The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 200 Lawyer Ma and Suits

Chapter 200 Lawyer Ma and Suits

Angelo walked up to the little bone dragon, and under Skye's gratified eyes, picked up the little bone dragon and carried it aside.

Then he changed hands and took out two large wine jars filled with liquor from his space backpack.

Who knows, why An Qiluo put things in the space backpack! Still two!

With eyes burning with soul flames, the small bone dragon looked innocently at An Qiluo's busy work.

After An Qiluo finished his busy work, he squatted down in front of Xiaogulong with a smile on his face, "Ma Yinglong, have you taken a bath?"

The innocent little bone dragon didn't know about An Qiluo's sinister intentions, so he shook his empty mind.

Naturally, it is impossible to take a bath, and the small bone dragon itself is so powerful that it is even impossible to be contaminated with dust.

An Qiluo pointed to one of the large wine vats, and said, "Ma Yinglong, why don't you wash it? Then soak it?"

Without waiting for the little bone dragon to nod, An Qiluo picked up the little bone dragon, put it into a wine jar, and stirred it wildly like a washing machine.

As for whether the small bone dragon will choke or have any problems? An Qiluo wasn't worried at all, it was a bone dragon after all, not tofu, it would shatter when touched, if it was one-on-one, it might be a bit difficult for him to deal with a small bone dragon.

The aroma of wine permeated for a moment, and Xiao Jiali, who was concentrating on her studies, couldn't help wrinkling her little nose and looking this way.

After the little bone dragon emerged from the wine vat, its body was already covered with wine.

An Qiluo looked at the "spotless" little bone dragon and nodded with satisfaction, then threw it into another wine vat, "Go soak it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he took away the wine jar that he just took a bath in, and put the wine jar back into his space backpack.

An Qiluo felt that he was simply a model of the catering industry, washing vegetables and making wine in front of customers. Even the vegetable washing water is destroyed and disposed of separately. Is there anything more conscientious than this?

Isn't this more conscientious than those hot pot restaurants that promise not to use waste oil?

Ignoring the ignorant and sad eyes of the little bone dragon soaked in the wine tank, Angelo sat back in front of Daniel again, "If you want to drink, go to Steve to order and make a note of it."

Daniel looked at the big wine jar containing the small bone dragon, then at Angelo, and then turned his head to look at the big wine jar, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

From the comparison between the wine jar and the cups placed on the bar counter, that wine jar must be able to sell at least a few hundred glasses of the bar!

Millions of barrels of wine are produced like this?


In the end, Daniel still ordered a glass of dragon bone wine or bone dragon wine from Steve and drank it, then left the church in a wobble.

The strength of the wine was unexpectedly strong after being soaked by the bone dragon, making him unable to drink a second glass, and Daniel could still feel the special energy contained in the wine after drinking a glass of wine.

This energy is exactly the power of the iron fist, but I don't know if it is the illusion of too much alcohol. Daniel always feels that the power of this iron fist is somewhat different from the power of the iron fist in Kunlun, but he can't find the problem.

After Daniel left, Angelo poured another glass for everyone except Xiaojiali and Nick.

This thing seems to be able to strengthen the body. After all, Stark has just replaced the new ark reactor, and his body is recovering a little bit, so he needs to replenish it. Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner recently taught Xiao Jiali and Nick that their hairlines have moved up a bit. I hope this keel wine can have a hair growth effect.

Uncle Long is getting old and needs to make up for it.

The young Frank and Steve are about to have a mid-life crisis. Angelo has seen these two secretly drink wolfberry water several times...

Even the Sisters of Battle were not left behind.

In the end, there were only three sober people left in the church, Angelo, Little Galley, and Nick.

Angelo didn't give them a drink for Little Jiali and Nick, and Little Jiali clamored to taste it, but Angelo ruthlessly suppressed it. What kind of wine do children drink!

As for Angelo himself, it was entirely because his physical attributes were a little too perverted. After he drank it, he was no different from the five hundred bottles of beer sold in the church, except that the wine had a slightly stronger aroma.

Angelo looked at the dizzy people in the hall, but in desperation, he reached out and summoned some skeleton soldiers from outside the door, and carried them into the room.

Those who have rooms in the church are carried back to the rooms, and those who do not have rooms are carried into the guest rooms.

This meant that the church was big enough and had enough rooms, otherwise there might not be enough room for so many people. Nick shares a room with Frank.

As for Angelo himself, he carried little Jiali upstairs and told a bedtime story before returning to his room to sleep.

The rest time of the church was extremely early that day, and everyone went to bed early.

Well, except for the little bone dragon still soaking in the wine tank...


When An Qiluo woke up the next day, he felt comfortable all over. Although the keel wine had no effect on him, it was better than nothing.

Before Angelo went down the stairs, he heard Frank shouting slogans on the lawn outside, "One, two, three, four, five..."

After Angelo came to the hall, everyone looked energetic today.

It seems that yesterday's bone dragon wine is indeed very effective!

Stark was sitting on a chair and fiddling with his mobile phone, and Skye was sitting at the door of the church as usual, watching the Sisters of Battle and Frank exercising together.

An Qiluo was about to say something when he suddenly remembered that the little bone dragon seemed to be soaking in the wine tank before he sent little Jiali upstairs to bed yesterday...

An Qiluo quickly ran to the side of the wine tank, opened the lid and found that the little bone dragon was still soaking in it, and An Qiluo quickly took the little bone dragon out.

Smelling the aroma of wine in the air, little Jiali ran over on her short legs, yelling that she wanted to take a bath...

An Qiluo could only hold little Jiali in his arms helplessly, and suppressed her by scratching her itch.


After Angelo finally calmed down little Gali and handed it over to Skye, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat next to Stark.

"Man, how do you feel? What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Angelo asked Stark.

"Man, the effect of your wine is beyond my expectation. You know, I'm thinking about buying a house in Hell's Kitchen!" Stark exclaimed, and then gave Angelo a man understanding eyes.

An Qiluo touched his chin and didn't say a word. After he finished drinking, he felt that nothing had changed. Could it be that he drank too little? It seems that I will have to drink more when I find a chance in the future.

Stark went on to say, "I'm contacting Pepper and asking her to be sent by the Stark Group's infrastructure personnel to repair the underground laboratory. I plan to use your gold coin materials to recreate a Mark armor."

"But didn't you use the equipment there to make a shield for Steve yesterday?" Angelo asked Stark in surprise.

Stark shrugged his shoulders, "The shield thing is a metal round cake. The Mark 5 needs the cooperation of precision instruments. By the way, I got a robot to come over. Then I will download Xiaodai's program to Above, find a playmate for little Jiali."

"Okay, no problem." Angelo smiled and paused before saying, "That's just right, I remember that today is the day when Alexei's bastards and Misty are in court, why don't we take advantage of the basement? Before we fix it, let's watch the live broadcast?"

"Be careful!" Stark snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "It just so happened that I also borrowed ideas, and I plan to sue the Pentagon for Steve next."

Angelo shook his head and didn't speak, stood up and turned on the TV, just as Stark said so casually.

In fact, Stark is not talking nonsense. This is the first step plan that he discussed with Daniel Rand and Norman Osborn yesterday. Even after he got up this morning, he successfully convinced Steve husband.


Although most of the attention of the media and the public are now focused on the attack on the White House, as the media with a keen sense of smell, several local New York TV stations have also heard about the Hell's Kitchen gang suing police officer Misty. to hotspot information.

Although the hot spot is still not as good as the attention of the attack on the White House, it is enough for these small local TV stations in New York.

Therefore, Angelo finally found the live broadcast of the trial on New York TV.

But An Qiluo saw an unexpected person on TV!

Daredevil, Matthew Ma Lawyer!

He actually appeared together with Misty as the defense lawyer of the police station! Lawyer Ma still wears his signature sunglasses and a suit, with a smile on his face. If he is not a blind man, he can really fascinate women.

When Lawyer Ma walked into the courtroom, a kind of gangster who was on the scene cheered him up in unison.

Angelo is sure that this group of gangster bastards definitely rehearsed beforehand, otherwise how could they be so neat?

"Do you know this lawyer?" Stark noticed Angelo's expression and asked Angelo curiously.

It may be the repulsion of the same sex, or the mutual induction between the humanoid self-propelled guns. Stark doesn't like the smelly lawyer on TV very much.

"I know." Angelo nodded, "A friend who... um, still owes me money for drinks. Frank also met."

Hearing what An Qiluo said, Stark also relaxed. Although he, a stinky lawyer named Matthew, is not very happy, but since he is a poor man and still owes Angelo money for drinks, there is nothing wrong with it. that's it.

But Angelo's social circle really made Stark a little confused. Which side does he stand between the gangsters and the police in Hell's Kitchen? The relationship between Angelo and the gang bosses like Alexei seems to be good, but his poor friend actually went to work as a defense lawyer for Misty's police station.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, Stark can just ask directly, "Dude, which side do you support? Alexei, these gangsters, or Misty?"

After thinking for a while, An Qiluo shook his head and said, "I don't support or oppose either side. What I support is order. Even if it's a gangster, if you want to get out of Hell's Kitchen, you must abide by certain laws and regulations." In the steel forest of the city, people always need to find a fig leaf for the weak to prey on the strong, and that is procedural justice."

Stark looked at Angelo in surprise, did Angelo really graduate from high school and not go to college? How can you say such philosophical words?

Angelo smiled, not caring about Stark's eyes, he pointed to the picture on the TV, "Obviously, these bastards are doing pretty well now."

On the TV, the gangsters' booing made the judge's face a little dark in the courtroom. The judge picked up the gavel and knocked on the table vigorously, "Silence!"

This made these bastards calm down a little.

Next, the gang's defense lawyer appeared.

It was a lawyer named Mike Rose. When this lawyer appeared on the stage, the whispers of the media reporters and photographers on the scene were heard even by Angelo and Stark in front of the TV.

Suits, Angelo could hear clearly. In the mouth of the media, this reporter named Mike Rose was called Suits.

Lawyer Ma's hearing in court is unquestionable, and he naturally heard the whispers of media reporters and photographers. When he heard the name of the golden suit lawyer Mike Rose, Lawyer Ma's face changed slightly.

The confidence on Lawyer Ma's face turned into prudence.

"Stark, do you know what a golden suit is?" Angelo asked Stark.

"Suits, I seem to have heard of it..." Stark pondered for a moment, took out his mobile phone, swiped his finger, and a 3D projection appeared in midair instantly, with Mike Rose's detailed resume written inside.

Studied in the Law Department of Yale University in the United States. During college, he dropped out of school due to economic reasons. He had a history of helping gangsters sell drugs and helping others take exams. Later, because of lack of money, he returned to his old career.

At the age of twenty-five, he won a lawsuit for the famous Vicious Dog Gang in New York and was successfully exonerated and became famous in the first battle.

Then, by virtue of his fame, he embarked on a path different from that of conventional lawyers—specializing in litigation for gangsters, who paid him huge sums of money.

Absolutely the most professional in defending gangsters! Because the remuneration from the gangsters is too much, it is called a lawyer in a gold suit, which means a lawyer wearing gold, which shows how rich this guy is.

To sum it up, this is a lawyer who specializes in defending gangsters, and he is definitely a master.

Regardless of winning or losing, this bastard lawyer mixed with these bastards in Hell's Kitchen will definitely cause Misty a headache in the future.

Angelo looked at Lawyer Ma's dignified expression on TV with amused expression. Matthew was indeed his friend, and he still owed him money for the drinks. Moreover, the chances of winning the lawsuit were really slim, but An Qiluo Luo was not worried. Anyway, the big deal would be to lose the lawsuit and let the police station lose money, but he would not lose his life.

That is, Lawyer Ma's drink money may have to wait a little longer. According to Lawyer Ma's personality, he might be even more embarrassed to ask Misty for legal fees if he loses the lawsuit.

In the next hour, during the live broadcast of the courtroom, lawyers from both sides fought each other back and forth, very anxious, until more than ten minutes before the staff of the Stark Group arrived at the church...

Thanks to the book friend 20210301183251469 for the reward of 100 starting coins~

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