arms and legs, and naturally it was impossible to train according to the ridiculous exercise method given by Angelo.

She just thought that she hadn't helped Angelo get the information he wanted from S.H.I.E.L.D., and Angelo wouldn't teach her the real skills.

As long as Angelo's supercomputer is in place and she gets the information Angelo wants, Angelo will teach her real magic.

But Frank, who was silently maintaining his weapon at the side, also heard Angelo's words.

Frank raised his eyebrows, this exercise method...

Seems to work?

He was very interested in Angelo's ability to rebound attacks, and the adoring eyes of little Nick that day still emerged in Frank's mind.

Although as a friend, Frank would not be jealous of Angelo's abilities.

But as a father, especially a father who lacks communication with his son and doesn't know how to communicate, Frank also wants to enjoy his son's adoring eyes.

Well, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squat stand-ups, and a 10-kilometer long-distance run a day. It doesn't seem to be too difficult.

When he was in the Marine Corps, the intensity of physical training was much higher than that. Maybe the combination of 100+100+100+10 has any special meaning.

Magic, it is an incredible thing, how strange it is.

Frank decided to start exercising according to the method Angelo said starting tomorrow morning.

Number one on the side also looked at An Qiluo with reverence. Since the boss said it, it must be true!

Start tomorrow! The morning training of the Fighting Sisters is about to increase!


After Angelo hung up the phone with Stark, he was silently relieved to see that Skye didn't continue chasing him to ask questions about magic.

Next time you see Mage Ancient One, you must ask her how to teach people how to learn magic, otherwise, as an upright necromancer, you will be too watery!

The last time I saw Mage Gu Yi, I forgot to ask her where the Mage Temple in New York was.


What happened in front of the Rand Building and Corvo University today has finally sparked heated discussions on the Internet and among the people!

Although both the military and S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel are working hard to delete posts and comments on Fuckbook, suppressing public opinion.

But after all, there were too many people who saw it at the scene, and many people recorded videos from a distance.

And the mysteriously deleted posts and comments, as well as countless eyewitnesses also proved the authenticity of this supernatural rumor from the side!

A video quickly climbed to the front page on Fuckbook! On the hot search.

Even many tabloids or self-media channels on Youtube have reposted this video one after another!

But the strange thing is that those large media companies, as well as traditional news channels, have always kept silent about this matter, as if they didn't know that this supernatural event happened. Reporters from these large newspapers will definitely jump on this public opinion like a mad dog.

Obviously, these large newspaper media have been communicated by the military and S.H.I.E.L.D. through various channels at the same time.

This video, which was artificially pinned to the top by the majority of netizens, was edited from two videos.

The first part is the video of the battle between Stark and the phantom monster—beast in front of the Rand Building this morning. In the video, you can clearly see Tony Stark, the Iron Man who just blew himself up not long ago.

As for the phantom monster, no one knows the identity of this guy.

In the first video, when the monster was attacking wantonly, a white bone dragon that seemed to come out of a fantasy novel suddenly appeared from the sky and swallowed the phantom monster in one gulp.

The video is very clear. Sharp-eyed netizens saw in the video that the huge bone dragon turned back to the size of a puppy after swallowing the phantom monster.

This video caused a lot of controversy in the comment area. For the witnesses at the scene, it is natural to know that it is true, but for those who no longer witness it at the scene, this video is definitely synthesized by using special effects !

After all, how could the bone dragon in the fantasy novel appear in reality! And you can freely change the size!

But when these suspicious netizens saw the second video, they were all in an uproar!

In the video is General Ross of the military—as an excellent lieutenant general, General Ross naturally often appears in the news.

General Ross led troops to surround three mysterious men with hoods in Corvo University.

The distance of the video recording is very far, the voices of General Ross and the three people are not recorded, but what General Ross and the three people said, it seems that the conversation has collapsed. Following the order of General Ross, the army began to lock up the three people. Tighten the encirclement.

Until one of the mysterious people in the video took off his hood!

Netizens shouted incredible!

This mysterious man turned out to be a famous World War II hero in the United States! Captain America who smashed the Red Skull conspiracy - Steve Rogers.

Almost most of the American people grew up listening to Captain America’s stories and watching Steve Rogers’ cartoons. There is even a wax figure of Captain America in the Metropolitan Museum!

They can't be wrong!

If Steve Rogers in this video may be a crazy admirer of Captain America, and he has undergone plastic surgery to look like Steve Rogers, then there are enthusiastic people who can read lips in the comment area who have translated lips and made them even more beautiful. It directly raised the heat of the discussion to the peak!

General Ross in the video directly admits that the other party is Captain America Steve Rogers! It even revealed the identity of another mysterious person!


Hulk, the Hulk who fought against the military in the urban area before!

The popularity of the Hulk Hulk has not completely disappeared before, and naturally it has attracted more people to join in!

In the end, a mysterious man wearing a priest's robe descended from the sky stepping on a huge bone dragon, and strongly intervened in General Ross's roundup of the three of them!

After a bone prison that appeared out of thin air separated General Ross from the soldiers, when the mysterious man in the priest's robe came out again, he took Captain America and the three of them away.

On the contrary, the soldier who was shot away by Steve Rogers did not receive much attention!


The amount of information brought in the video is too huge!

Almost all the people fell into a brief silence after watching this video.

Iron Man, Phantom Monster, Captain America, Hulk Hulk, the mysterious priest...and that huge bone dragon.

There are also people who are suspected of being a navy army in the comments, saying that the video is a movie promotion film produced by a certain film company relying on special effects, but it was soon sprayed bloody by the public and left the stage sadly!

The White House government can hide the facts from them, but they must not decimate their IQs!

Which film company can produce such realistic special effects, and dare to discredit the powerful lieutenant general of the military? The conversation between Dr. Banner and General Ross in the video involved human experiments!

and! How do you explain the legacy scene at the entrance of Corvo University and the Rand Building?

The public has felt that it was outrageous enough since Stark blew himself up as Iron Man, but now even Captain America has been "resurrected", and the bone dragon has come out!

What's wrong with this world?

When An Qiluo saw the discussion on the Internet, the discussion became more and more intense, but the impact of this video is definitely more than that...

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