The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 228 Dr. Lizard's New Plan

Chapter 228 Dr. Lizard's New Plan

At first, the Supreme Court of the United States refused to broadcast live broadcasts from TV stations and other related media, so that they had room for black-box operations.

No one expected that President Ellis, who was concentrating on preparing to seize power in Congress, suddenly intervened in this matter and directly issued a presidential executive order to the Supreme Court of the United States.

The President of the United States is the head of the federal government. It is equivalent to the chairman and CEO of a company. His executive order is an order issued by the federal chairman to the federal unit to execute. Federal agencies must obey orders. But it is not a law, and cannot break the law, and the order does not reach the state or the following government units.

Even if President Ellis stretched his hips before and was emptied into a puppet president, he is still the supreme leader of the U.S. federal government. All the conditions in the presidential executive order, the U.S. Supreme Court happens to meet the conditions, and The executive order does not violate a single law.

This has left the U.S. Supreme Court unable to find even the slightest reason for its rejection.

It was President Ellis' backstab from a "friendly army" that sent the US Supreme Court and the Pentagon to the stake.

As for why President Ellis issued this executive order.

According to President Ellis's answer to members of Congress, he has absolutely nothing to do with big capitalists such as the Stark Group and the Osborne Group. He just wants to show a fair and just result to the public. Increase public confidence in federal law.

What bad thoughts can the President of the United States have?

As for the members of Congress asking President Ellis, since this presidential executive order has nothing to do with the four big capitalist groups, why did the four big capitalist groups suddenly support him.

President Ellis replied, "It may be that these hard-working businessmen feel that they can maintain the fairness and justice of the law and create a more fair and just environment for society..."


Angelo finished reading the webpage news on his notebook, and just wanted to express some prejudice against the old fox Norman Osborn.

The expression on his face suddenly became solemn!

According to Angelo's perception, a pair of skeleton soldiers who were conducting a carpet search in the sewer were suddenly attacked by unknown creatures!

It was the skeleton soldier team following Michelangelo.

A skeleton soldier who was at the front of the line was suddenly caught by some creature and dragged into the sewer behind the corner when he was about to approach the corner.

From the strength of the unknown creature's hand, it can be seen that this guy has absolutely no mercy, and wants to crush this skeleton to death...

But this is a skeleton! Leaving aside the question of whether a dead skeleton can still be pinched to death, this is An Qiluo's skeleton alone, and relying on this and the various passive bonuses on An Qiluo's skill tree, the opponent's behavior makes An Qiluo Absolutely the other party must have lost his mind.

With the help of the dim light in the sewer, Angelo finally saw the true face of the creature that was pulling the skeleton's neck.

Dark green skin, dark green scales, and a big dark green head with a mouth full of terrifying fangs.

Well, a large lizard.

Finally found the right owner!

At this time, the movement here also caught Michelangelo's attention. His spirit was shaken, he pulled out the nunchaku from his back, held it in his hand, and rushed forward with a group of "skeleton boys" past.

It's a bit of a movement. These two days have been exploring roads and drawing maps. This boring job made Michelangelo, who was not very stable, feel that he was about to be bored to death.

It is not easy to find the right owner now, how could Michelangelo not be excited.

And Dr. Lizard saw a turtle rushing towards him with a group of white skeletons. He looked down at the skeleton in his hand, and before the skeleton stretched out its claws to attack him, he pulled the skeleton away. He threw it fiercely towards the skeleton army.

Immediately after roaring, he rushed towards the little turtle and the group of fragile-looking skeletons.

These skeletons didn't wear Peter's suit! He didn't believe that these skeletons could be stronger than Peter? As for the little tortoise, although he didn't know where the other party came from, it would be a big deal to catch the little tortoise after he smashed all the skeletons into pieces.

Dr. Lizard believed that if he told the little turtle about his plan, the little turtle would be persuaded to join his plan too!

They reptiles should have become the masters of the earth!

Only his experiments can truly create a perfect species! Survival of the fittest!

Once his plan is successful, Dr. Lizard will be the king of the earth! And that little turtle is the greatest hero on earth!

While Dr. Lizard was sitting and daydreaming, Angelo saw Dr. Lizard confidently rushing towards the little turtle and the army of skeletons from the perspective of the skeleton.

He is also full of disbelief, what is this guy doing? court death? Or did his brain burn out after turning into a lizard?

He knew Peter's strength. Even after Peter put on the battle suit, he might be able to restrain one or two skeletons by taking advantage of the flexibility of the skeletons. However, when Peter faced so many skeletons, he was as vulnerable as Zhang. Paper isn't much different either.

You can't even beat Peter in the battle suit, where do you have the courage to attack the skeleton army?

But just to be on the safe side, An Qiluo would definitely go there himself.

He stood up from the chair and returned the computer to Skye, "Skye, the little turtles found that big lizard in the sewer, I'll go there."

"Okay, then be careful." Although Skye didn't stop Angelo, he still told him worriedly.


Frank came over from the side at this time, "Angelo, do you want me and Steve to go with you?"

Angelo looked at Steve. At this time, Steve had already reached under the bar and was about to pull out his new shield.

"No, it's just a little lizard. We all thought highly of him in the past." Angelo shook his head, calling the little bone dragon in his heart, and before he boarded the bone dragon, he added another sentence, " Frank, Steve, you just need to wait at home, if there is any emergency, I will call you."

"Okay." Frank nodded, sat back down again, pulled out the three thousand from the bar and began to wipe.

It's like a swordsman always wipes his sword well before killing an enemy.

Angelo got on the bone dragon and flew towards the previous beach.

He needs to enter from there, and find Michelangelo according to the passage that the little turtles walked through before.


By the time Angelo found Michelangelo, there was no sign of Dr. Lizard in this sewer passage.

When Michelangelo saw Angelo's figure appearing in the sewer, he shrank his neck in guilt.

At this time, Michelangelo remembered that he had met Dr. Lizard just now and had not informed Angelo of that message until now.

"That..." Michelangelo walked out of the pile of skeletons with a smile, "That...Mr. Priest, I was negligent. Let the big lizard run away."

An Qiluo didn't bother to argue with him, so he wasn't surprised by this result. After all, he hadn't given up his perspective just now, and he rushed over as soon as he found Dr. Lizard, but the journey in the sewer There are too many complicated twists and turns. By the time Angelo arrived here, Dr. Lizard had already run away. Even if Michelangelo thought of calling himself, it would be too late for him to get here.

Fortunately, Michelangelo did not appear in any danger, and the skeleton soldiers were not injured.

"Where's that guy's tail that fell off? Take me to see it." Angelo said to Michelangelo.

Michelangelo glanced at Angelo in surprise. He thought it was a coincidence that Angelo came here, but he didn't expect that Angelo even knew that Dr. Lizard had a broken tail!

Angelo actually knew more than Michelangelo expected!

The perspective he relied on on the skeleton warrior was no different from his own at the scene. Not only did he know that Dr. Lizard's tail was broken, but he also knew how Dr. Lizard's tail was broken.

Dr. Lizard rushed to the skeleton army at the beginning, but the skeleton army was much stronger than Dr. Lizard imagined. As soon as the two sides fought, the skeleton army pressed Dr. Lizard to the ground and beat him, without even giving Michelangelo a chance to intervene... …

If it weren't for Dr. Lizard's special resistance to beatings and his strong recovery ability, he would have been hammered to death by the skeleton soldiers long ago.

When Michelangelo finally got in and gave Dr. Lizard two feet.

Dr. Lizard took advantage of this gap to scurry around in the air strikes among the skeleton soldiers, found an opportunity, and escaped.

However, if he escaped or escaped, he was still left with a tail.

Michelangelo smiled and took Angelo with the tail, which was thrown on the ground and had not been picked up yet.

"Tsk." Angelo sighed, is this guy really a lizard?

Docking tail to escape in the face of danger?

Angelo attached a layer of bone armor to his hand, picked up the tail from the ground and put it into the space backpack, intending to go back and let Dr. Ethan or Dr. Banner test it.

But at this time, An Qiluo glanced out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly realized that things didn't seem to be what he imagined?

On the ground where the severed tail was thrown just now, there was a pool of dark green blood, and this pool of blood continued to spread to the distance intermittently.

It seems that Dr. Lizard did not dock his tail by himself, but was interrupted by someone?

An Qiluo rubbed his chin, looking at the dark green bloodstain on the ground, if he followed the bloodstain, he might be able to find him.

"Michelangelo, let's continue to chase and see where this guy has gone." Angelo waved at Michelangelo.

"Uh...Mr. Priest, I don't have any complaints, but the equipment here..." Michelangelo pointed to a strange machine placed at the corner and said.

There are traces of life here, and this machine looks extremely rough, and it can even be seen that many parts on the machine are improvised.

An Qiluo glanced at it, and didn't see what the machine was for, but it didn't matter.

This thing must have been left by that Dr. Lizard. No matter what he wants to do, he just needs to let the other party find this machine. Without the machine, even if the other party can do anything, it is so limited and pitiful.

Angelo put the tattered machine into his space backpack.

"Come on, Michelangelo, let's follow."

Although he came in person, Angelo did not disband the skeleton soldiers, but the two of them led the skeleton soldiers and chased them along the blood on the ground.


On the other side, Dr. Lizard was running towards the depths of the sewer without looking back, holding a large box in his hand.

He didn't even notice the blood dripping from his broken tail, all he could feel now was the pain from the broken tail and the suppressed anger in his heart.

After he injected the strengthening potion, although he has inherited the lizard's ability in many physiological characteristics, including super strength, super reaction, super resilience...

But he did not inherit the lizard's instinct to escape by breaking its tail. After all, he was not a pure lizard, but a lizardman mutated from a human.

Even if he manages to grow a tail, it is for maintaining the balance of his body. The composition of the tail is still the muscle structure of his body. Therefore, the pain of breaking a tail is no less than that of breaking an arm.

Although there were no those strange skeleton soldiers, but after he escaped from the siege of the skeleton soldiers, he probably figured it out. Most of this matter had something to do with that strange hell priest.

At Osborn's house, Peter had mentioned the priest.

Unexpectedly, the people in Hell's Kitchen found the sewer so quickly, and even found his hiding place.

Even after he escaped, he didn't even have time to bring out the machine he used to implement the plan in the hiding place!

This filled Dr. Lizard's heart with anger.

Why! Obviously his research direction is the perfect path for human evolution! Why do you all stop me!

Although his heart was filled with anger, Dr. Lizard calmly analyzed the current situation.

Now that the people in Hell's Kitchen have found their traces, it is estimated that Father Hell or Tony Stark will come soon.

That machine is definitely not acceptable, but in order to implement his perfect human evolution plan, he can only find another way.

Dr. Lizard soon thought of a new way.

He once had the opportunity to see a topographic map of New York's underground sewers, which is why he hid in the sewers.

In the depths of the sewer, there is a pipeline directly connected to the sewage treatment plant.

As long as he pours the concentrated strengthening agent in the box into the sewage treatment plant, he can spread these strengthening agents, and in this case, New York is only the first stop! With the flow of these waters, it is only a matter of time before all human beings in the world evolve into a perfect form like him!

Even if it is Tony Stark, Norman Osborn, or even the powerful hell priest Angelo, those who have stopped him, it is inevitable that Dr. Lizard has honeyed confidence in the concentrated medicine he created .

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you stop me or don't understand me, as long as you become the same existence as me, you will understand me.

Dr. Lizard's eyes showed fanaticism while running...

Thank you Chabu for telling you about the 500 starting point coins rewarded by Mr. Ski~

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