The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 268 The Golden Sutra of the Sun and the Black Sutra of the Dead

Chapter 268 The Golden Sutra of the Sun and the Black Sutra of the Dead

Three off-road vehicles and a team of cavalry rushed into this city that no stranger had visited for thousands of years with billowing smoke and dust in the desert.

The original buildings in the city have been completely dilapidated under the ravages of time and wind and sand, and there are ruins everywhere under the illumination of torches and car lights.

Under the leadership of the Guardian Clan, the crowd drove directly to the center of the city without stopping at other places in the city.

Other places in this city may have some investigation value for the archaeological team, but for people like An Qiluo, those dilapidated ancient buildings are of no value at all.

Except for the seal in the center of the city, all the valuable things in the other buildings were taken out by the ancestors of the guardians to exchange money to subsidize their families...

This is why the descendants of this group of Pharaoh's guards can continue the family for thousands of years.

Finally, the huge procession stopped under a huge statue in the middle of the city. The statue is covered with many strange symbols, which An Qiluo doesn't recognize at all.

But he knew this statue of a dog-headed man with a fierce face, which was Anubis, the god of death in ancient Egyptian mythology.

The statue of Anubis stands above an altar-style building, and below the altar there is a door sealed with huge stones.

The lower body of the Grim Reaper statue, the lower half of the altar, and half of the door were buried in the ground together.

It seems that the seal of the legendary city of the dead is behind this sealed gate.

After the team stopped, the guardians jumped off their horses, and An Qiluo and the others also got off the car, and the rest of the road could only be walked.

After getting out of the car, Angelo glanced at Natasha who didn't take the opportunity to escape, but didn't say anything, but gave her a warning look.

Natasha was very conscious of being a prisoner, she nodded quickly, expressing that she would not cause trouble.

"Shall we go in now?" Stark summoned his armor from the satellite again, looked at the door in front of him, eager to try. "I can break this rock."

"Wait. Wait!" Evelyn trotted over from behind the line, "Let me see what is written on this statue first."

Angelo shrugged at Stark, and the two stepped aside, giving Evelyn the place.

As Evelyn said, she took out a camera from her backpack, and after a few clicks, she held up a flashlight and lay down in front of the statue to carefully observe the strange-shaped words on it.

"This is ancient Egyptian. In addition to ancient Egyptian, there are also hieroglyphs of monks..." Evelyn explained to the two people while interpreting the text on the statue.

Frank, a worried old father, also came over with his two children at this time. He wanted your life for three thousand, and followed the two children every step of the way.

Little Gali and Nick listened to Miss Evelyn's explanation with great interest.

Nick has been to the New York Museum and the Metropolitan Museum. Compared with the commentator of the New York Museum, Miss Evelyn's lectures are much more interesting than those in the museum.

"...Anubis, the patron saint of the pharaoh, guards the seal, burying the traitors deep in the ground, and the legs of the god of death go deep into the ground, suppressing the despicable traitors with the golden sutra of the sun..." Evelyn explained the statue to everyone Taking out the ancient book from his backpack and flipping through it, "According to the records of the archaeologists in this ancient book, there is a secret compartment in the leg of the god of death, where the golden scripture of the sun is hidden. "

"What the hell is the Sun Golden Scripture?" An Qiluo looked down at the position under his feet, which should be the legs of the statue of death.

Angelo had heard the names of the Sun Golden Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra several times from Evelyn and Adesby, but he still hasn't figured out what these two things are.

"It's not written in the ancient book, and I don't know..." Evelyn shook the ancient book in her hand at Angelo.

At this time, Adesbe interjected, "The Golden Sutra of the Sun and the Black Sutra of the Undead are two scriptures, which are said to contain the secrets of life and death, representing the power of the sun god Ra and the god of death Anubis respectively. The mantras in the Black Sutra of the Dead can bring the dead back to life, and conversely, the mantras in the Golden Sutra of the Sun can bring people back to life.”

Adsbet paused for a moment, and then said, "As for the more specific content, I don't know. What I know is also passed down from my ancestors. As for the authenticity, I have no way of knowing."

Angelo stroked his chin, thinking about the amount of information in Ardesby's words.

Helios? Death Anubis?

These two names attracted An Qiluo's attention. Others may not know it. They would say it was a belief if they were euphemistic, but they would directly point to a big hat of feudal superstition.

But An Qiluo not only knew that there was a god, but also saw it, and he could even be regarded as an incomplete god.

I just don’t know if the sun god Ra and the god of death Anubis are like the lady of death, and they also have divinity.

Divinity can strengthen Angelo. To understand it better, he can use divinity to upgrade. Since absorbing Lady Death's divinity last time, his level limit has broken through the original Diablo 2's ninety-nine level. The upper limit is reached, and the skills have also broken through the upper limit in the original game.

An Qiluo couldn't see the exact level now, but he knew that his current level was far from reaching the new upper limit.

I hope that the sun god Ra and the god of death Anubis are real...

Angelo raised his head and looked at the dog's head on the statue of Anubis, with the expression of sharpening the knife to the pig and sheep on his face.

There is no need for these lofty gods in the world for a long time!

An Qiluo quickly sorted out his ideas in his brain, and set his first target as the Sun Golden Sutra and the Necromancer Black Sutra. These two scriptures are items directly related to these two legendary gods. As for That frightening monster in the rumors—the High Priest Emerton? It's nothing compared to a god, it's something that can be solved easily, and...a dead man still wants to jump up in front of a necromancer?

An Qiluo lowered his head and looked at his feet. He didn't know where the Black Book of the Dead was yet, but the Golden Book of the Sun was right under his feet, and he could get it at his fingertips.

"Stark, blow a big hole down from here." Angelo pointed to his feet, "I want to get the book on the leg of the statue below."

"Okay, no problem." Stark shrugged, the palm of his hand lit up, and he was about to hit the ground.

I don't know if it's because she cares too much about cultural relics or because she has no concept of the power of Stark's palm cannon. Seeing this scene, Evelyn stood up and stood in front of Stark.


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