The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 179 Poverty limits your imagination

Chapter 179 Poverty limits your imagination

If Stark refused to join S.H.I.E.L.D. before, it was just because Angelo hated S.H.I.E.L.D., but now, Stark simply started to hate S.H.I.E.L.D., not only lied to him, but also treated him like a monkey played.

However, the displeasure in Stark's heart was quickly healed by the sweet smile of little Gali.

As a big capitalist and rich man, Stark naturally arranged for professional personnel to load and unload the equipment in the laboratory. When everyone returned to the church hall, they just sat here and waited for the workers to move and install them.

Of course, the curious little Jiali naturally refused to let go of the opportunity to watch these big guys. She dragged Nick to the laboratory to watch the workers loading and unloading.

Originally, Skye was still a little worried and wanted to follow, but Angelo beckoned Number One to come over and ask her to help him see the child.

As for security? Angelo and Frank needn't worry at all.

Leaving aside No. 1's current strength and the fact that no one dared to provoke Angelo in Hell's Kitchen, Little Gali and Nick alone were not ordinary children.

Even if there is any problem, the laboratory is under the church, and the adults can arrive quickly.

Stark, who has already succeeded Pepper as Stark's president, is not in a hurry, he is very free now. Just stayed in the church all morning.

It was not until around four o'clock in the afternoon that all the equipment in the laboratory was installed.

"Dad, Dad..." Little Jiali ran over with her short legs, and said a little disappointed, "The big guys are all installed, why is there no little one in our house?"

Angelo reached out and touched Little Jiali's head, smiled, and looked at Stark, "Little Jiali, Xiaodai is your godfather's assistant, so you can't move to our laboratory."

Little Jiali said with some disappointment, "Father, can we go and play with Xiaodai? I haven't seen Xiaodai for a long time."

Stark smiled and said, "Little Jiali wants to be a little bitch, so I'll move little bitch here tomorrow, okay?"

"Really?" Little Jiali immediately jumped up in surprise, "Can Xiaodai really come to our house?"

"Really." Stark smiled.

After getting an affirmative answer, little Jiali immediately cheered and left her father and godfather, and ran to the backyard, "Tough Batian, Little Bone Dragon, you have new friends..."

Looking at the back of Little Gali's little one, Angeloka looked at Stark, "Hey, buddy, isn't Xiaodai your assistant? Is it really okay for you to bring it to the church?"

Stark shrugged his shoulders, "No problem, the core of Xiaodai is its program, I just need to upload its program to the network, and then download it to the new machine in the church laboratory. The ones on the side of the church and the ones on the church side can coexist at the same time, just as I am going to study how to improve the armor, I also need an assistant."

Stark recently compiled a new program, adding new functions to both Jarvis and Xiaodai. With the blessing of this program, the original code can be operated in two-phase or even multi-line.

In other words, to put it simply, as long as this new function is added, Xiaodai and Jarvis will not only be able to control one mechanical body, but two or even several mechanical bodies can exist at the same time. Still shared.

Well, the clone of the mechanical version.

If An Qiluo is not a technological idiot, he must be able to think of the Omnic Crisis and the like. Isn't this the prototype of Skynet in the movie?

It's a pity that An Qiluo is a technological idiot. To him, a computer is just a game console that can play games. Naturally, he didn't think so deeply.

"Okay, buddy, let's go to the laboratory." Stark got up and said, "Believe me, this is one of the most advanced laboratories in the world."

"I can't wait a long time ago." Dr. Ethan straightened his suit in a very gentlemanly manner.

Skye was also very excited, supercomputer! That's a supercomputer! With supercomputers, there is almost no computer in the world that she cannot get into!

Only a child like Jiali would feel that after the completion of the laboratory, it would only make it easier for her to find her friends to play with.


A group of people came to the door of the laboratory.

The door of the laboratory adheres to Stark's usual style, it is a door of tempered glass, and there is a face recognition device at the door of the door.

Through the transparent door, you can see a long corridor. The corridor is silver in color and made of metal. There are several glass doors at both ends of the corridor, and there are laboratories one after another.

These were all built by the Hell's Kitchen construction team according to the drawings provided by Stark. Only the laboratory equipment was moved in and installed today.

"Welcome, Mr. Stark, Mr. Angelo Xin, Dr. Ethan, Dr. Banner..."

Jarvis' voice sounded, and it read a series of names, making Angelo call the artificial mentally retarded in his heart.

It seems that no matter how advanced the thinking mode of artificial intelligence is, it cannot be compared with that of human beings.

Jarvis' words read the names of all the people present, not even missing the number one, but only Skye's name was missing.

"Uh, what's going on? Jarvis." Angelo looked at Skye's innocent eyes and asked Jarvis.

He also counted on Skye to use the supercomputer to help him steal the information left by Howard from S.H.I.E.L.D. If he couldn't even get through the gate, how could he steal it.

"Dude, this isn't Jarvis. This is Friday. It's an auxiliary artificial intelligence that I copied for you according to Jarvis's code a while ago. It can only execute fixed orders, and it doesn't have the ability to adapt to changes."

Stark quickly explained.

He knew that Angelo didn't like Jarvis very much, if Angelo saw Jarvis with him occasionally, Angelo could bear it, but if Jarvis hang around in front of Angelo all day long, I'm afraid Angelo can't help but rush to Jarvis's main computer room and smash Jarvis to pieces.

When Stark copied Friday, Skye hadn't come yet, so Skye's information was not entered.

"Man, I haven't had time to enter Skye's information. You can try to tell Friday yourself to enter Skye's information." Stark said to Angelo.

An Qiluo just looked at the camera on the laboratory gate with interest, artificial intelligence similar to Jarvis?

He understood Stark's words. It should be similar to the popular smart speakers in the previous life, but a little more advanced, as long as it's not Jarvis's old electronics.

"Friday?" Angelo tentatively said to the camera.

"Sir, I'm here." Friday's voice sounded.

"Change the voice." Angelo said, "Then enter Skye's information into the white list."

"Okay. Miss Skye's information has been entered." When Friday's voice sounded again, it had been replaced by a girl's voice.

Well, it sounds much more comfortable this time.

Sure enough, Friday is a lot more talkative than Jarvis. If it was Jarvis just now, he might try to argue with Angelo and correct the mistakes in Angelo's words.


A group of people entered the laboratory, Stark led them around each room, and the door of the room had a sign with the function of each laboratory.

Almost all kinds of equipment that can be imagined and possibly used have been prepared by Bestak, including equipment for biological research, experimental equipment for physics, and all kinds of weird equipment that Angelo can't understand at all. There's even a small high-tech laser furnace in the innermost room.

The entire laboratory is full of high-tech atmosphere, as if it is a technological laboratory in the future. In terms of energy, it uses the arc reactor researched by Stark as energy.

Friday's program was implanted into the supercomputer by Stark.

By the way, when loading and unloading the experimental equipment today, the energy system of the entire church was also connected to the arc reactor, so that Angelo completely did not have to worry about paying electricity bills in the future.

"Stark, didn't you say that the cost of the arc reactor can't be reduced now, and it can't be used for civilian use?" Angelo asked Stark suspiciously after browsing around the laboratory.

Stark looked at Angelo with disdain, "Oh, buddy, you are now a billionaire, and you are also a member of the board of directors of the Stark Group. Does poverty limit your imagination? The cost is high That’s only for large-scale civilian use, and the Stark Group buildings are all powered by large things.”

Hearing what Stark said, Angelo couldn't help blushing, and raised his hand to give Stark a middle finger.

He almost forgot that he was also a billionaire. He usually had enough money to spend, but he never remembered that he still had such a big family business.

After visiting the laboratory, Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner stayed in the laboratory. For these two scientists, researching unknown technologies in the laboratory is much more interesting than bragging with Angelo in the hall up.

Angelo also found Skye, who was staring at the supercomputer A, "Skye, you can use the supercomputer as you like, and I will leave the maintenance of the supercomputer to you in the future, no problem?"

"Well, well, no problem." Skye kept nodding his head, "It's so cool that Friday is artificial intelligence~"

Angelo looked at a series of dazzling codes on the screen, but he really couldn't see what was so cool about this thing.

"By the way, Skye, help me hack into S.H.I.E.L.D. I want to find all the research materials about Howard Stark in it. How long do you think it will take you to get it?"

Skye tapped on the keyboard and glanced thoughtfully at Stark in the distance, "Originally, it would take about a week if it was just me, but if I let Friday help me, I think it will take three days at most! "

Skye's words revealed great confidence.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Angelo nodded.

He had just noticed by accident that the blood vessels on Stark's neck had begun to turn black, which was a manifestation of the increasingly serious palladium poisoning.

The only thing that can save Stark now is the new element that Howard left for Stark in the previous life movie. That thing can replace the palladium element and solve Stark's problems. Naturally, the sooner you get it, the better.


Leaving the laboratory and returning to the hall, the hall that had been bustling just now became quite deserted because the three people stayed in the laboratory.

Angelo noticed that Frank hesitated to speak several times when they were chatting, he slapped his thigh, and then remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something.

"Dude, by the way, have you ever ordered a robotic arm from Stark Industries?" Angelo asked Stark.

"A mechanical arm?" Stark, who was drinking coffee, was taken aback. "What's the matter? Dude, are you trying to order prosthetics for someone?"

Frank stared at Stark nervously.

Angelo thought about it, and decided to tell Stark about Misty. After all, he was sure that Stark Industries and the Winter Soldier had absolutely nothing to do with each other.

"That's right. That day Frank went to seek revenge from the Viper Gang, but when he found Senator Maria, who was behind the Viper Gang, Senator Maria was killed by a guy with an iron arm..."

Angelo told Stark about Frank's encounter with the Winter Soldier and Misty's mechanical arm.

After listening to Angelo's narration, Stark did not answer Angelo's question right away. After pondering for a moment, he took out his mobile phone. After flicking on the mobile phone twice, a virtual screen was projected into the air.

On the screen is Misty's information.

"Well, Officer Misty's mechanical arm is indeed from Stark Industries. Stark Industries once made a sample of a mechanical prosthesis." Stark shrugged, "That's my armor. The source of inspiration, it seems that people from the New York Police Department found Pepper, and Pepper sold the mechanical arm to the New York Police Department, and these Stark Group internal records."

After listening to Stark's speech, Angelo patted Frank on the shoulder.

"Did the Stark Group only make this one? Is it possible that Stark's technology was leaked?" Frank's expression was a little excited. "If it was leaked, can anyone be traced?"

Regarding Frank, Stark also knew that this resolute man would keep all hatred in his heart at ordinary times, and it would only become like this when revenge was involved.

This resolute man was almost driven mad by the guilt towards his wife and the hatred towards his enemy.

"No, and it's impossible." Stark shook his head, "The technical barrier of mechanical prosthetics lies in the problem of mechanical and neural link adaptation. This technology is not too cutting-edge technology, and we have the ability to study this technology. There are not a few technology groups in China, so there is no need to take risks to steal the technology of Star Group."

After finishing speaking, Stark looked at Frank's disappointed eyes, feeling a little unbearable, and then said, "Frank, you can draw the iron arm you saw, and I can help you pay attention. Usually this kind of The technology will have an obvious technological style, maybe we can use this to see if there are any clues."

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