The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 208 Fishing Turtles in the Bath Water

Chapter 208 Fishing Turtles in the Bath Water

In Stark's villa, Stark is constantly operating the 3D projection in front of him.

Shown above is Peter Parker's profile, from birth until now. Well, the information on the surface.

"This child's academic performance is actually not bad. It's a bit like me." Stark flipped through Peter Parker's grade points casually, and said with a smile, "Oh? This child's parents are actually members of the CIA. Uncle lives together."

Stark flipped through Peter Parker's information, but didn't find what he was looking for, and asked Jarvis temptingly, "Is that all? Didn't the kid say he was Spider-Man?"

When he was in church, Stark noticed the kid who was eating with him. He knew the old fox Norman Osborn's son was a classmate, and the kid told Angelo that he was Spider-Man.

Spider-Man, this name is so low in one day! Moreover, isn't this obviously plagiarizing his Iron Man name?

After a few seconds of calculation and processing by Jarvis, a voice sounded from the speaker, "Sir, sorry, I didn't find any information about Spider-Man."

Stark tapped a few times on the table with his fingers in some distress. Even though Jarvis is an adult whose intelligence in all aspects has tended to be normal, he still can't hit some vague problems. to normal people.

This reminded Stark of Angelo's steel stone demon armor. He hesitated, whether to let Angelo cast a spell on Jarvis and make Jarvis look like a bully.

But when he thought about the torment that Hard Batian had brought to him at that time, he couldn't help but shudder, and finally gave up the idea.

If Jarvis became like a bully, he might be driven crazy.


"Sir, I'm here."

"Then find out all the relevant information about superpowers and superheroes in New York City recently, and then filter out the information about myself, Angelo and other known people, and show me the rest." Stark The order was given to Jarvis with simple logic.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment." Jarvis's voice sounded, and then he sank down again.

Soon, Peter Parker's information appeared on the projection in front of Stark, this time it was no longer the recorded information,

But a piece of video.

In the video, a man in a red hood saves a woman from a mugging robber, and then shoots a spider web from his wrist to leave the surveillance scene.

The next video shows the figure in the red hood rescuing an innocent passerby from the muzzle of gangsters...

The figure in the video is the little spider that Stark saw in the church today——Peter Parker. Although you can't see your face with a hood, but according to the comparison between the person in the video and Peter Parker, yes, it is him.

Although Peter Parker didn't do anything earth-shattering enough to shock the world, he saved many innocent people from the hands of gangsters and gangsters.

"Hmm..." Stark looked at the little spider in the video, pondered for a while and said, "Superman's power, can spit out spider silk, and seems to be able to sense danger in advance..."

It seems that Peter Parker should be an enhanced person similar to Steve, the only difference may be that he can use spider silk to assist his attack...

"Jarvis, prepare a car for me. I plan to talk to this kid after I wake up." Stark ordered to Jarvis.

Jarvis bluntly said, "Sir, would you like to contact Mr. Norman Osborn first, he has called you."

Stark wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he still said to Jarvis, "Okay, Jarvis, help me get in, then help me contact Pepper, and tell her that I am here to help Steve. Sue the Pentagon and get the lawyers ready."

"Okay, sir."

Jarvis picked up Norman Osborn's call.


In Hell's Kitchen, in Angelo's Church.

Little Gali had already gone to class in the backyard with Nick, and Skye also went to the underground laboratory to make something with the supercomputer.

Only Angelo, Steve, and Frank were left in the hall.

An Qiluo sat in the hall, holding the little bone dragon and looking left and right, until his eyes made the little bone dragon feel hairy, and it writhed uncomfortably in his hand.

"Frank, Steve, are you interested in fishing turtles with me?" Angelo asked the two of them while reaching out and throwing the small bone dragon into a large wine tank that had already been prepared.

As soon as it entered the wine tank, the little bone dragon couldn't wait to swim in the wine tank.

From the psychological shadow at the beginning, until now, after just three "baths" experiences, Xiaogulong has completely fallen in love with this project.

Come to think of it, the predecessor of the little bone dragon must have been a VIP user of Bathing City before it died, otherwise how could this habit be passed on to the little bone dragon after it was resurrected.

"Turtle fishing?" Steve was stunned for a moment, "There are only turtles in New York, no turtles, right? Why are you in such a mood to go to the beach?"

"No!" An Qiluo shook his head with a smile, "We don't go fishing at the beach, we go fishing in the sewer!"

Only then did Steve suddenly realize, "Are you talking about... the four turtle monsters that Norman Osborn talked about yesterday?"

"No, that's not a turtle monster, I prefer to call them...Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!" Angelo looked at it and said nothing, but he had already drawn Frank, who wanted to kill you three thousand, from the bar, and quickly reached out to stop him, "It won't be so No, Frank, we are here to catch turtles, not to smash those four little turtles into scum."

Although Norman Osborn said that the shells of the four tortoises are bulletproof, but being bulletproof and being able to stop a shot that would kill you 3,000 times is not a concept at all, right? If they were shot by this thing, the four little turtles would definitely be beaten to pieces!

Frank looked at An Qiluo with puzzled eyes. Although he didn't understand in his heart, he still put the three thousand in his hand back on the bar.

After staying in the church for such a period of time, perhaps because of the influence of the atmosphere in the church, or because his son Nick was resurrected by Angelo, Frank’s hostility has subsided a lot, and even his eyes no longer look like It was like before, no matter who looked at it, it was like looking at a pool of dead pork.

At least, when looking at the people in the church, his eyes have softened a lot. Finally something human.

"Do you know where they are?" Steve reached out and pulled the shield out of the bar, "Is there any problem with my shield? I think Norman Osborn and his son were beaten badly. "

Angelo shook his head first, then nodded again, "No problem, you can carry your shield, Frank, you can also bring a few ordinary guns, there are some in the warehouse in the backyard, you can pick them out .”

"I don't know where they are, but I can let them come to me." Angelo smiled mysteriously, and glanced at the little bone dragon who was "taking a bath". "It depends on this."

As he spoke, An Qiluo pointed to the big wine jar.

"Wine jar?" Steve frowned.

"Yes, strictly speaking, it's the wine in the wine tank." Angelo smiled and lifted the little bone dragon out of the wine tank.

The little bone dragon looked at the wine jar reluctantly, and then, under An Qiluo's gaze, ran to the backyard.

Today, after hearing Norman Osborn talk about what happened last night, Angelo had some guesses.

Norman Osborn is not Tang Monk, he can live forever if he eats it, so there are so many monsters and ghosts coming to kill him, and these four little turtles did not die after the Osborn father and son and the little spider Peter were brought down. Killing them, this can also show that it must not be Norman Osborn doing something utterly unconscionable.

The four little turtles took away the bath wine of the small bone dragon, probably because they took advantage of it. This wine is no different from ordinary wine, and it is not even a good wine. The only difference is that this wine has soaked the keel.

Although I don't know what caused the four little turtles to attack Osborn and others, but it doesn't matter, as long as they find them by themselves!

Just ask in person and you will know.

"Let's go." Angelo reached out and put away the wine jars in the hall. "If all goes well, we should be back before dinner."

At this time, Frank was also holding a machine gun in his hand, a rifle on his back, a Desert Eagle pistol in his leg, and an exaggerated bullet chain on his body, and he came back from the backyard.

The most outrageous thing is that Frank even put his body armor on! Those four little turtles didn't even have guns, only cold weapons!

An Qiluo: Very good, it looks like one of our own people, a patient with severe phobia of insufficient firepower! ...But to deal with four little turtles, add at most one big mouse, is it necessary? Beware of animal cruelty sued by the Humane Society!

Steve looked at Frank's extremely sturdy equipment, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly after being dazed for a while.

"Oh~ buddy, is this necessary?" Angelo asked Frank dumbfounded.

As a result, Frank just replied coolly, "Be prepared!"

After finishing speaking, he took big steps and walked out of the church.

Angelo shook his head and didn't stop him. Frank must have a different habit. I just hope that the little turtles will be more acquainted by then, otherwise I'm afraid they will really become dead turtles.

Reaching out to put the wine jar into the space backpack, An Qiluo and Steve also went out the door.

The three got on the big G parked at the door, Angelo started the car and drove to the suburbs of New York.

When he was in the church just now, he had checked the urban planning map of New York City on his mobile phone. In the depths of Hell's Kitchen, near the seaside, there was a drain that had been abandoned for many years and was used to discharge sewage into the sea. There is access to the New York City sewer system.

The destination was not far from Angelo's church, and soon the three of them arrived at the location marked on the map. After getting off the car, Angelo took a general look at the surrounding environment.

This place is close to the sea, not the sandy and sunny coast of tourist attractions, but a desolate and dilapidated atmosphere spreading everywhere.

There are still many cement blocks left after the sea has ebbed on the beach, and the origin of these cement blocks is self-evident.

An Qiluo mourned in silence for three seconds in front of these cement blocks.

But when An Qiluo saw the hole on the cliff beside him, he couldn't help frowning.

The location of this drainage outlet was built as early as when New York was founded. But later, people gradually discovered that the sewage must be treated before it can be discharged into the sea, and this sewage outlet was abandoned, and all of it was treated by the sewage plant.

And the drain on the cliff has been idle for so many years, and the iron fence blocking the drain has long been rusted. This is not only the most important thing, the most important thing is that even after so many years of idleness, the sewage and debris left over from many years ago have already dried up and solidified on the ground.

Although he couldn't smell the smell for a long time, An Qiluo also felt nausea when he saw the pollutants on the ground.

"Let's go." Frank glanced at the sewage outlet, reached out and untied the rope on his body, and went to the top of the cliff to fix the rope. "Fortunately, I brought the rope."

Steve also hung his shield on the strap behind his back, tightened his clothes and walked over.

Seeing that the two of them didn't care about the dirt, An Qiluo looked at them in disbelief. However, the matter has come to this point, so naturally there is no reason to back down.

An Qiluo had no choice but to summon his bone armor, wrapped himself tightly, and followed the two of them down the rope.

After actually entering the hole, the pipe is very spacious, and it is no problem to put two off-road vehicles side by side in it.

There is no sewage on the ground, but the water stains on the pipes can prove that it was used here.

After walking to a clean ground, An Qiluo unsummoned the bone armor on his body and let out a sigh of relief.

The bad road surface along the way just now really made people feel bad. Fortunately, there is no peculiar smell here.

"Okay, guys, we can just stay here. I believe that maybe after a while, the four little turtles will find it by themselves."

As An Qiluo said, he took out the bath tub of the little bone dragon, and poured the wine inside directly down the pipe!

Steve looked at Angelo's "extravagant and wasteful" behavior with some heartache. These are all green dollars!

A $10,000 glass of wine! Just poured it directly into the abandoned sewer! If sold to Daniel, this tank can sell for at least one million dollars!

Although, he also saw it with his own eyes, this thing is just the bath water of the little bone dragon...

After Angelo finished dumping, he thought for a while, and took out three folding chairs from his space backpack, and gave one to Frank and Steve respectively.

"Sit and wait."

If this is not the sewer, perhaps An Qiluo would still be in the mood to wait for the four little turtles to come here, and at the same time, take out the oven and have a BBQ.

And somewhere in the sewers of New York City, an underground base occupies an abandoned pipeline, and five figures dangle in the base.

"Michelangelo! Stand still for me! You drove the head to chase someone's truck, and now you even snatched his wine back! Is that what I taught you?"

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