The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 258: The New Skin of the Small Bone Dragon

Chapter 258: The New Skin of the Small Bone Dragon

From New York to Cairo almost across half of the world.

The flight distance is more than 9,000 kilometers, even at the speed of Stark's private jet, it will take about nine hours!

Moreover, the distance of more than 9,000 kilometers is still the straight-line distance from New York to Cairo! If you want to count bypassing the air traffic control areas of some countries, this distance is still a little longer!

After all, not every city in every country gives Stark Group face.

Of course, such detailed geographical knowledge was definitely not mastered by An Qiluo himself. The knowledge he learned in school was returned to the teacher a few years after graduation.

This is what Angelo saw on the TV on the plane, which showed the remaining mileage of the plane and the detailed route of the plane.

After Angelo knew that he would stay on the plane for more than nine hours, he looked at the undrowsy little Jiali and Nick, and he gave the little bone dragon an order to watch the children in his heart, and then turned the cockpit After setting the restricted area for two children.

Only then did the cabin seat be laid flat, nestled in it, and fell asleep with peace of mind.

At the same time, on the roof of the Trident Building, an optical stealth fighter has been loaded with equipment. Natasha walked into the cockpit, and the fighter's wings sprayed blue flames and slowly took off...


When Angelo woke up again with a slight shaking, the plane had already arrived at the destination of their trip - Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

The first thing An Qiluo did when he woke up was to look at the two children.

The two children did not know when they had already returned to their respective seats and fell into a deep sleep. The slight shaking also woke up the two children.

Seeing this scene, An Qiluo breathed a sigh of relief. It's good to know that you are sleepy.

Although these two children are not ordinary human cubs in essence, sleeping and some human habits are no longer necessary.

But An Qiluo tried his best to keep the living habits of these two children, including psychological aspects, consistent with human beings.

At least, in their hearts, they must first identify themselves as human beings.

Little Jiali rubbed her eyes with her small hands, woke up the little bone dragon that was resting on the ground, dragged the little bone dragon by its tail like a stuffed toy, and walked in front of An Qiluo.

He raised his head and asked Angelo, "Father, are we here yet?"

The two ponytails tied on little Jiali's head, because she slept dishonestly, have been scattered at this time, hanging loosely on her shoulders, adding a little extra cuteness to little Jiali.

Seeing the cuteness of little Jiali, Angelo couldn't help stretching out his hand, pinched little Jiali's chubby face, and said with a smile, "Yes, little princess, we have arrived in Egypt. !"

The plane has landed safely at the airport in Cairo and is taxiing on the landing strip.

"Daddy hug~"

Little Jiali immediately swept away the drowsiness on her face, and immediately became excited, letting An Qiluo hug her to the plane window, looking at the scenery outside curiously, at this time, the sky outside had already darkened, Cairo's sunset is hanging slantingly in the sky.

Although airports all over the world are similar, for children like Carrie and Nick, all this is so novel.

Frank saw that his son was also looking eager to try. This old father, who had always shown himself as a tough guy and a ruthless man, blushed and walked to Nick's actions.

He originally wanted to be like Angelo, hugging Nick and leaning towards the window to let Nick look outside, but he was so used to it, he really couldn't say the words to hug Nick, and in the end he could only look at Nick's unprepared eyes. In the middle, he grabbed Nick by the collar and carried him to the window.

Sure enough, this is a tough guy...

Although Nick was a little caught off guard by his father's landslide-like fatherly love, the sensible Nick not only didn't struggle, but looked outside with relish as if nothing had happened, giving his father enough face.

Sitting with Pepper and Skye, seeing Frank's "hard" fatherly love, the two women couldn't help chuckling immediately. Pepper glanced enviously at the harmonious Angelo and Little Gali, his eyes A little tangled in the middle, whispered to Skye.

"Skye, tell me, if one day Stark becomes a father, will he be like Angelo and Carrie, or will he be like Frank and Nick?"

Skye glanced at Angelo and Little Jiali who were enjoying themselves with gentle eyes.

Xin Dao, if it is a daughter, it is estimated that it will be like Angelo and Xiao Jiali, but if it is a son, then maybe.

But she thought so, but she couldn't say it out of her mouth. This was definitely not the answer Pepper wanted.

Skye said to Pepper amusedly, "What? You want to have a baby with Stark? Didn't you just tell me on the way that Stark has a warm heart. Don't worry, Stark will He must be a good father"

The tangled expression on Pepper's face faded slightly, but...

"I... oh, forget it, I haven't figured out how to say it yet..." Pepper muttered a few times, hesitant to speak.

And Skye didn't take it seriously, it was just that Pepper hadn't decided whether he really wanted to entrust Stark with his life. Know.

After gliding steadily for a certain distance, the plane stopped at the airport smoothly.

As soon as Angelo took Xiao Jiali off the plane, Angelo felt the style and "enthusiasm" of Cairo.

A gust of wind mixed with the yellow sand rushed towards him, blowing the sand all over Angelo's face. At the same time, she was breathing with her mouth open, and the little Jiali was also shaved with fine sand in her mouth.

"Bah, bah, bah..." Little Jiali hurriedly lowered her head and spat out a few mouthfuls of sand, then continued to smile cheerfully at An Qiluo, her little face was full of novelty, to her Said that these did not affect her happy mood, but a novel experience.

Little Jiali's smiling face infected all the adults. Almost everyone was scratched by the sandstorm in Cairo the moment they got off the plane, but under the little Jiali's smile, all of them were smiling.

Although the Stark Group has no business in Egypt, with its strong financial resources, Pepper has already arranged all the itineraries.

There are already several luxury cars waiting to pick you up at the airport.


The convoy stopped in front of a remote and quaint building, and everyone got out of the car.

It seems that this place should be a small palace. The appearance of the palace is full of the taste of Egyptian architecture, which makes people think of it unconsciously.

Angelo looked at the quaint palace in front of him, and looked at Stark inexplicably.

"Man, what are we doing here?"

Stark shrugged and took the lead to walk in, "Man, we live here today, I bought this place."

As Stark's approach confirmed his words, blue lights flickered on the gate of this quaint palace, and Jarvis's familiar electronic sound sounded.

"You are welcome, sir."

It seems that Stark not only bought this place, but also transformed it with his black technology? Even Jarvis is fitted?

How did Stark do it in such a short time? Moreover, even if An Qiluo didn't understand the laws of Egypt, he also knew that even in Egypt, such ancient buildings could not be easily bought by private individuals as residences.

Angelo once again felt the charm of money.

Sure enough, ninety-nine percent of the things in this world can be solved with money. If money can't solve it, then you might as well think about whether you don't have enough money and need to add more money.

Everyone walked into the building with Stark. Unlike the quaint exterior, the whole building has been renovated and transformed with high technology.

The perfect fusion of high technology and ancient Egyptian architectural style made everyone's eyes shine.

There are many rooms in the palace, and after everyone has chosen a favorite, there are still many rooms left.

An Qiluo also took out everyone's luggage from the space backpack and distributed it to everyone.

After everyone settled down, everyone returned to the front hall of the palace to gather. It was not too late, and everyone had rested on the plane, so there was no need to go to bed so early.

After everyone discussed, Skye rolled his eyes and temporarily snatched the custody of little Jiali from Angelo's hand.

In Skye's words, "It's hard to come out once, and I don't take little Jiali out for a walk, what is your daughter doing with a big man like you!"

In the end, it was decided that Happy would drive, and the two women, Skye and Pepper, would lead Little Gali and Nick to go shopping in the downtown area of ​​Cairo.

Frank, the worried old father who took his son on a trip for the first time, offered to follow them to protect them.

As for Angelo and Stark, the two had other arrangements, and the two were going to make some preparations for the upcoming desert trip and find a guide.

Before the women and children set off excitedly, Angelo stopped the little Jiali who was carrying the small bone dragon, and took out a leash and a strange leather case from his space backpack. There is also a layer of long golden hair sticking to it.

Under the strange eyes of the women, Angelo took the little bone dragon from Xiaojiali's hand, and put this strange leather case on the little bone dragon.

In an instant, the little bone dragon changed from a strange white creature into a naive golden retriever dog, although looking at the little bone dragon disguised as a golden retriever revealed this indescribable weirdness from head to toe.

This strange leather case was given to Angelo by Dr. Ethan before they went out. It was made overnight by Dr. Ethan from the skin of a mutated water snake, with simulated hair glued on it.

Dr. Ethan considered that they took the small bone dragon out, and the appearance of the small bone dragon was too recognizable, so he wanted to help the small bone dragon to camouflage it. After experiments, only water snakes or lizards with extremely tough leather can withstand the small bone dragon. The bones of the body rub against each other.

An Qiluo looked at the big "golden retriever" that was shaking its head in front of him with satisfaction, ignoring the complaints from the small bone dragon in his heart.

What do you know, this is called a skin, and if you want a skin in China, you still have to spend money to buy it! What's more, this is Dr. Ethan's advanced technology limited edition!

Tie the leash around the neck of "Bone Dragon Golden Retriever" and hand it over to Little Jiali, and then let Little Jiali go shopping with the women in a lively manner.

Frank followed in silence, his bulging waist indicating that he was armed.


After the women left, there were only two big men left in the palace, Angelo and Stark.

Stark used his mobile phone to project their next destination into the air.

In Egypt, because it was built on the basis of the ruins of ancient Egypt, it cannot be said that there are antiques and museums everywhere.

What they were going to was a museum, a museum that was about to close down due to poor management. According to the indication on the map, a key item related to the city of the dead was in this museum.

But the map did not indicate what this key item was, and they needed to find it by themselves, and it happened that they were also looking for a guide in the desert.

Although, both Angelo and Stark feel that this legendary city of death cannot withstand the bombing of Stark's laser cannon or Angelo's attack spells, and it is completely possible to brute force these fancy things. organ.

But they came out this time to take their two children on vacation together to hunt for treasure. For treasure hunting, they have to follow the formal process. Wouldn't it be a lot less fun.

However, before the two set off, Angelo had one more thing to do.

That is to make a phone call to the church.

Angelo took out his mobile phone, it was fine, there was signal here in Egypt, and he called Dr. Ethan.

The call was quickly connected, and Dr. Ethan's voice came from the phone.

"Hi, this is Ethan."

"Hi, Dr. Ethan. It's me, Angelo, we've arrived in Cairo." Angelo said into the phone.

The current time in Cairo is evening, while the time in New York is only in the morning. Angelo can hear the familiar sound of construction on Dr. Ethan's side from the phone, as well as the sound of some equipment running. I don't know what experiments Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner are doing.

"Angelo, that the skin you mentioned easy to use?" Dr. Ethan asked on the phone.

"It's easy to use, it's very easy to use, Dr. Ethan." Angelo said with a smile, and then asked on the phone, "By the way, Dr. Ethan, how are you feeling? Have you had any problems during this time?" What discomfort?"

"Fortunately, hahaha." Dr. Ethan laughed heartily a few times, and then said in an incredible tone, "Angelo, the God's Domain you mentioned is actually effective! Although I don't know the reason, But as long as I don't leave the church, I won't feel any different from usual at all..."

Ethan paused for a moment, and his tone became a little regretful, "However, if I leave the church, there will be cracks in my body, so I can only stay in the church these days."

Only then did Angelo feel relieved, with a smile on his face, "It's okay, Dr. Ethan, if you need anything, you can tell them to go out and buy it for you on the 1st, and it won't be too late for us to go back .”

Hearing this, Dr. Ethan said quickly, "It's okay, you don't have to be too anxious to come back, I have nothing important to go out, I finally have a holiday, you can take little Jiali to play outside for a few more days!"

joke! Dr. Ethan finally "escaped" from Xiao Jiali's hands, how could he hope that the two little devils would come back so soon, is it because the experiment is not good? Or are you unhappy working with Dr. Banner?

Angelo shook his head with a smile, and hung up the phone.

Not to mention that Dr. Ethan didn't know what it was, even he himself didn't know.

Before he left, he knew that his summoned creatures could not leave him for too long or too far, so he intended to take all of his summoned creatures with him, but he suddenly discovered that his God's Domain, also It is the church. I don't know when it has "evolved".

Although Mage Gu Yi probably told him some secrets about the power of faith and God’s Domain, but Gu Yi’s Master didn’t talk about what happened after the “evolution” of God’s Domain. Function, that is, it can maintain the existence of these "summoned creatures" instead of itself.

Now that Dr. Ethan did not have any problems, he was completely relieved—of course, before conducting such a dangerous experiment, both Angelo and Dr. Ethan had taken countermeasures to deal with failure. The added freezer is the countermeasure.

In case of failure, it can be guaranteed that Dr. Ethan's body will not rot and stink until Angelo returns.

Angelo put away the phone, smiled at Stark and said, "Man, there is no problem at home, let's go."

Stark nodded, no longer worried about Dr. Ethan, the two of them went out, got into a luxury car at the door, and drove to the museum that was originally planned...

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