The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 153 I refused at first

Chapter 153 I refused at first

"Advocacy? What words?" Angelo looked at Alexei in a daze. "Support you to find a star, I'm just an ordinary priest, why do you want me?"

Alexey sneakily took out a piece of paper from his pocket, "Mr. Priest, don't you know? You now have a new name on the Internet, Father Hell. According to the popularity list , your popularity on Fuckbook has surpassed that of Hulk."

Angelo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then shook his head amusedly. When he was surfing the Internet earlier, he also saw that the trend of discussion on the Internet was still immersed in criticism of the military's incompetence and human experiments.

I didn't expect to start talking about myself so soon. Also come up with a name for the priest of hell, the priest of Hell's Kitchen? Well, it really has always been adhering to the simplicity and rudeness of the American style...

Angelo still remembered that the last time he looked at his nickname, he was wearing the Iron Stone Demon Armor and was called Hell God of War.

Compared with such simple and rude names, An Qiluo still prefers nicknames like Bloody Hand Rentu, which are immediately fierce upon hearing...

However, I am a serious priest, how could I mix with you gangsters?

"Is it possible that your construction company still needs a spokesperson?" An Qiluo shook his head, wanting to politely reject Alexei. He really couldn't imagine the image of himself speaking for a construction company. Could it be that he looks like a forced demolition contractor? ? Or is it that he forcibly demolished the house in front, and Alexei and the others followed behind him to discuss the rebuilding business with the owner of the house?

How is this different from stealing money?

An Qiluo, who still has a conscience, refuses this kind of thing.

"We don't only have construction companies." Seeing that Angelo wanted to reject him, Alexei quickly took out a folded note from his pocket and said, "We also have other companies."

"For example, Billy's lumber company, although they are all smuggled lumber, has absolutely no problem in terms of quality, and will never shoddy, and old Duncan's clothing company, although they are all produced by imitating various big brands, But the quality is better than those big brands, and my arms sales business, you know the quality, every kind of arms is guaranteed in quality..."

Alexey did a lot of homework, and the piece of paper he took out densely collected all the business of the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen except for the collection of protection fees.

Only then did An Qiluo discover that none of these gang bosses were fools, and everyone had a job other than gangsters. Of course, it must not be so legal.

The worst thing is that there is also a security company, and the younger brothers will transform themselves when necessary, put on a uniform and become a security company...

Listening to Alexei's explanation, Angelo was immediately shocked by this guy! What a business genius! As an arms dealer, he has even learned how to rub the heat!

Alexei was pushed out by these guys to find him, and now he has become known as the priest of hell on the Internet, and even has quite a few fans, thanks to his extremely cool bone dragon , many guys with abnormal aesthetics have even become fans of Bone Dragon...

The idea of ​​the gang bosses in Hell’s Kitchen is to ask themselves to endorse their products, and let their Fuckbook use their social accounts to speak for them. Even the old Duncan said that if he agrees to print his image on the original design On the T-shirt, in addition to a considerable amount of endorsement fees, they are also willing to contract the staff uniforms required by the church and the uniforms of all staff after the children's hospital next door is built.

Alexei held the note in his hand and explained to Angelo how much each company was willing to pay for the endorsement fee, but Angelo interrupted him.

"Alexey, I'm a serious person! I have nothing to do with you bastard gangsters, and I don't want to have anything to do with illegal things." Angelo said seriously.

"...The gang bosses in Hell's Kitchen paid a total of 20.5 million a year in endorsement fees, as well as various employee benefits." Alexei raised his bald head, a little caught off guard by Angelo's rejection.

Angelo was silent for a while, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether money is money or not. I mainly want to seek benefits for the employees of the church and the future hospital. I think the clothes are good. How about it? The image of the dragon is printed on the clothes, and apart from the drug and arms trade, I think as long as you are in a normal business, I can help you promote it on my social account."

Alexei was also silent for a while. Although he secretly slandered in his heart, he still smiled apologetically, "That's great, Mr. Father, don't you know that your social account needs a professional to help you manage it? That pimp Rayleigh I have a dedicated public relations manager who is very experienced in this..."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I don't need it, I can do it myself!" Angelo said dissatisfied, "Alexey, you bastard! You didn't say that there was Rayleigh's nightclub just now! How could I give that A kind of local endorsement!"

"Rayleigh's nightclub is licensed and operated legally. He also said that employees of churches and hospitals can be given membership cards as benefits every year." Alexei defended solemnly.

Although Angelo is very curious about what the membership card of the nightclub looks like, but think about it, in order to prevent Xiao Jiali from being told by her friends that your father has endorsed the nightclub when she grows up, Angelo can only give up the curiosity. thought up.

Angelo hurriedly glanced around guiltily, and found no one heard him, then whispered to Alexei, "Nightclubs are fine, but I'm curious about the membership cards of nightclubs, I don't mean anything else. , I'm asking for a friend of mine, you know, Frank is alone now, and he's always bitter and bitter, well, I'm asking for him..."

Alexei nodded knowingly, took out a black and gold card from another pocket and handed it to Angelo, "Mr. Priest, this is a personal gift from me to Mr. Frank, and there are about 100,000 dollars in it." I think those poor women must be redeemed by faith, and I have to trouble Mr. Priest’s friends to spread the faith of Lamas.”

Angelo quietly accepted the black gold membership card, and then the expression on his face turned into a compassionate expression, "You are really devout believers. You can write a form and send me all legal business, I think I'm supposed to be helping the devout spread the word about their business on social networking sites tomorrow."

You see, the confessions of these gangsters are so pious. Angelo, who felt the pious repentance, felt that he should give these bastards a chance to repent. Sinners can also be redeemed~


After seeing off Alexei who came to repent piously, Angelo sat in the church hall and fiddled with the "sincerity" he had just received.

Angelo himself thought it was amazing, so he became an Internet celebrity? Originally, my Fuckbook account was used to eat melons and watch dramas, but I became the protagonist after watching the excitement?

The protagonist is actually myself?

When my social account didn't even have many fans, I received a large amount of advertising business, although these advertisers were not engaged in any legitimate industry.

As for how to advertise the account? Isn't that simple?

Tomorrow, I will take two photos with Xiaogulong, upload them to my Fuckbook, and then post the advertisement on it, wouldn't it be fine?

After thinking about it in the end, An Qiluo felt less nervous. He put the "sincerity" in his hand into his backpack and went upstairs to sleep!


The next day, after Angelo got up, he washed up briefly. He originally wanted to take some pictures with the little bone dragon while the Battle Sisters were exercising with Frank and Uncle Long in the morning.

As a result, after he finished washing, he found that the Sisters of Fighting, who were doing morning exercises in the backyard every day, had disappeared. The backyard was empty, and even little Jiali was gone.

Angelo's heart tightened. The Battle Sisters were adults, so he didn't worry. The scene of those crazy women carrying Vulcan cannons and shooting wildly in front of the Stark Manor was still firmly imprinted in his mind.

He was worried about where little Jiali had gone! Could something have happened while he was asleep?

Angelo quickly got dressed and ran downstairs, only to wait until he reached the lobby on the first floor.

The whole person is stupid.

Uncle Long was making breakfast in the kitchen, and Little Gali didn't lose it. Instead, she followed the Fighting Sisters and Frank on the grass in front of the church, sitting and leaping non-stop. Little Nick was also...

Skye moved a chair and sat at the door of the church, watching the crowd exercising crazily, with an indescribably complicated expression on his face.

Angelo walked over, without disturbing the crowd who were crazily doing leapfrog, and asked Skye inexplicably, "What's the matter? Why did you run to the front yard to exercise this morning?"

Skye turned his head to see Angelo, hesitant to speak, "They...they are trying to learn magic."

Angelo: ...

Angelo looked at the Order of Sisters of Battle and Frank who had changed from leapfrogs to sit-ups in unison, and he opened his mouth.

Only then did he remember the magician training method he casually told Skye yesterday. He originally thought it was to make Skye retreat...

But I didn't expect that Skye didn't believe it, and Frank and the Battle Sisters believed it instead...

What kind of magician's training method is this? Isn't this just physical training? Magicians are not berserkers. If you can learn magic, it will be a hell...

An Qiluo knew in his heart that he was lying, but he glanced at Skye who was sitting beside him out of the corner of his eye, but he couldn't say what he wanted to tell everyone the truth.

"That... Nick and little Jiali, you are still young, so you don't need to train yourself like this." Angelo could only wave at the two children, trying to call them back.

But unexpectedly, Little Nick rejected him solemnly, "It's okay, Uncle Angelo, I want to learn magic!"

When little Jiali heard her father's words, she wanted to cheer and threw herself into her father's arms, but she looked at her brother Nick, then at her father, and followed Nick's example, she said to her father solemnly, "It's okay, Dad, I want to become a mage like Dad!"

Angelo: ...

What is this, self-inflicted can't live?

Seeing this, An Qiluo had no choice but to give up. These two children are not ordinary people, and they are physically stronger than many adults. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the two children being exhausted. Just exercise, and when they get tired of themselves just stopped.

If Nick really yearns to become a mage like Angelo, then little Jiali is just joining in the fun, she has no idea about mages.

Skye also looked at Angelo with a face like seeing a ghost. The magic training method Angelo gave her yesterday was obviously to fool her. The members and Frank actually believed it too! They are adults!

This is outrageous!

The ones trained in this way are probably not the kind of elegant magicians, but the muscular berserkers with big axes in their hands, who specialize in chopping people's heads...

An Qiluo shook his head, and didn't continue to dissuade the crowd, he would tell them the truth after he asked Gu Yi to find out the real way to learn spells.

He turned back to the church, gently kicked away the orange seat that was wandering around Uncle Long's feet, then picked up the little bone dragon that was wandering around Uncle Long like a puppy, and walked to the backyard.

After all, he had already charged the advertising fee yesterday and had to work.

An Qiluo carried the little bone dragon to the backyard, let the little bone dragon return to its body size, then put up two fingers, and took a picture with the little bone dragon in front of the phone.

In the photo, although the small bone dragon has a hideous and terrifying appearance, but for some reason, it always looks like a loveless expression.

The ghost knows how the little bone dragon made such a rich expression on the face with only bones left!

An Qiluo took a look at the photo and sent it to his Fuckbook. After pondering for a while, he began to edit the text in the text field, and then clicked send.

After sending, An Qiluo turned off the phone screen, because Uncle Long had already prepared breakfast and was inviting everyone to eat.


Angelo didn't notice that in the corner of his photo, a metal head was appearing there, aiming at the screen and giggling.

An Qiluo's photo was posted on Fuckbook, and it didn't cause any disturbance at first. After all, his account is not an officially certified big star or a big Internet celebrity, and even his fans are just a few people he knows.

Most of the netizens who saw this post only thought it was made with special effects, and they were just here to catch the heat.

But when one of the netizens dug up the fan list of this account and posted the screenshot on the Internet, the entire Fuckbook and even the non-Internet users in New York City were shocked!

Look who is on the fan list of this account?

Iron Man, Tony Stark! Captain America, Steve Rogers! Hulk, Dr. Bruce Banner!

The rest of the accounts called Ethan and Alexei are not important anymore!

Then this account must be the account of the mysterious priest riding a bone dragon! Not fake! This is beyond everyone's expectations, not just ordinary netizens!

4k chapter~

Thanks to the book friend 20210301183251469 for the reward of 100 starting coins

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