The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 291: Odin's Worries

Chapter 291: Odin's Worries

Angelo was driving on the highway in the state of Mexico.

He had just learned about a strange hammer from Stark.

A hammer that couldn't be picked up, which made Angelo naturally think of the hammer god who could only yell - Thor.

Thor at this time is not worthy of the title of Thor.

Thor got into trouble and was thrown from Asgard by his father?

When Angelo learned that this line disappeared, he didn't rush to look at the hammer or go to Thor. Anyway, the hammer was there, and Thor couldn't take it away now, but he didn't know if S.H.I.E.L.D. According to their personalities, even if they don't arrive, they are probably on the way, so why not let them try, otherwise this group of dog skin plasters will not give up.

An Qiluo continued to slowly follow the route he had chosen, carefully scanning with his mental power, not letting go of the slightest bit.

When the strength reaches a certain level, there is already a kind of intuition. Although you may not know exactly what will happen, you will have a sense of whether the next thing is bad or good.

Only Gu Yi is a special case. The time gem in her hand is combined with time magic. When she senses something, she can observe the next timeline to see what will happen.

The other strong men could only have a vague premonition of bad luck.

Just like Odin...

Just as Angelo searched carefully according to the route on the map, he was in Asgard's Asgard.

Odin got up from his bed. Since this morning, his eyelids have been twitching non-stop, which made the King of the Nine Realms feel a little uneasy.

He knew that when a strong person like them had this kind of premonition, it was definitely not a whim like ordinary people, but a reference.

Is it good or bad?

Odin was like a late old man, sitting beside his bed with a strange look on his face.

Now that Thor has been shaved off by him and thrown to the earth, and Heimdall is looking after him, it is unlikely that there will be any danger.

Could it be that little bastard Loki? What the hell is that little bastard doing?

Thinking of this, Odin sighed silently.

These two sons really broke his heart. The eldest son Thor was reckless and almost thoughtless in doing things. Odin did not dare to hand over the future of Asgard to him. The youngest son, Loki, is a bit scheming, but the layout is too small to take on the heavy responsibility of Asgard. Moreover, the bloodline of the youngest son is also a problem.

As the king of the Nine Realms, he has lived for half a million years, and spent at least half of it in battle. How could he not know the thoughts of his youngest son, Loki.

Loki just wants to get the same treatment as his eldest son, but how is this possible... After all, the blood in Loki's body comes from the Frost Giant of Jotunheim!

Thor was trained by Odin as the future king of Asgard. The appearance of the youngest son Loki was purely because of Odin's soft-heartedness.

Although relying on Frigga's magic, Loki has been able to maintain the same appearance as the people of Asgard since he was a child. Over the years, Odin has really regarded Loki as his son, but the throne is not good. The throne of Asgard cannot be given to the blood of a frost giant!

The reason why he chose to pretend to fall into a deep sleep this time is to let the two children experience and grow up alone. They are so well protected under his wings.

I don't have much time left, I hope Thor can learn how to become a qualified king in the atrium (earth), after all, it used to be the homeland of the Asgardian family...

Hearing Odin's sigh, Queen Frigg of Asgard walked slowly and gently put her hand on Odin's body, "What's the matter, Odin? Still worrying about the dispute in Jotunheim? "

Odin took Frigga's hand, his eyes were a little lost, but if someone looked directly at Odin's one eye at this time, they would find that Odin's eyes were full of fierce aura.

"No, I'm not worried about Jotunheim, I'm still the king of the Nine Realms now, if they don't let go and forget how I sat on the throne of the King of the Nine Realms, I don't mind letting them recall it again! "At this time, the aura on Odin's body is the aura of the real king of the nine worlds!" Sharp and thick, even full of bloody smell.

"Okay~" Frigga patted Odin's shoulder reproachfully, "Why are you still so angry now, Loki is our son after all, if we want to do something to Jotunheim, we have to consider Isn't Loki? Since it's not about Jotunheim.

That is to worry about Thor on Earth now? Let me just say, Thor is our biological son after all, I am also very worried, or take Thor back and forget it..."

Although Frigga is a queen, she is no different from an ordinary earth mother. Her chattering appearance is exactly the same as that of a mother who saw her child who was only in junior high school live in a boarding school for the first time.

Odin rolled his eyes while Frigga was not paying attention, and then said angrily, "There is a saying in the courtyard, a loving mother is a loser! It's you! Look, these two little bastards have already been taken care of by you!" How used to it!"

After all, Odin couldn't help but sighed again and continued, "I'm not worried about Thor, I have taken away his divine power, as long as he doesn't provoke Ancient One or that Angelo My mage, I shouldn’t cause any big trouble, but I’m worried about Loki, I had a hunch just now, maybe it’s a good thing, maybe it’s a bad thing, who knows what this little bastard is doing?”

Odin is really old, and he is really anxious. He doesn't have much time left. In the past, how could Odin have such an idea of ​​worrying about gains and losses? He just needs to do it vigorously, and no one else refuses at all. s right!

Dissatisfied? Just hit you!

Frigga, who was originally gentle, raised her brows when she heard Odin's words about a loving mother and a loser, and she was about to turn into a tigress to show off her power, but when she saw Odin finished speaking, the tired look on her face made her heart Finally softened, he gently put his hands on Odin's head and massaged.

Odin has been too tired for so many years. Being a king has never been so easy. Even if he wants to be a good king, he has no time to be a qualified father. Odin and most of the fathers in Marvel have the same common problem, that is, they lack effective communication with their children. No matter which child, Odin is not a qualified father.

"Odin, has your premonition of Ragnarok not weakened yet?" Frigga asked.

"Not yet." Odin sighed deeply, "Ragnarok is the inevitable end of the Asgardian gods, and it is also the root of my disaster..."

"Then don't think about it, you can finally rest for a while now." Frigga interrupted Odin and said softly. "Let the children figure it out on their own. Anyway, the worst result will not be worse than Ragnarok. No matter whether Ragnarok comes or not, I will be with you."

Odin looked at Frigga with fluctuating eyes, and finally turned into firmness, and nodded slightly, "Yes."


Just when Odin and Frigga were trying to recreate a younger sister or younger brother for Thor and Loki, in the opposite direction of Angelo's travel route, a strong man was riding in a vintage car. The locomotive is galloping on the highway.

Judging from the distance and speed of travel, the place where the two sides met was impressively near the strange hammer that fell from the sky...

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