The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 191 This world is not safe

Chapter 191 This world is not safe

An Qiluo held the beast spirit staff, and appeared in front of everyone with a gloomy expression.

For a moment, everyone in the White House, whether it was the thugs on the offensive side or the bodyguards on the defensive side, all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Some thug's hands trembled, and a gunshot rang out, accompanied by a yellow bullet fired at An Qiluo.

With a "ding", the bullet hit Angelo's bone armor and landed on the ground of the White House.

You can hide, but you don't have to.

The next moment, Angelo waved his staff, and a row of bone teeth appeared out of thin air.

An Qiluo waved his hand again, Gu Ya pierced fiercely at the attacking thugs with a whistling sound in the air!

The military quality of the attacking thugs is pretty good. Although I was surprised that Angelo was still unscathed after being hit by a bullet, he saw a row of "unidentified objects" flying over with a terrifying deterrent, and immediately began to roll over Find cover to hide.

"Heh!" Angelo smiled contemptuously, you guys don't know anything about beast spirit staffs.

An Qiluo continued to summon rows of bone teeth to fly out, walking outside without stopping.

When the thugs rolled and evaded, the first batch of bone teeth fired instantly changed direction in the air, as if they had eyes, and pierced towards the thugs who had just rolled and landed.

"Puff puff ~"

"Clang clang clang~"

A series of sounds of hard objects piercing into the flesh sounded, and several thugs who thought they had escaped the attack were instantly impaled into hedgehogs!

The thugs hiding behind the bunker also did not escape the fate of being tied into hedgehogs.

The bunker was severely penetrated by the white bone teeth, and the bunker was penetrated, and at the same time, the thugs hiding behind the bunker were also penetrated.

Originally, the locking function of the beast spirit staff could bypass the cover and kill these thugs, but it's still the same sentence, it can, but it's not necessary.

Any ordinary metal is as vulnerable as a piece of window paper when facing the rules of death entwined on bones and teeth!

Of course, the thugs were not passively beaten without retaliation.

The surviving thugs kept raising their light and heavy firepower, fired wildly, and shot at An Qiluo.

Obviously, the mob's attack was not even a tickle when facing the heavily armed Angelo.

Apart from the fact that heavy firepower weapons can punch holes in the ground, perhaps only the splashed dust can interfere with Angelo's vision.

The bullets clanked to the ground.

As Angelo walked forward slowly, he continued to summon the bone-tooth slaughter thugs.

Wherever he passed, only the corpses of hedgehogs tied up all over the floor and the dumbfounded bodyguards were left.

Suddenly, a faint beeping sound appeared in everyone's ears.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The corpses that had been tied up into hedgehogs began to explode one after another! The central point of the explosion was the heads of these thugs, exactly the same as the killers who exploded in the basement.

In addition to blowing out big holes in the ground, the explosion also revived the bodyguards.

The bodyguards couldn't care less about "watching the fun" anymore, and rushed towards the bunker in one go.

Although Angelo seems to be slaughtering these thugs now, they still have to ensure the safety of the president first.

The explosion didn't stop Angelo, he didn't even look at it. From the killers in the bunker, it can be seen that these people must be dead soldiers from certain forces, and naturally bombs will be installed on their bodies.

The huge disparity between hundreds of people and one person has no effect in front of An Qiluo.

After the explosion, the scattered and mutilated corpses on the ground began to churn up, and incomplete skeletons crawled out of the corpses.

The skeletons let out a silent cry and began to attack the other thugs.

These skeletons, which seem to be blown apart by the wind, show extremely strong toughness and attack power.

The bullets can only stop their movements for a while, and then continue to attack the thugs.

not only! The thugs even discovered that these colleagues who were killed by the skeleton army or An Qiluo, after the explosion after death, a skeleton will break out soon, join the skeleton army, and launch an attack on others .

The enemy is not only defeated, but also more and more. The weird scene in front of them constantly challenged the psychological limits of the thugs, which meant that they were all brainwashed dead soldiers, and they didn't have a psychological breakdown at this time. If they were ordinary people, I'm afraid they would have been defeated by this time.

The army of skeletons has never been less than ten, and gradually increased to fifty, one hundred...

In addition, An Qiluo stood behind the skeleton army and threw them to continuously summon bone teeth to attack the thugs. Soon, hundreds of thugs were killed by the skeleton army and An Qiluo, and became a standing group. An army of skeletons neatly lined up in front of Angelo.

The gates of the White House are within easy reach...


The two armies in front of the White House are also constantly probing the thugs in the White House to launch an attack, but they dare not use large-scale heavy firepower weapons at all because they are afraid of the mouse. In the end, there is little effect. Surrounded, trying to send negotiators to negotiate with the other party.

But before the army could find negotiators, there was a loud bang in the White House, followed by explosions one after another, which made the commanders of the two armies, the Quick Reaction Force and the National Guard, raise their hearts in their throats.

You know, although the White House bunker claims to be extremely strong, it can even guarantee the safety of the people inside under the bombing of nuclear bombs.

But no matter how strong the bunker is, it is man-made. No one knows if these thugs really have any way to open the gate of the bunker. After all, it is impossible for these thugs to come to the White House to die, so they can survive now The only bargaining chip is the president in the bunker.

Once something happens to the president...

The two commanders on the scene could not escape responsibility at all.

The two looked at each other, feeling something bad in their hearts.

"Initiate an attack regardless of the cost! We must rush in and rescue the president!" Compared with the president's accident, even if it costs lives, we must rush in and rescue the president!

As soon as the order of the two was issued, the door of the White House was opened from the inside!

Everyone's eyes were focused on the gate of the White House, but to everyone's surprise, the one who opened the gate of the White House turned out to be a white skeleton with half of its skull missing!

The white man took the lead, pushed open the door, and started charging at the mob militants closest to her.

After this skeleton, a steady stream of skeletons came out from the gate of the White House, as if it was not the gate of the White House but the gate of hell.

As the saying goes, if there are more than a hundred people, there will be a sea of ​​people.

Angelo used the corpses of the militants he killed in the White House to summon hundreds of white skeletons, finally showing their power at this time!

Hundreds of skeletons formed a seemingly endless army of skeletons, and under the horrified eyes of everyone and the cameras of the TV station, they launched an attack on the remaining militants!

The two commanders all looked at each other, they had no idea what was going on.

What's up with these strange skeletons? Is the president still safe or has there been an accident.

Although the two commanders were full of question marks at this time, they knew that, at least at this time, the skeleton army that appeared inexplicably was their friendly army.

What we have to do now is to cooperate with these skeleton armies to wipe out these militants here!

"Boom!" A recruit from the Rapid Response Force went off with a rifle in his hand because of nervousness and shock.

The bullet hit a skeleton that was about to charge and launch an attack.

Oops! The hearts of the two commanders tightened! If you shoot at friendly troops, all friendly troops will become enemies!

But what happened next made the two commanders even feel like they hadn't woken up!

The bullet hit firmly on the remaining half of the skeleton's head, but it was not what they imagined.

Hit, but not quite...

The skeleton's movements only paused for a moment. After twisting the remaining half of the skull, it let out a silent roar in the direction of the bullet, and then continued to attack the militants in front of it.

"Pfft." The skeleton's arm plunged into the militant's chest abruptly, crushing the opponent's heart, and the militant let out a suppressed scream.

And the desperate fight of the militants before they died failed to cause any damage to the skeleton at all.

They are dead men, but they haven't been able to get rid of the pain of being human.

In order to prevent these skeleton "friendly troops" from being accidentally injured again, and to prevent these militants from taking advantage of the chaos to break through and escape, the two commanders gave the troops an order to encircle and only attack the militants who tried to escape.

Soon, surrounded by the skeleton army and two heavily armed troops, did the militants hold on for five minutes?

This is mainly because the skeletons have to line up when they come out of the gate of the White House...

"Uh, who are you?" One of the commanders stepped out of the crowd in embarrassment, wanting to negotiate with these weird skeletons.

This is really embarrassing. They are two well-armed and well-equipped troops. After attacking for so long, they failed to get in. As a result, these weird skeletons who came out of nowhere within five minutes. Hand-to-hand combat ended the fight.

Especially under the live broadcast of the TV station.

"Stop!" A figure wrapped in bones also appeared in front of the gate of the White House, "Don't go any further!"

The commander still doesn't understand what's going on, and is about to ask the specific reason carefully.

At this moment, the beep sound that An Qiluo was so familiar with sounded again.


The explosion sounded, and the lawn in front of the White House was suddenly filled with smoke, and grass and dirt were flying all over the sky.

Even the air is filled with the smell of blood mixed with grass and mud!

And at this time, the commander's position is only one step away from the radiation range of the explosion.

The commander gasped for breath with lingering fear, as long as he took one step forward just now...

The mysterious man dressed in white bones saved his life.

When the smoke cleared, a large pit appeared on the lawn in front of the White House, and there was even a puddle of clear water in it.

The underground pipeline of the White House was destroyed by an explosion!

An Qiluo walked towards the commander with an army of skeletons, which immediately aroused the vigilance of these two troops!

No way, who can look at these weird skeletons and not be afraid? This is completely the subconscious behavior of these soldiers.

"It's okay." The commander who escaped the explosion just now waved his hand to the troops under him, indicating that they can temporarily put down their guard.

An Qiluo looked at the commander with satisfaction, and it was not in vain to remind him just now.

"Hi, sir. I'm the commander of the Washington Rapid Response Force. I don't know if you are..." the commander asked Angelo tentatively.

Among the skeleton army, it seems that only the one in front of him can communicate, and those incomplete skeletons don't seem to be able to communicate.

An Qiluo put away the visor on his bone armor, revealing his true colors.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I'm Angelo. I think the more important thing for you now is to go inside and see Mr. President." Angelo shrugged.

Although he has always been not very interested in the military, the commander in front of him does not seem to be in the same way as the military.

"Thank you very much! Mr. Hell Priest!" The commander thanked him gratefully, then did not continue to ask, and directly directed his soldiers to enter the White House.

Just when An Qiluo took off his helmet, he recognized An Qiluo.

After all, it is Father Hell who is popular all over the Internet in the United States, how could the commander not know. Since he is the priest of hell, it is not surprising that he has some strange abilities.

But the only thing that made him a little curious was, why didn't Father Hell's iconic bone dragon mount appear with Father Hell?

However, now is not the time to ask these questions. The most important thing now is to confirm the safety of the president.

Angelo shrugged, and ordered the skeleton army to make way for the army.

After the army entered the White House, Stark walked out with Pepper and Happy.

Stark looked at the army of skeletons on the lawn, and said to Angelo annoyedly, "Dude, I should take my steel suit with me everywhere I go!"

He never imagined that someone would be crazy enough to attack the White House during the hearing of the military superstar. At this time, the steel suit was thrown on his car. If he had brought his steel suit just now, he would You can fight these enemies together with An Qiluo, instead of just curling up in the bunker and waiting for An Qiluo to take care of all these enemies before coming out!

Angelo looked at Stark who was also disheveled and said, and said with a little deep meaning, "Dude, this is a good idea, this world is not safe."

Stark nodded sympathetically, glanced at the camera set up in the distance, feeling a little annoyed.

But fortunately, it wasn't me who was disgraced, and An Qiluo was with me.

Little did he know that An Qiluo thought the same way.

After all the dust settled, a group of people in military uniforms came from a distance, led by the fat congressman at the hearing.

The fat congressman's face was gloomy, and after glancing at the distant camera, he said in a low voice.

"Angelo Lee, Mr. Tony Stark, now the military has reason to suspect that the two are related to the attack on the White House, please cooperate with us to go back and investigate."

Thanks to the boring novelist for the 15,000 starting point coins~

Thanks to the book friend 20170927194527145 for the reward of 100 starting coins

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