Chapter 274 Scarab Tide

"This book cannot be opened." After taking the photo, Evelyn shook the book in her hand, pointed to the groove on the cover and said to Angelo, "There should be a key here. Unfortunately, we Now there is no way to open the book without the key."

"Oh? Then do you understand the words on it? Is this the Sun Golden Sutra?" An Qiluo took the scripture and knocked on the cover of the book, making a thumping sound when his fingers collided with the metal cover of the scripture. "Then do you understand the words on it? Is this the Sun Golden Sutra? I thought the Sun Golden Sutra was golden."

"It should be. The ancient Egyptian text on the cover means that death is just the beginning, and it contains the secrets of life and death." Evelyn hesitated and said, "It should be. The legendary Sun Golden Sutra contains The secret that can bring people back to life."

Angelo nodded, "Okay, I see."

As he spoke, An Qiluo began to fiddle with the book in his hand. The side of the book was also wrapped by a metal horizontal strip, which was made of the same material as the unknown metal material on the cover of the scripture. He tried it, but it really couldn't be opened. The bar blocked the entire book.

"Mr. Angelo." Ardesby walked over, carefully comparing the grooves on the book, his face a little embarrassed, "The key to this book should be the same key that sealed Imerton's sarcophagus."

"Is the key with you?" Angelo raised his head and glanced at him, "Then let me use it."

"The key was originally in our hands, but was destroyed by my ancestors." Ardesby's voice became weaker and weaker.

"Man, when I get back, I think I can try it." Stark roughly looked at the scriptures in Angelo's hand. "This thing looks like it should be mechanical."

Angelo shook his head, "Forget it, what's important about this thing is the content inside, not the cover."

As he spoke, An Qiluo held the metal covers on both sides of the scripture with both hands.

Do you want to talk about whether you can really use technology to "unlock" after you go back? Just after you go back, it will be troublesome to find another person who understands ancient Egyptian characters.

Evelyn watched Angelo's actions, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart.

She remembered what Skye told her before, that Angelo only believed in miracles with great strength...

Angelo used his brute force to pull the metal cover of the scriptures. He thought he would be able to pull it off soon, but this kind of metal of unknown material was unexpectedly tough! Toughness and strength far exceed normal metals.

The metal horizontal bar that sealed the entire book made a toothache sound under Angelo's brute force, and was slowly stretched.


In the end, amidst the lingering sound of metal breaking, the "lock" of this scripture was snapped by An Qiluo forcefully.

Angelo flipped through the contents of the scriptures casually. The paper inside the scriptures was very strange, similar to parchment, but it was not parchment, but made of the skin of some other animal. Each page was very thick. Extremely tough.

The content recorded on the pages of the book is still a large number of "ghost paintings" and very abstract "illustrations".

"Evelyn, here you go, take a look first, and help me translate the content here." Angelo said and handed the scripture in his hand to Evelyn.

Evelyn took the scriptures and looked at the neat cracks in the metal seal.

Evelyn: ...

Can this be regarded as destroying ancient books? Shouldn't it count? It's just that the metal seal is broken, but the paper that records the content inside has not been damaged at all.

"#¥...¥%...(Taiyin, Sun...)" Evelyn spit out an obscure syllable, and then translated it to Angelo sentence by sentence, "This sentence means day and night... "

Angelo nodded, indicating that she could continue reading.

"#¥%\u0026#%...%*...!@#" Evelyn's voice became more and more excited, but she didn't continue to translate it gradually for Angelo.

Evelyn's expression also became horrified, and in the end her eyes were also full of horror!

Hearing Evelyn's tone and looking at her expression, Angelo gradually felt something was wrong, but Angelo's mental power was always paying attention to Evelyn, and he didn't find anything wrong with his mental power. , and did not interrupt Evelyn.

As the last obscure ancient Egyptian sentence fell from Evelyn's mouth, Evelyn threw it out as if the scriptures in her hands were hot.

Sitting on the ground in horror, panting heavily, like a dehydrated cat.

"This... this is not the Golden Sutra of the Sun! This is the Black Sutra of the Dead!" Evelyn yelled in horror.

Angelo looked at Evelyn suspiciously, completely unable to understand what was wrong with Evelyn. In his mental power scan, up to now, he has not found any abnormality on Evelyn.

"So, what the hell is this passage saying? What's wrong with you, Evelyn?"

"I... I couldn't move just now! I wanted to stop reading, and I couldn't control my body at all!" Evelyn watched in shock as Angelo picked up the Black Book of the Dead from the ground, "The words written on it should be It's a spell—the undead rise up, open the door of death, the grave sin, evil, rebellion and arrogance, the undead reaper! Return..."

It is not easy to translate ancient Egyptian into a modern language. Moreover, there are many words that cannot be translated smoothly. Evelyn is already trying her best to translate.

An Qiluo also almost understood, isn't this spell the meaning of resurrecting the skeleton. This kind of incantation, which is mysterious just by listening to it, is much more powerful than his silent casting skill.

However, now it seems that it has no practical effect... As for the problem of Evelyn's inability to move just now, Angelo doesn't care much more. It's not surprising that this kind of nagging is a bit special, right?

Didn't it say that this thing came from Anubis, the god of death? Now it seems that it is also a rumor? Where is that kobold? He was not summoned either.

Angelo stretched out his hand to pull Evelyn up from the ground, and then wiped off the sand on his hand, "Let's go, let's go to treasure hunting first, you must be scaring yourself..."

As soon as An Qiluo's words fell, the expression on his face was solemn.

Immediately afterwards, everyone heard a rustling sound coming from the dark tunnel in the distance, as if the feet of countless centipedes were rubbing against the ground, which made people get goosebumps uncontrollably.

The rustling sound was getting closer and closer until it appeared within the range of the flashlight light.

A black wave gushed out from the darkness. Looking carefully, this dark wave was actually composed of black bugs the size of ping pong balls!

"Ah! It's a scarab!" A member of the guardian clan pulled out the scimitar from his waist in horror, and waved it frantically at the approaching black swarm.

The crowd started to riot and tried to retreat, but in this underground space, there were no other passages at all, only one passage!

The black bug swarm was connected to the dark passage behind them, and it was impossible to see exactly how many bugs were behind them!

Seeing that the situation was not good, An Qiluo immediately took out the staff of the beast spirit, and then released a bone wall towards the passage they had walked through before, blocking the overwhelming black insect swarm from this space .

Looking at the bone wall that appeared out of thin air in front of him, the member of the guardian clan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't even keep his mouth shut. bone wall.

This group of guardians kept muttering in their mouths, that the pharaoh was angry, and that the curse was about to be fulfilled.

There was a scalp-numbing sound of rubbing from behind the bone wall. This was the sound of the scarabs' feet rubbing against the bone wall and the sound of the swarms colliding with each other.

"What's going on here?" Angelo ignored the rioting guardian clan, and asked Evelyn with a frown, "And what about the scarab you mentioned?"

Although Evelyn's voice was low just now, he also heard that Evelyn and the yelling guardian said the same thing, and they were also scarabs.

Evelyn looked a little frightened, and she explained,

"The scarab is a carnivorous insect, and it was also one of the totems of ancient Egypt! It symbolizes creation and rebirth." Evelyn spoke extremely fast with a terrified expression, "It is rumored that the Great Priest Imerton died after accepting the punishment of eating insects!"

"No! Not only that, but according to the prophecy, this is also one of the top ten disasters." Adesby interjected beside him, and said with a firm expression, "Mr. Blow up, our guardian family is ready to die!"

In the prophecy left by the Guardians, it was pointed out that if the monster transformed by the high priest Immorton is released from the seal, then ten disasters will re-spread on the land of Egypt, and the scarab plague is one of them .

The high priest Imerton died of resentment because of the punishment of insect bites. In addition, he himself is proficient in black magic, so he will master the magical ability to control the scarab.

Adesbe didn't think about it, now the high priest Imerton is under the control of Angelo, but he still can't escape the fate of disaster.

However, it doesn't make any sense to blame Angelo or Evelyn at this moment. What their guardians can do is to completely blow up the city of death and prevent or delay these scarab swarms from coming to the outside world.

Stark simply ignored the dutiful guardian.

Blow up the city of death? What are you kidding? These Guardians were ready to die here, but they weren't.

If there is only Stark himself here, then Stark has no choice but to make sacrifices in order to ensure that the scarab swarm does not spread to the outside world.

But he is not the only one here, there is also Pepper, and the two children, Carrie and Nick, and he is not really helpless, he can also remotely call Jarvis to launch a missile here, of course , which is the last resort.

Stark looked at Angelo, "Dude, is there any way?"

"I don't know either……"

Angelo scratched his head a little irritably. His mental power had already scanned the movement of the scarab swarm outside. This swarm of scarabs seemed to be endless because they were blocked by the bone wall and could not use their sharp mouthparts. Destroy the bone walls, and now they have begun to mouth against the smooth rock walls on both sides of the passage.

The ghost knows what kind of mutation these scarabs have suffered. Under their sharp mouthparts, the solid rock wall is not much stronger than tofu. The bone wall can hold on, but the rock wall can't last long.

Right now, An Qiluo is a mouse-throwing weapon. His large-scale skills, whether it is corpse explosion or poison explosion, are indistinguishable from the enemy, and, to be honest, he is not sure about how powerful it is.

As soon as Angelo finished speaking, his expression changed, and he looked at the corpse of the "fresh" High Priest Immorton beside him.

The corpses or skeletons summoned by An Qiluo with the resuscitated skeleton are all under the control of An Qiluo. And these skeletons only have the most basic instincts and a very small part of sanity.

But just now, there was a sudden wave of vague fluctuations in An Qiluo's heart.

Is it from... Imerton?

When Angelo turned his gaze over, he just saw a translucent black smoke coming out of the ground and entering Imerton's body.

"What did you say?" Angelo asked Imerton's body, a little uncertain, "Those bugs outside have something to do with you?"

Emerton's corpse nodded stiffly.

Angelo didn't have time to think about why the skeleton of Imerton suddenly had his own consciousness. He just confirmed once again that Imerton was not out of his control, then he gritted his teeth and removed the skeleton. wall.

There is no way, his mental power has already scanned it, and the rock wall has been almost hollowed out by these scarabs. It doesn't make much sense whether the bone wall is removed or not, and he doesn't feel any malice from Imerton's consciousness.

However, after removing the bone wall, Angelo released another bone prison skill, and he sealed the gaps in the bone prison, protecting Stark, Frank and others, just in case.

Only Angelo himself, Imerton, the Guardians and Natasha were left in the outside world.

It wasn't that An Qiluo didn't want to protect everyone. His bone prison had a limited capacity, and there were so many members of the Guardian Clan that it simply couldn't hold it.

As for the Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha the Black Widow... Because she has been trying to reduce her sense of existence, Angelo didn't think of her either.

"Anubis will give me strength!" Ardesby's roar sounded in the underground space.

"Anubis will give me strength!"

The guardians yelled these words one after another, and a faint black light lit up on their bodies and the scimitar.

The guardians looked at the scarab swarm that was coming in like waves. Although the guardians still had a look of horror on their faces, they still firmly drew out their scimitars and launched an attack on the overwhelming scarab swarm. .

Although the losses caused by their attacks are just a drop in the bucket for the scarab swarm, they can be regarded as conscientious and courageous. This group of guardians hold the mentality of killing one without losing money, and killing two for sure. Crazy hacking scarab.

Under the black light of the scimitar, the original hard shell of the scarab was as fragile as an ordinary bug, and the green juice cut by them splashed everywhere.

Soon, this group of guardians who had long been determined to die discovered something was wrong. No matter how they attacked, these scarabs seemed... not to attack them, just rushing in a swarm?

You must know that the scarabs cultivated by ancient Egyptian secret methods are not the living dung beetles, they are carnivorous insects, and they are extremely aggressive! Not to mention people attacking them, even if no one attacks them, no grass will grow wherever they pass, no matter whether humans or animals, no creature can survive their siege, otherwise the guardian couldn't be terrified enough to yell Call.

The guardians suppressed the panic in their hearts, and while continuing to attack, they turned their heads and followed the direction of the swarm. They saw a scene that made their jaws drop in horror!

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