Chapter 255 Fight!

Angelo and Stark return to Stark Manor.

Ivan Vanke left two scorched marks on the lawn of the manor before. With Stark's strong financial resources, he had already replaced it with a new turf.

The wreckage left by the party in the manor was also cleaned up, and the whole manor was restored to a tidy state.

The exaggerated sports car was parked in Stark's garage. Angelo and Stark got off the sports car and didn't go upstairs. Stark directly brought a dozen cold beers from the studio next to the garage. , placed on the hood of the sports car.

After a slight rubbing sound, the plastic box containing the beer scratched the hood of the sports car, which made Angelo feel distressed.

But as if Stark didn't see it, he took out a bottle of beer from the box and threw it to Angelo, and sat down on the ground next to him.

Angelo took the beer thrown by Stark, and Angelo glanced at it, but he didn't recognize the brand name on the beer bottle at all, and he had never even seen it.

"Man, I won't fool people with inferior beer like you, and sell it so expensive!" Stark said with a smile.

Angelo rolled his eyes, didn't use a bottle opener, and directly pinched the lid off with his bare hands. This terrifying physical quality made Stark smack his tongue.

"Steve made cheap wine, why don't you drink it."

Stark remembered the fear of being dominated by the "cocktail" that Steve had concocted, and couldn't help but slapped his mouth twice.

The two of them were just sitting on the garage floor, chatting with each other while drinking.

An Qiluo also took out a meal that Uncle Long had cooked earlier from his space backpack, unpacked it, and shared it with Stark.

As the beer poured into their stomachs, the conversation between the two gradually began to increase.

Stark also told Angelo about his thoughts.

He wanted to find the kidnapped Ivan Vanke, not only because the other party also possessed part of the Ark reactor technology, but also because Ivan Vanke's father, Anton Vanke, had a relationship with his father Howard Stark , although Stark didn't know the specific relationship between Anton Vanke and his father.

Since Stark found a solution to his palladium poisoning from the information left by his father last time, Stark began to let go of the grudges left in his heart since he was a child, and began to try to understand his father's life.

But it wasn't until this time that Stark realized that he didn't know his father at all. In addition to those newspaper media boasting about Howard Stark, in his heart, Howard Stark was just a vague My impression of being strict, unsmiling, and having no common language with myself...

The appearance of Ivan Vanke, after confirming the identity of the other party, gave Stark an opportunity to understand his father better, but the other party was hijacked by someone who didn't know.

Angelo was drinking quietly on the sidelines while listening to Stark's narration. He didn't speak, and what Stark needs at this time is not an answer, but a listener.

He watched the movie in his previous life. In the movie, he saw Stark travel through time and space and meet his father in the original plot.

It's not that Howard Stark doesn't love his son, it's just that he doesn't know how to express it.

This will cause Tony Stark to misunderstand Howard Stark when he was a child.

While the two were drinking, Pepper came down from the villa downstairs, wanting to see what Stark was doing, but was sent back upstairs by Stark, and told her to pack up what she was going to bring tomorrow and leave tomorrow Go on vacation to Egypt.

This made Pepper scream excitedly, and then trot all the way back upstairs to pack the clothes.

What Pepper was excited about was not a vacation, but a vacation with Stark. The private space of the two of them has been pitifully scarce recently.

After sending Pepper back upstairs, Stark returned to the garage drunk again, smiled at Angelo who was sitting on the garage floor, and opened another bottle of beer for the two of them.

"Cheers!" The two clinked glasses and were about to drink.

As a result, Jarvis' voice sounded.

"Sir, Colonel Rhodes is here." A virtual projection screen appeared in the air, and it was Colonel Rhodes on the screen, his face full of anxiety.

"Huh? Why is Rhodes here again? Didn't we just separate?" Stark glanced at the big screen and muttered, "Jarvis, open the door for him."

"Okay, sir."

"Dude, do you mind if I go upstairs and have a look?" Angelo shrugged and said to Stark, "I think I can come over to drink with you after you finish talking."

Angelo had just quarreled with Colonel Rhodes at the police station. He didn't want to see that guy again, and he didn't want to embarrass Stark.

"Alright, buddy." Stark also understood what Angelo meant, and Angelo and Colonel Rhodes hadn't dealt with it very much. "The scenery on the second floor is good, you can see the sea outside."

"Okay." Angelo shook his head, picked up his half-drunk beer, and went upstairs.


Angelo walked up to the second floor and sat on the balcony on the second floor, feeling the sea breeze blowing in front of him.

With a beer in his hand, he drank the wine one after another.

The sea at night is very calm, only the sound of waves from a distance can be heard, and the stars reflected from the sky can be seen from the sea.

Of course, it's not as smooth as the Dead Sea, Angelo can still see a faint light flashing away on the sea in the distance.

An Qiluo didn't care either, he just regarded it as a neighbor who went fishing nearby, after all, there are rich people living here, so is there any problem for rich people to go fishing at night?

But Angelo didn't know that whether the land of Stark Manor was bought by the rich and powerful Stark, the sea he saw was also bought by Stark, and it belonged to private territorial waters. It is not allowed to enter.


At the same time, in a hidden underground cave in Mexico State.

"Zhang Tong, Chu, Gene Kahn, these are all my former names." The figure sitting on the chair before said to Ivan Vanke. "But now, you can call me Mandarin, or Mandarin."

The mandarin's clothes had changed from a suit to a cumbersome robe, and his ring-covered hands were hidden in the wide sleeves of the robe.

Ivan was sitting opposite the Mandarin, with a toothpick in his mouth, looking at the table full of food in front of him. These foods were all Chinese dishes, "Are you from the Chinese country?"

"No..." The Mandarin said with a smile on his face, "To be precise, I am not a Chinese. I am a descendant of the great Genghis Khan, and I have the noble blood of Genghis Khan. As for the other half of the blood, it comes from Britain."

"Why do you tell me so much?" Ivan Vanke stared into the Mandarin's eyes.

Ivan sneered at the other party's words in his heart. He knew that Genghis Khan was a man who came out of the grassland and almost conquered half of the earth.

If this bullshit man is really a descendant of Genghis Khan, will he be so downcast that he can only hide underground and do his best?

But he was very sensible and didn't say it. The function of the ring on the opponent's hand has not yet been figured out. The murdered thug is a lesson from the past. He still wants to save his life to find trouble with Tony Stark.

The Mandarin spread his hands, "You are my honored guest, we will become friends in the future, I think we need to be honest with each other."

Ivan Vanke glanced at the Mandarin and didn't speak.

The Mandarin continued, "I see, you also really want to kill Tony Stark."

While speaking, the ring on the ring finger of the left hand that was hidden under the wide sleeve of the robe by the Mandarin shone faintly.

This is the ability of this ring, mind augmentation.

"People in the Stark family are all thieves and sinners!" When Tony Stark was mentioned, Ivan's expression became a little excited. "I'm going to destroy everything about them!"

The Mandarin applauded and said with a smile, "Okay, great! It seems that our goals are the same, but don't you think killing Tony Stark so easily would make his death too easy?" ?”

"Then what do you mean?"

"In his most proud aspect, defeat him, kill his achievements. Let him die in remorse." The Mandarin said frantically, "You have talents not weaker than Stark, and you can also create Ark reactors and Iron armor, you help me make these things, and I will help you kill him."

"...\u0026#\u0026%*" Ivan spit out a string of Russian after being silent for a moment.

The mandarin's face was a little frozen, "Well, can you speak English, or Chinese. I don't understand what you are saying."

"You are a good man." Ivan Vanke had a smile on his face, "I can help you make these things, but I have one condition."

A satisfied smile hung on the face of the Mandarin, "What conditions?"

"I want my little bird." Ivan took the initiative to reach for the wine glass on the table, "My little bird left in Russia."

The expression on the man's face froze again, he never thought that this guy's request was so weird.

The proposed condition turned out to be a bird that he should stay in Russia.

"Birds? I can buy you ten identical birds."

"No, I only want the one I left in Russia." Ivan slammed the wine glass on the table heavily, spilling a lot of wine.

The Mandarin was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, "Okay, I will get it for you! But it will take a while."

If only Tony Stark and this Ivan Vanke could build the Ark reactor, and if he didn’t have such energy talents, Ivan would have been arrested this time, tortured his words and deeds and killed the reactor technology Lost.

As for whether it is really possible to get Ivan his bird to Russia in the ice and snow? Stop it! Totally impossible! As long as Ivan manufactures a batch of steel suits he needs, it will be Ivan's death.

"Very good, buddy." Ivan only showed a satisfied smile on his face at this time, as if he never considered that the other party might lie to him.

The two sides raised their glasses and clinked glasses.

The Mandarin did not have dinner with Ivan Vanke, but after drinking a glass of wine, he got up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"You!" The Mandarin walked to the door and said to the guard standing at the door, "Protect my friend! Don't let my friend out of your sight for a second. If you do well, I will suggest you Go to the Extremis Project."

The guard immediately responded with a look of fanaticism, staring at Ivan Vanke.

It's true that he won't let him out of his sight for a second.

The last time, Tony Stark, in his base in Afghanistan, took advantage of the unprepared guards and escaped with a pair of steel suits. The same mistake will not be made twice by Mandarin adults.

After the Mandarin left, the iron door of the cave was closed again, leaving only the guard in front of him staring at him fanatically.

Ivan Vanke spat out the toothpick in front of the guard in disdain.

This is a ruthless person who dared to wear the Ark reactor on his body shirtless. How could he be so easily manipulated by the slight mental influence of the Mandarin.

When the Mandarin activated the ring ability, Ivan Vanke noticed that a tyrannical emotion could not help appearing in his heart.

He was pretending just now, and it was all a tactic to delay the attack. Now that he knew what the other party wanted, it would be easy for him to take advantage of the opportunity of manufacturing armor and reactors, and wait for the opportunity to find an opportunity to escape.

Of course, it was true that Ivan wanted his little bird left in Russia.


In the Stark villa, when Angelo was in a daze on the balcony on the second floor, a few orange rays of light suddenly flashed from the corner of his eyes, and these rays of light fell on the Stark manor.

Before An Qiluo realized what was going on, he heard an explosion from the underground garage, and the vibration could be felt on the second floor.

Angelo quickly ran downstairs with the wine bottle, but Stark was still there.

When An Qiluo arrived at the garage, he saw a figure in silver armor, pressing a golden-red figure to the ground and beating him.

That explosion was exactly the sound of Stark's sports car parked in the garage being blown up, and a big hole was blown out of the wall.

Pepper looked at the golden-red battle armor that was pressed to the ground and exploded in a daze, obviously frightened. Seeing Angelo coming down, Pepper came back to his senses, grabbed Angelo's arm, and said anxiously, "Angelo, help, Rhodes is hitting Stark!"

"Flash people!"

At this time, Happy also ran down from upstairs in a mysterious manner, saw two steel armors fighting each other in the underground garage, and dragged Pepper out of the underground garage.

Although Angelo didn't know why Colonel Rhodes fought with Stark, he knew that Stark was his friend, and Colonel Rhodes was not. that's enough!

So, after Pepper and Happy left, Angelo took the Beast Spirit Staff out of the space backpack.

With a serious expression, he aimed at the silver figure with his skill of mobilizing the bone spear.

A large piece of sharp bone spears floated in the air...

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