Chapter 247

Director George knows that there are many chaotic places in this land of the United States, as well as various illegal civil organizations, and he has been working hard for this.

But he never thought that one day an illegal organization would dare to attack him on the way to personally escort the prisoner!

I am the chief of police!

Are these bloody bastards crazy?

No matter what Director George thinks, it doesn't work at this time.

A bullet fired from a sniper rifle in the distance precisely pierced the eyebrows of the driver of the first car in the police car convoy.

The driver's forehead was hit by a bullet, and his skull was smashed into pieces in an instant. He died on the spot, and there was no need for rescue.

The vehicle lost control and began to spin in the middle of the road. Before the police officer on the co-pilot regained control of the vehicle, the police cars in the rear convoy crashed into the police car one after another.

A series of collisions will cause several police cars to overturn, and the fuel tanks will be knocked out. Gasoline will flow out from the fuel tanks and spill all over the ground.

Naturally, the policemen in the car were not spared either. They were all trapped in the vehicle by the deformed car body due to the collision. Several policemen even had their thighs broken and howled helplessly inside the overturned vehicle.

Chief George was very lucky to sit in the last police car in the convoy. When the collision happened, the last police car in the queue avoided the overturned vehicle in time.

The sudden change caused the brains of all the surviving police officers to temporarily go blank.

Not only Director George couldn't imagine that someone would dare to attack the police in the New York City area, even these policemen couldn't imagine it!

You know, after the last attack on the White House, some of the troops in the military districts of every state in the United States have been on standby 24 hours a day. As long as any vicious incident happens again, these troops will definitely be there within 15 minutes to half an hour. If you can rush to the scene, those who do it will never run away!

"Hurry up and save people! Why are you in a daze!" Director George got out of the car, and his reaction was the fastest.

He drew out his pistol for vigilance and shouted at the surviving police officers.

Only then did the surviving policemen wake up from a dream and began to help these trapped colleagues out of trouble. Some people called the hospital, and those policemen with broken legs needed ambulances and professionals to rescue them.

Just when the policemen started to help their colleagues out of trouble, a well-protected armored vehicle rushed out of the darkness.

Armored vehicles are transformed from trucks. Not only do they have no license plates, but the protective armor on the body is also welded with thickened solid steel plates.

When Director George saw this armored vehicle rushing towards this side, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

This group of unknown militants definitely came prepared!

Although he didn't know what the other party wanted to do, Director George still fired a few shots at the armored vehicle with the pistol in his hand.

The attack of the pistol is futile when facing such a well-protected armored vehicle. When the bullet of the pistol hits the armored vehicle, it can only wipe a small spark on it, and then the bullet is bounced to the ground.

Other policemen also drew out their weapons and attacked the armored vehicles. Unfortunately, the light weapons in the hands of these policemen were basically ineffective against the armored vehicles.

The armored vehicle stopped in front of the scene of the car accident, and then a few well-equipped burly men got out from the back door of the armored vehicle. Outside, the face was blocked tightly.

As soon as they got out of the car, these burly men raised their heavy machine guns and started shooting at the police.

Metal chains formed by bullets gushed out from the muzzles of the heavy machine guns, suppressing the police forcelessly, and even the metal car doors couldn't stop the heavy machine guns from firing.

The police officers present, including Chief George, had no choice but to abandon the police car and roll to a low-lying place on the side of the road to avoid the heavy machine gun fire.

All of a sudden, these New York police officers were beaten so hard that they couldn't even lift their heads.

The purpose of these burly men is very clear, that is, Ivan Vanke who was locked in the last police car. Thanks to Director George, Ivan Vanke was personally guarded by Director George just in case.

The burly men left behind a few people who continued to suppress the police with heavy machine guns. One of them pulled a middle-aged Russian man whose mouth was sealed with tape and who was also tied with ropes from the rear compartment of the armored vehicle.

This person is very similar to Ivan Vanke in terms of height and bones.

The middle-aged man looked at the scene of the gun battle in horror and wanted to scream, but his mouth was sealed with tape and he couldn't scream at all.

The burly man pulled hard, and under the struggle of the Russian middle-aged man, he dragged him to the last police car. After opening the car door, facing Ivan's suspicious eyes, the burly man didn't say anything, but took out a police car. Key, unlocked Ivan's handcuffs, and then replaced Ivan Vanke with this Russian middle-aged man.

Actually want to play civet cat for the prince!

It's a pity that Director George's surviving police officers were all suppressed by the firepower of heavy machine guns in the low-lying areas of the roadside lawn. They couldn't even raise their heads, so they naturally couldn't see.

This scene was only seen by the police officers who were trapped in the police car.

Ivan Vanke was brought back to the armored vehicle by the burly man, and before Ivan Vanke could react, he was covered with a black hood.

Seeing that the target of the mission was rescued, the rest of the burly man, who was holding a heavy machine gun to suppress the firepower, did not continue to fight, stopped the firepower suppression, and got into the armored vehicle neatly.

The armored vehicle quickly turned around and left the battlefield.

The whole process was extremely fast, from the time the first police car was knocked over, to the time when the armored vehicle left the scene, the whole process took less than five minutes.

When the fire suppression stopped, Director George raised his head from the ground, and could only see the taillights of the armored vehicle in the distance.

Just when Director George was about to regroup and rescue the policemen who were trapped in the car first, three objects with flaming tails shot out from the armored car in the distance.

"Get down! Watch out for the bomb!" Director George only had time to shout, and then lay down on the ground again.


Following three loud bangs and flashes of fire, three bombs exploded in the convoy, and the flames caused by the explosion successfully ignited the gasoline on the ground.

After the explosion, Director George raised his head again.

At this time, all he was left with was wreckage and violently burning flames. Even the last police car he was in was not spared.

Director George got up from the ground with an ugly face, this time he did not continue to organize the rescue.

Because those policemen who were trapped in the car were no longer necessary. At this time, no wailing could be heard at all, only the crackling of flames could be heard.

In the violent explosion and burning, all the policemen trapped in the car turned into coke.

Even "Ivan Vanke" in the last police car was handcuffed and burned to death on the back seat of the police car. He was burned to a coke, and his original appearance could not be recognized at all...

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