Chapter 197 Captain Hell

Everyone is very curious about the new ark reactor on Stark's chest. Those who know the news of Stark's palladium poisoning, even if they chat in the church, only Angelo and Steve know.

Angelo knew it through the movie itself, and as for was only when Stark and him were drinking a while ago that he accidentally slipped his mouth.

Stark didn't make everyone curious for too long, and soon, he himself took the initiative to tell about the reactor on his body.

For other things, with the popularity of Iron Man on the Internet, the information that has been leaked through various channels has been pieced together, so there is nothing surprising.

Only when Stark said that his original Ark reactor would let palladium enter his blood and cause palladium poisoning, everyone was a little surprised.

But how did Angelo know? Everyone looked at An Qiluo.

If according to what Angelo said before, Dr. Ethan told him, but now Dr. Ethan is on the scene, and Dr. Ethan himself doesn't know that Stark has palladium poisoning, so let's say that It's about to be revealed.

Angelo smiled, "Well, what I know is what Nick Fury told me."

Skye on the side was speechless, what did Nick Fury tell you? Tell you and let you attack S.H.I.E.L.D. servers?

Everyone said as they walked, and soon arrived at the room where Stark, Ethan, and Dr. Banner were conducting experiments. Now this room has become a ruin, which is terrible, as if it has just been plowed by gunfire.

The wall made of reinforced concrete was almost divided into two parts, leaving a laser burn mark on the wall, and the equipment in the laboratory, as long as it blocked the path of the laser, was completely destroyed. Neatly cut into two sections.

It is enough to prove how terrifying the power of the experimental instruments in the center of the laboratory was at that time.

Looking at the ruins in front of her, Skye was a little dazed. She really couldn't imagine how terrifying the lethality would be if this kind of laser could be made into a portable weapon!

Fortunately, the laser did not penetrate the wall and did not attack the supercomputer in the next room.

Stark led the crowd to move on, and the final destination was the room at the end of the laboratory.

There is equipped with a laser melting furnace. The gold coin material provided by Anqiluo needs a very high melting point to be melted. It is impossible to melt a little bit in a conventional flame melting furnace, at least not with the technology and materials known to mankind.

Everyone came to the room, and as soon as they entered the door, everyone saw the "shield" placed on the workbench.

It was impossible not to notice that everyone's eyes ached from the shining golden shield.

"How?" Stark pointed to the shield on the table proudly and asked Steve, "Man, the material of this thing is not only gold coins, I also added vibration gold and sound-absorbing steel. This thing is almost invincible of!"

Stark didn't just make a new Ark reactor all day long. When he was synthesizing the Ark reactor, he also found time to run to this room to help Steve build this shield. After all, he had promised Steve Steve got him a shield, and Steve was a little too funny with that "pot shield"!

As for vibrating gold and sound-absorbing steel, it is the material of the shield that Steve held when he was Captain America. It cannot be obtained with money.

Vibration gold is almost indestructible, similar to the gold coin material provided by Angelo, but it does not have the superconducting properties of gold coin material for energy. The sound-absorbing steel can completely absorb all known energy, thermal energy, kinetic energy...

With the gold coin material provided by An Qiluo, this shield has undergone a strange change when the three are combined. Not only is it indestructible, but it can also bounce back energy attacks with almost no loss.

Of course, the angle of this reflection needs to be adjusted by the user himself. Stark believes that Steve, an old shield player, will definitely have no problem doing this.

The expression on Steve's face was a bit indescribable. It's not that he disliked that the shield was not strong enough. Stark's technology and Angelo's gold coin materials were more than enough to make up for all the shortcomings. He just had a hard time accepting this shape...

The whole body is golden yellow, which is very in line with Stark's aesthetics, but Steve, who has always been used to keeping a low profile, feels that if he wears such a shield, maybe the enemy will not be killed by himself, but by laughing to death.

"Stark, do you have painting equipment here?" Steve looked around in the laboratory, planning to make a living by himself, "The shield is good, but I need to change the color scheme."

"Your aesthetic is really bad, almost as bad as Angelo. This is the color of the trend." Stark curled his lips, but he still walked aside and said after pressing a mechanical arm twice, "Dude, what color do you want to spray?"

Angelo suddenly thought of Captain Hydra, if he asks Stark to spray the icon of Hydra on the shield now, I don't know what will happen when he sees Steve after Hydra appears. Look, that scene must have been wonderful.

Thinking about it, Angelo grinned a little.

Steve and Stark glanced at the giggling Angelo suspiciously, "What? Angelo, do you have any good suggestions? I don't really want to use the original pattern, after all, I have retired."

An Qiluo quickly removed his conjectures from his mind, and quickly shook his head. If Steve were to use a shield that he had dealt with the Hydra all his life, Steve would probably go crazy.

"Hmm... wait a minute, Steve." Angelo suddenly remembered something, and said while pulling out his phone. "I'll call and ask."

Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, An Qiluo took out his mobile phone and called old Duncan.

"Hello, old Duncan, I'm Angelo."

"Mr. Priest, hello, do you have any orders?"

"Well, it's nothing. Is your garment factory interested in hiring another spokesperson?"

Old Duncan on the other side of the phone suddenly had a bad illusion, as if he had turned into a well-growing leek.

But then old Duncan shook his head again, denying his own idea. Mr. Priest is a person who really works for Hell's Kitchen, how could he have such absurd idea? Must be an illusion.

"Yes, Mr. Priest, do you have any good candidates to recommend?" Old Duncan asked sincerely.

Angelo glanced at Steve quietly, and then said to Old Duncan, "Isn't your current trademark Bone Dragon? Steve got a new shield and is painting it. It costs 3 million, so I will print your trademark on the shield." Come on, isn’t it a good deal, this is an invisible advertisement!”

Old Duncan was on the phone, always feeling that something was wrong, but out of trust in Mr. Priest, old Duncan touched his chin and agreed.

Steve has been coming to the church for so long, these gang bosses and even ordinary people know that Steve is Captain America decades ago, and he spent three million to ask Captain America to advertise his garment factory, um, Really good deal.

Recently, their garment factory has been expanding the factory building. Even with the expanded factory building, the order has been scheduled for three months, which is not short of this money at all. Even the old Duncan still had a dream, that is to turn his garment factory's brand into a first-line luxury brand. This kind of wronged money must not be spent less.

Eh? Why do you say it is a waste of money? This is obviously a brand advertisement!

"Okay, Mr. Priest, I'll ask someone to send you money."

After hanging up the phone, before An Qiluo put down his cell phone, he received a text message saying that three million had been credited to An Qiluo's bank account!

Steve, Stark and everyone looked at Angelo with strange eyes.

Is this... making money so fast? Also, can this make money? Really have you!

"That..." Angelo noticed Steve's gaze and laughed dryly, "This money is the pension I asked for for you, as long as you have the Bone Dragon logo printed on your shield."

In the end, under Angelo's three million money offensive, Steve still agreed.

There is no way, the housing prices in New York are very expensive now, and the housing prices in Hell’s Kitchen are even more expensive, and the consumption in the church is also very high. If I hadn’t charged Stark’s account for drinking with Stark last time, I guess my own The monthly salary is gone.

And according to the pattern provided by the old Duncan, it is really not ugly, and it is even a bit cool.

The pattern of a roaring bone dragon still adopts the original shield style, with a red and white circular background color, and the five-pointed star in the center of the original shield has been replaced with a bone dragon pattern.

An Qiluo thought for a while, reached out and took the lid of the pot aside, buckled off the two runes attached to it, and stuck it on the shield.

This is the rune that An Qiluo gave Steve before, a Sade that never wears out, and a Dole that restores life.

The current Steve is stronger than the Steve of the same period in the original plot. Of course, 90% of his strength is on the shield.

Steve held the shield in his hand in satisfaction, and was familiar with the feel and weight. He didn't know how Stark did it, but the weight was almost the same as the original shield.

"Okay, guys, it's time for us to go up to eat." Although Stark didn't agree with Steve's aesthetics, he still opened his mouth.

Before leaving the "foundry" for the last time, An Qiluo put away the lid of the pot that had been discarded on the table, planning to sell it in the future.

The target customer has been found. Although the lid does not have the blessing of runes, it is just an ordinary lid, but after all, this is the lid used by Steve. I believe that Steve's little brother Coulson is willing to pay.

Coulson, who was far away in Washington, sneezed inexplicably, rubbed his nose, and put away the poster of Captain America on the table contentedly.


When everyone returned to the hall, Uncle Long had already prepared the food and served it to the table.

Looking at the brand new shield in Steve's hand, Uncle Long couldn't help jokingly exclaiming, "The new weapon is good, but with your pattern, will you become Captain Hell in the future?"

Steve shook his head with a smile, and solemnly put away the shield in the bar, "Captain America has retired, maybe Captain Hell is also good, it would be even better if everyone could come to Captain Hell's bar and order a cocktail."

Hearing what Steve said, except for Little Gali and Nick, everyone else couldn't help but click their tongues.

Almost everyone has drunk the wine Steve concocted. It is indeed not poisonous, but it can still leave a big psychological shadow.

Stark naturally took out a dozen beers from the refrigerator, distributed them to several men, and naturally changed the subject, "Angelo, buddy, do you want to call that old fox Norman Osborn and Daniel Rand calling too?"

"Ah?" Angelo glanced at Stark in a daze, "Why did you call them here?"

Angelo thought that he didn't have much friendship with these two people. Norman Osborn was okay, but Daniel Rand was able to beat him hard at that time, and it would be good if he didn't hold grudges.

Stark smiled and shook his head, "No, buddy, you underestimate your influence, remember what we talked about yesterday to respond to the military's actions? I think you call them, Just tell them the truth, and they will know how to choose."

Angelo didn't understand these twists and turns, and he didn't really want to understand. Since Stark said it, he could make a phone call, anyway, it didn't take much effort.

But to An Qiluo's surprise, after receiving An Qiluo's call, these two people did not refuse, and they all said that they would be there in a while.

Daniel Rand even directly stated that he would stand on the same front as Angelo.

As for Norman Osborn, the old fox, he didn't directly express his position on the phone, but said that he would wait until he arrived.

Not long after everyone finished their dinner, two Bentleys stopped at the door one after another.

Daniel Rand and Norman Osborn, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, came to the church together.

Compared with the last time Angelo saw him, Daniel Rand seemed to be living a lot better. He was no longer wearing the shabby tights, but replaced it with a casual suit. It looked very valuable .

As for Norman Osborn, some changes have also taken place. The bitter and bitter face is much more relaxed. Harry Osborn is still by Norman Osborn's side. The relationship between father and son It seems to have improved a lot.

After Norman Osborn got out of the car, he blocked Harry behind him, looked at Daniel Rand who got off from another Bentley, frowned and asked, "I know you, Daniel Rand, Rand The new successor of the family, you have been following me since Brooklyn, and you have followed me here, what are you going to do?"

Norman Osborn revealed the identity of the other party as soon as he opened his mouth. It seems that this old fox has not been concentrating on researching potions all this time, but has also begun to pay attention to the outside world.

Daniel Rand blinked his eyes twice, and thought for a long time before he remembered who the father and son were in front of him, "Mr. Osborne? I'm not following you, I'm coming to this church."

Speaking of which, Daniel Rand pointed to the Rathma Church on the side of the road.

Regarding Daniel Rand's words, the cautious Norman Osborn still held a cautious attitude, handed Harry a safe in his hand, and asked him to go to the church.

How could it be such a coincidence that the new controller of the Rand Group appeared just after the results of my own research came out?

Thanks to the book friend 20210301183251469 for the reward of 100 starting coins~

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