The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 211 Drop, successful capture!

Chapter 211 Drip, successful capture!

Accompanied by Tony Stark, Peter stammered and took the initiative to confess to Uncle Ben and Aunt May the changes that had taken place in him, as well as... part of his chivalrous behavior.

Of course, what Angelo said to him in the church and the part-time job during the holidays were unavoidable.

As a result, when Peter finished speaking, Uncle Ben didn't say anything, but Aunt Mei looked at Peter worriedly, "Peter, are you okay...we'll see a doctor in a while."

Aunt May turned her head and said to Stark, "Mr. Stark, I'm sorry, my nephew may have some mental problems. I think we may not be able to entertain you."

Aunt Mei didn't believe Peter Parker's words at all. She thought that Peter had some kind of mental problem, and she kept blaming herself. Did she care less about Peter? Adolescent children are always prone to some psychological problems... …

Stark and Peter looked at each other helplessly, this was not among the possibilities they thought of.

Peter had no choice but to shoot a spider's thread at the water glass on the table in front of Uncle Ben and Aunt May under Stark's gesture, and pulled the water glass into his hand.

And Stark also played Peter Parker's act of rescuing passers-by on his mobile phone very cooperatively, and at the same time used 3D projection to project the video on the table in the living room.

"Wow!" Aunt Mei jumped down, her face seemed to see God's expression, "Peter, this, this..."

She also knows about Hell Priest and Iron Man who have been very popular on the Internet and on TV recently. She also discussed this issue with Ben. They all felt that this kind of "superpower" is far from their own lives very far away.

As a result, not only Iron Man Tony Stark came to his home today, but also his nephew, whom he regarded as his own, was somewhat different...


Ben looked at Mei, who was a little bit open-mouthed and couldn't come back to her senses, and smiled wryly in his heart. Now he can even explain why Mr. Iron Man Stark came to his home.

It seems that the abnormality of his nephew and his chivalrous behavior caught Mr. Stark's attention.

"Peter, your ability... Sigh, have you done anything illegal?" Ben Parker asked Peter a little worriedly.

"No! No! Definitely not!" Peter waved his hands quickly, then looked at his uncle anxiously, "Uncle Ben, I..."

As Ben Parker, who watched Peter grow up, he knew Peter well, he knew Peter Parker's mind, "Peter, you can continue to do what you want,

With great power comes great responsibility. "

"No!" Aunt Mei came back to her senses at this time, and flatly refused, "It's too dangerous! Ben! Peter is still a child."

As soon as Aunt Mei said this, the anxious Peter opened his mouth to defend himself, but Peter, who had been a good boy since he was a child, obviously didn't know how to refute Aunt Mei's words.

Fortunately, Peter's Uncle Ben rescued Peter in time, "Peter, do what you want, don't worry! I will convince you Aunt May, if you have the ability to help people, but you don't help, then once If something happens, it must be your responsibility."

Aunt May twisted Ben Parker's ear and walked into the room angrily, complaining as she walked, "Ben! You'd better explain to me why you can convince me! If Peter really went outside What to do in case of danger..."

Ben was twisted by Aunt Mei's ears, and screamed in pain, but he still tried his best to turn his head, and stretched out a thumb to Bi Peter.

Indicating that Peter himself is fine, he can hold it!

Stark looked at Uncle Ben and Aunt May, couldn't help but smile, and said to the two, "Don't worry, Ben and May! I will take good care of Peter!"

Ben whose ears were twisted and Aunt Mei who twisted Ben's ears paused, and then continued to go into the room as if nothing had happened.

It can only be seen from the shape of Ben and May's mouths, they are whispering thank you to Stark.

Both Ben and May watched Peter grow up. Although they were not biological parents, they were better than biological parents. How could they not understand what Peter was thinking.

Moreover, they all came from this age. Although Ben was also worried about Peter's safety, apart from what he said, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. They also know that they can stop it for a while, but they can't stop it for a lifetime. .

It's better to simply let Peter do what he wants to do, at least when he and May are still alive, he can give Peter some ideas on some things.

Now that Stark finished saying that he would greet Peter well, Uncle Ben and Aunt May felt more relieved. At least with Iron Man's guarantee, no?

After seeing Uncle Ben and Aunt Ben May dragged into the room, Peter turned to Stark in disbelief and asked, "Mr. Stark, have I passed the test?"

"Of course." Stark shrugged his shoulders relaxedly, "Well, let's go now, and I will fulfill my promise and send you a set of battle suits specially made for you."

"Ah...I'm so sorry..." Peter scratched his head aggressively.

Stark curled his lips, "Child, the most important thing now is to throw away your ridiculous pajamas, oh my god, it's so ugly! I don't want to see it again .”

Stark's words made Peter's face blush, and he immediately turned and walked towards his room.


When Peter threw away his pajamas, Stark drove his luxury car and took Peter to Hell's Kitchen.

Peter's suit will be manufactured there, although the suit can also be produced in the laboratory in his villa, but Angelo said that he would provide Peter with a copy, Stark felt that he needed to help Peter investigate Take a look at this part-time job.

After all, he had just promised May and Ben that he would take care of Peter.

On the other side, Angelo, Steve and Frank were fishing for "turtles" in the sewer.

"Call the landlord!" An Qiluo, whose face was covered with notes, threw the cards in his hand on the ground and shouted.

"Don't grab it!" Steve shrugged his shoulders and buckled the cards in his hand.

"I'm not going to snatch it either." Frank also lost his usual aloof look, and the note on his face hilariously covered half of Frank's face, as if Frank had the latest bangs.

Among the three, it turned out that the oldest Steve won the most, and he didn't even put a note on his face!

At this time, the benefits of always having various items in the space backpack are revealed.

It was so boring just waiting for the little turtles to take the bait, so An Qiluo directly took out a deck of cards and a large stack of blank papers from his space backpack.

Who knows why An Qiluo would put these things directly in his backpack!

An Qiluo taught the two people how to play Landlords in China, and they quickly learned it!

Even An Qiluo felt that these two people seemed to be getting more and more proficient at fighting! I actually can't beat them!

This can be seen from the most notes on An Qiluo's face.

While An Qiluo was thinking hard about how to get out, An Qiluo's face became serious, and he said in a low voice, "Guys, I think the turtle we are going to catch has arrived!"

Steve and Frank looked in disbelief, Angelo had already used this trick once, and they knew very well that Angelo just wanted to run away!

I want to play tricks!

But this time An Qiluo didn't feel guilty about the questioning eyes of the two, but smiled helplessly, "Guys, what I said is true, they will probably be here in a few minutes."

"That's what you said last time!" Steve and Frank said in unison.

Angelo: ...

An Qiluo felt the five moving objects getting closer and closer in the sewer not far away in his mental power, and he stretched out his hand and pulled the note off his face.

He also put away all the tables, chairs and benches on the ground.

"Get ready, guys, they'll be here soon."

Flack and Steve looked at the expression on Angelo's face, and it really didn't look like a fake. Steve took the shield off his back, and Frank also took his machine gun.

Although Angelo's brand is worrying, it doesn't look like a fake this time!

It didn't take long for Steve and Frank to learn that Angelo wasn't lying.

They also heard footsteps coming from around the corner of the sewer not far away.

The sound of footsteps was very slight, but because the sewer here had been abandoned for many years, and the surrounding area was deserted, coupled with the reverberation of the sewer pipe, it was only heard by Steve and Frank.

Angelo made a silent gesture to the two, and then hid his figure behind a protruding wall.

The same is true for Steve and Frank, looking for places to hide.

For a while, in the space of this sewer, there was no sound, and the dead silence was restored again, leaving only the smell of wine in the air.

Within a few seconds, the head of a tortoise with an orange headband poking out appeared at a far corner.

When Frank and Steve saw the other party's cautious behavior, they were glad in their hearts. Fortunately, they hid just now. Otherwise, the other party might be so cautious that they wouldn't come out when they saw themselves and others.

Steve tightened the shield in his hand, and Frank also silently aimed the sight on the rifle at the opponent, waiting for the opponent to approach, and then made a move.

However, the appearance of the other party made the two of them a lot more cautious. It was actually a big tortoise. From the size of the head, the size of the other party could be roughly judged. A tortoise can only be the size of an adult! When Norman Osborn said it in the morning, the two were still a little bit skeptical.

"No one." After Michelangelo confirmed that there was no one, it turned to the brothers and the teacher who stretched out their hands and said, "Shall we go out?"

The boss Leonardo poked his head out again quietly, and after looking carefully, he did not find any trace of anyone, only the wine jar not far away.

Both Steve and Frank are veterans who survived the battlefield, and on the battlefield, learning how to hide their shadows is a compulsory course for surviving.

The little tortoises and Splinter are only good at boxing and kicking, and they are wild in this respect, so it is naturally impossible to find the two of them.

As for Angelo...

He didn't look at the little turtles at all, he completely hid himself behind the wall, and was using his mental power to sense the movements of these little turtles.

Although An Qiluo is very lame in the application of mental power, but these little turtles don't even know how to release mental power, and it's really hell if they can find out.

After confirming that there was no one there, four large tortoises and a humanoid mouse walked out of the corner.

When An Qiluo saw the human-shaped mouse, he secretly said in his heart that it is true! This is Splinter, the teacher of the little turtles!

Sure enough, he guessed right, isn't this the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

As a child who grew up watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons, he is very familiar with the combination of these five, and he can even name them accurately until now, but he doesn’t know if Bigfoot exists in the Marvel universe...

Well, when Frank and Steve saw Splinter, looking at this humanoid mouse wearing a large robe and holding a cane in its hand, they couldn't tell the weirdness in their hearts.

Splinter led the four little turtles slowly towards the big wine jar that Angelo had dropped there.

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters...

As they got closer and closer, just as they were about to enter Frank's pre-planned attack range, the humanoid rat Splinter suddenly stopped!

"It's going to happen!" Steve and Frank were shocked. Could it be that the other party sensed something?

These weird "animals" have never even been seen before. If there are any special abilities, it seems completely reasonable. Even animals in nature have some similar abilities...

"Not good! I'm afraid it's a trap! There are still human footsteps here! Get out!" The big mouse Sprint exclaimed, and immediately wanted to take the little turtles to retreat!

The little tortoises had to say that the reaction was really fast, they were just stunned for a moment, and immediately put the teacher in the middle and retreated.

But apparently it was too late.

Ever since they came out of the corner, Angelo's mental power had been locking them in. Seeing them wanting to slip away, how could he let them escape!

If they get out of tune, they don't know if they will be found later!

An Qiluo knew his aim, so he had already taken out the beast spirit staff in his hand!

Standing behind the wall, he cast a bone prison spell on these five!

A huge bone prison appeared beside them out of thin air and took shape quickly. The little turtles immediately pulled out their weapons and began to attack the bone prison, trying to break the bone prison and escape from the scene first.

However, how can these little turtles rely on the cold weapons in their hands to break through the bone prison that cannot be broken even by heavy firepower such as rocket launchers and machine guns.

The speed of the bone prison's formation was not affected in the slightest, and it was completely formed in less than a blink of an eye, surrounding the four turtles and a mouse in the middle.

The only sound left in the underground space was the sound of the little turtles beating the bone prison in vain.

It's a long story, but it all happened in an instant, when Frank fired the first bullet and Steve threw the shield...

Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by the book friend who sent the head of the dragon~

Thanks to the book friend 20210301183251469 for the reward of 100 starting coins~

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