The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 278 The Mummy Love Story

Chapter 278 The Mummy Love Story

This gray soul is the shrunken Ansuna! Imerton looked at Ansuna's soul excitedly.

Ansuna's soul fell to her corpse with a numb expression.

At the same time, just after Ansuna's soul was spit out by the portal, the portal immediately disappeared without a trace as if someone wiped it off the drawing with an eraser.

After the channel disappears, the black liquid that maintains the portal in mid-air also loses its support, unable to maintain the shape of the portal, and falls towards the ground.

An Qiluo had quick eyesight and quick hands, took out a large vase, locked the black liquid with mental power, and put it into the vase.

Although up to now, An Qiluo has not fully understood what is going on, but he knows that the abnormality that happened just now must be related to these mysterious black liquids. I will ask Emerton later, maybe Imerton should You will know that this is some kind of black technology tinkered with by the ancient Egyptian dynasty.

Under the influence of Angelo's mental power, the black liquid flew towards the vase in his hand, but the color of this black liquid also became lighter and lighter at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, after being put into the vase, the black liquid The color of the liquid has all faded, and it has all turned into a transparent and flowing liquid.

On the other side, Ansuna's soul landed on her corpse. The soul and body merged and gradually merged together.

Imerton looked nervously at Ansuna's body on the stone platform. If it wasn't for Imerton's heart that had already become a decoration and lost the ability to beat, Imerton's heartbeat would have been like a drum. up.

But he didn't dare to act rashly, and he didn't know if the adult's resurrection ceremony had been completed now, for fear of disturbing the resurrection ceremony, there would be any accidents. After all, in the era when he was still alive, the most feared thing about this sacrificial ceremony was being interrupted.

It wasn't until Imerton saw Ansuna's eyelids tremble twice that he rushed forward, picked Ansuna's body from the stone platform, shook Ansuna's body lightly, and whispered calling.


At this time, An Qiluo also finished collecting those unknown mysterious liquids, and looked at the two "persons".

Ansuna lay in Imerton's arms, her eyelids trembled a few times, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were full of bewilderment, and after a short moment of bewilderment, Ansuna noticed Imerton who had been hugging her all the time.

"Ah!" Ansuna yelled in horror, and then pushed Imerton away.

Ansuna can also be regarded as An Qiluo's summoned creature now, so she can naturally enjoy the passive bonus brought by An Qiluo. Imerton is a mage, and his strength lies in spells, not in physical fitness , the physical attributes of the two are not much different.

In addition, Imerton didn't have any precautions against Ansuna, and was caught off guard by being pushed. Unprepared, he was directly pushed out by Ansuna, and smashed heavily on the stone wall of the altar.

With a "bang", Imerton hit the stone wall, and unexpectedly dispersed into a cloud of black mist made up of scarabs.

Moments later, the black mist condensed into Emerton again.

"Ansuna, what's the matter with you?" Imerton didn't care about his injury just now, and Ansuna didn't cause any harm to him. As long as he disperses into the scarab black mist in time, this kind of purely physical damage is basically impossible. Can not cause any harm to him.

He was more worried about what happened to Ansuna now.

"I... what's wrong with me?" Ansuna retreated to the edge of the stone platform in horror, looked down at her hands in horror, she seemed unable to accept why her strength had suddenly become so great, "I Who, where am I? Who are you?"

"I'm Imerton!" Imerton said anxiously. He wanted to step forward to hug Ansuna, but was stopped by Ansuna's terrified screams. He could only stand The distance a few meters away from the stone platform explained to Ansuna.

"Ansuna, I am Emerton! We have lived together since we were young, and we grew up together..."

Seeing that Imerton was still trying to explain to Ansuna, Angelo walked over and patted Imerton on the shoulder.

"Wait a minute, Imerton."

Although Imerton didn't know why An Qiluo asked him to stop, but he knew his position very well, so he shut his mouth obediently.

An Qiluo turned his head and asked Ansuna, who had a dazed and horrified face, "Do you know who I am?"

Ansuna nodded, "You are the master."

Angelo nodded, not paying attention to the weird looks Stark and Skye cast upon hearing this address.

It seems that there is no problem with the skills, so the only possibility is that there is a problem with the soul?

Imogen didn't care either, it was as if he knew to call Angelo a lord right after his resurrection.

It's just a title.

"It's better for you to call me my lord like Emerton, it's not popular to call me master now." Angelo asked, "Then do you know what your own name is?"

"My lord... I don't know." After hesitating for a moment, Ansuna shook her head in confusion.

"Then where are you from, do you remember?"

"My lord, I don't remember."


Angelo asked Ansuna several questions in a row, but it turned out that Ansuna knew nothing about all the questions except that she knew about Angelo.

Emerton stood aside, with a decadent expression on his face. He never expected that after thousands of years of waiting, he would finally get the result he is now. Ansuna Can't remember who he is anymore.

Following the questioning and observation of Ansuna's attributes, An Qiluo already had a rough guess in his mind.

Angelo turned his head and said regretfully to Imerton, "Imorton, it seems that Ansuna has forgotten about you now, so what do you think next?"

Imerton still did not give up and asked, "My lord, is there really no other way?"

An Qiluo shook his head, "No way, more than three thousand years have passed, washed away by the breath of death for more than three thousand years, although Ansuna's soul is fortunately not damaged, but the memory is inevitable. has been washed to a blank, and there is no way to restore it."

Ansuna was just an ordinary person before she was alive, and she didn't even have the slightest influence on the power of the soul. Now she can still keep her soul sound, which can be regarded as a blessing among misfortunes.

Now Ansuna, except that her body and soul are still the same Ansuna, her habits and memories have become a brand new "person".

Imerton sighed decadently, but soon, his face was full of fighting spirit again, and he said firmly to Ansuna, "Although you have forgotten me now! But I will definitely make you love again Get on me!"

Ansuna looked at the affectionate Imerton as if she was insane. She didn't have the slightest impression of the bald man in front of her, and said vehemently, "Are you sick? There is no water here, so there must be urine?"

Emerton immediately showed a moved look on his face, "I knew it, Ansuna! You still care about me! Don't worry, I won't be sick at all now!"

Angelo looked at Imerton like a god.

Emerton! It's the end of your talk, you know!

Licking a dog is a terrible death!

Uh... Angelo thinks about Imerton's death method, it really can't be called a good death...

Angelo was too lazy to pay attention to the "mummy love story" between Imerton and Ansuna, and he interrupted Imerton's affectionate confession.

"Imorton, you and Ansuna have plenty of time in the future, don't worry, do you know what this thing is?" Angelo took out the vase containing the mysterious liquid from the space backpack.

Imerton saluted Angelo with a grateful look on his face.

Although the result of Ansuna's resurrection in the end is not ideal, but at least "people are alive", there is hope, right?

As long as it wasn't about Ansuna, Imerton could still remain rational and calm.

To make an inappropriate analogy, if the revived Immorton is a beast, then Ansuna is the rope holding the beast, and the rope tied the beast's neck tightly.

"My lord, these are the materials needed for the sacrifice." Imerton said respectfully to Angelo. "This material was used in all ceremonies to worship Anubis in the Nineteenth Dynasty. However, my lord, the liquid in the vase has now become transparent, which means that these liquids have become invalid and have become ordinary. water."

"Ineffective?" Angelo shook the vase, and the liquid inside was indeed not as viscous as before. "What material is this thing made of?"

An Qiluo originally wanted to continue experimenting with the specific functions of these liquids after returning home. It seems that these things are consumables, but it doesn't matter, as long as you know the manufacturing materials, you can make some more.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I don't know what material this is made of." Imerton lowered his head in shame, "I was the pharaoh's chief priest before I was alive, and I was in charge of the sacrificial ceremony, but these consumables and materials are made of The palace logistics is in charge."

That is to say, his plan to experiment was completely cut off?

An Qiluo shook his head, no longer entangled with this problem, and put the vase in his hand back into the space backpack. Take it back and let Dr. Ethan analyze it, maybe there will be some breakthroughs.

However, An Qiluo didn't have much hope for this. It is very difficult to decipher this kind of mysterious mystery with today's technological level, and it is even close to impossible.

It was only at this time that Imerton recovered from the surprise of his lover's resurrection, and belatedly bowed slightly to Angelo and said, "My lord, please come this way, the treasure room of this city is here side."

Angelo nodded in satisfaction. Although Imerton licked Ansuna's dog a little bit, he was not overwhelmed by "love" and knew what was going on and what he should do.


Everyone continued to advance in this desolate city of death once again.

The ranks were once again enlarged.

Imerton led the way, and Ansuna was also entangled by Imerton and stayed by his side. It was Angelo who gave Ansuna the order to follow Imerton.

After all, Ansuna was just an ordinary person before her death, and now her physical fitness after being resurrected can barely keep up with Dr. Ethan, and she has no special abilities in other aspects. Apart from this identity, it was completely the most useless of these summons under Angelo's command. It could only be counted as a buy-one-get-one gift from Imerton, the "Skeleton Mage".

It's even worse than the serious skeleton warriors, who can at least send death to find the way, because of Imerton's relationship, Angelo can't send Ansuna to die to find the way...

Moreover, weren't these two lovers in the first place, it's just that Ansuna has lost her memory now.

After convincing himself, An Qiluo felt at ease and "threw" Ansuna to Imerton. Imerton was naturally overjoyed, but looking at Ansuna's expressionless face now, he knew that Ansu Na's thinking is different from Imerton's...

Under the leadership of Imerton, after a period of time, everyone finally arrived at the last stop of the trip to the City of the Dead.

A palace that was also buried underground by yellow sand.

The area of ​​the palace is very large, even a bit beyond Angelo's imagination.

What appeared in front of everyone at this time was a metal gate carved with patterns. There was nothing special about the metal gate. In this city of the dead, the buildings all had such a solemn style.

But after pushing open the metal gate, a huge space appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, there is a dazzling golden color in the palace!

Gold everywhere! Gold statues, gold decorations, gold utensils, everything that can be seen, outside the walls, are all made of gold.

Even in the very center of the palace, there is a golden mountain made of various gold products!

"Wow~!" Pepper and Skye opened their mouths slightly, looking at Jinshan in front of them with dull expressions.

Women are always irresistible to this shining golden brilliance.

Even Evelyn, who had always regarded herself as a professional archaeologist, swallowed quietly at this moment.

"My lord, this is where the wealth collected from the people during the reign of Seti I was all here..."

As soon as Imerton's words fell, a golden figure rushed out, followed the gate and went straight to the golden mountain in the center!

Even the speed of this golden figure was so fast that it left a few inconspicuous afterimages in the air!

"What!" Emerton frowned, looking at the "golden fur", the black mist in his hand resurfaced again, and formed at an extremely fast speed to attack the "golden fur"!

From Imerton's point of view, all the treasures in this palace now belong to Lord Angelo alone. Others, if you want to meddle in the things here without Mr. An Qiluo's consent, then you should die! Not even animals!

The "Golden Retriever"'s speed didn't slow down at all, as if it didn't notice the black mist at all, it continued to rush forward.

"Be careful!" Evelyn shouted anxiously when she saw this scene, "Golden Retriever! Come back quickly! It's dangerous!"

When they set off from Cairo, she had reminded An Qiluo whether he should think about it and not bring this golden retriever to the city of the dead. She was afraid that this "golden retriever" would cause trouble.

After all, no matter how obedient a dog is, it may lose control in this kind of place. If one accidentally touches the mechanism, everyone will be implicated.

Although the current situation does not touch the mechanism, it is obvious that the dog's life of this "golden retriever" will soon be lost in Imerton's hands...

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