The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 314 Passive Skill - Missing Dad

Chapter 314 Passive Skill - Missing Dad

"This guy's passive skill is missing his father." Angelo curled his lips, and said to Steve, "This guy's father is still a super strong man, God King Odin, it's no wonder he died!"

Angelo still didn't say a word. In the previous life movie, Odin fell into a deep sleep. When he was far away in Asgard, he didn't let Thor die. Not to mention now, Odin, the old guy's body, is hidden nearby. , went to the theater with Master Gu Yi.

It would be no wonder Thor died under his father's nose!

The skill of thinking about father is simply the strongest skill of the second generation of gods. When watching movies in the previous life, Angelo felt that no matter what Thor encountered, as long as he thought about father, the problem would be solved, at least before Odin died. Such.

Everyone was confused about Angelo's words. Thor's father is God King Odin, so this guy can't die? What kind of logic is this?

But now Thor is still lying quietly on the ground.

But it doesn't matter, the next second, the hammer in Steve's hand suddenly began to emit a large amount of current in the air around the hammer.

These electric currents did not cause any harm to Steve, and the hammer did not resist Steve's grasp, but emitted more and more electric sparks.

Steve looked at the hammer in his hand with a puzzled expression, and just as he was about to ask Angelo what was going on, suddenly a sense of consciousness came from the hammer, allowing Steve to understand the reason.

Mjolnir, the hammer, has its own consciousness, and only Steve can understand why!

Steve glanced at Thor on the ground, without too much entanglement, let go of the hand holding the hammer.

The consciousness sent to him by Mjolnir just wanted to return to Thor's side and use the power of Thor to save Thor.

Of course, Steve can also choose not to return Mjolnir to Thor, and Mjolnir will not resist Steve's use. After all, Steve's high moral standards are in line with Mjolnir's scope.

But it was precisely because of this high moral standard that Steve couldn't watch Thor, a person who had no grudges and no grievances, die in front of him. Besides, he just smashed his head with a shield...

It has to be said that Odin is indeed old and cunning. It is hard to say whether this step was designed by Odin before. After all, if other people want to take the hammer, they need to have high moral standards, but too high moral standards will not take the hammer and not return it.


The moment Steve let go of Mjolnir, he left and rushed towards Thor, whose life and death were uncertain on the ground, with a whistling sound.

The lightning on the hammer became bigger and bigger, and even the lightning gradually pierced through the air, and the sound of thunder continued to explode in his ears.

As if the sky was also celebrating the birthday of Why Existence, the clouds began to gather, and the original white clouds gradually gathered into a large dark cloud.

The vision caused by Mjolnir in the sky attracted everyone's attention, including Jane who was sad.

"Hey! Be careful!" Sif shouted with sharp eyes and quick hands, kicked Jane out with one foot, and then slid back with this force.

Jane only had time to cry out in surprise before being kicked five or six meters away by Sif unexpectedly.

It's hard to say whether Sif has the idea of ​​taking revenge by taking advantage of this kick.

However, Sif's kick did save Jane's life. Mjolnir, who whizzed past the two of them just now, made Jane swallow the swear words that had reached her lips. There is no way to vent the anger in my heart!

Because Hill did save her life, if it wasn't for Hill, looking at the speed of this strange hammer, she would have been smashed into a ball of flesh.

Seeing that Jane was safe and sound, Dr. Eric, who originally reacted and wanted to rush over to take Jane away, let out a sigh of relief and felt a little relieved.

But then Jane's heart was suspended again, because the strange hammer smashed to Thor who was on the ground with terror.

The next scene completely stunned everyone except Gu Yi and An Qiluo!

Thor, who was "holding the corpse" on the ground, suddenly stretched out his hand, and grasped the whistling hammer in his hand.

Mjolnir's transition from movement to stillness happened at this very moment! This huge difference creates a different kind of visual impact.

This is not the end!

The moment Thor stretched out his hand to hold the hammer, the condensed dark clouds in the sky slammed down a bolt of lightning at Thor's position!

The lightning did not cause any damage to Thor, but instead attached to Thor's body like an armor that could change shape at will, lifting Torto, who had not yet opened his eyes, into the sky.

Angelo stood on the spot, looking at the lightning and thunder in mid-air, and Thor, who was full of posture, couldn't help curling his lips.

This is definitely Odin's method! It really is impossible for this old guy to just watch his son die like this!

His mental strength can already feel that these thunders are repairing the injuries on Thor's body, and reinject the power of the thunders into Thor's body. Although Thor has not opened his eyes yet, facing these familiar thunders However, his body can passively absorb the power of thunder like a dry sponge.

The aura on Thor's body is also rising a little bit. Pieces of iron armor flew over from nowhere and attached to Thor's body. A red cloak and a shining metal armor gradually appeared on Thor's body. After taking shape on his body, he gradually took on the appearance of Thor.

At the same time, the changes in Thor also caught Loki's attention!

Loki, who had already wanted to control the Destroyer Armor to leave, once again controlled the Destroyer Armor and turned around. Loki, who was far away in the Asgard Palace in Asgard, had an ugly expression.

Unlike Thor, the brawny Asgardian warriors like Thor, Loki followed the path of his mother, the mage Frigga.

Therefore, his mental power and sensitivity to energy are far more sensitive than Thor.

What An Qiluo sensed, Loki naturally sensed the same. Loki's hand was holding the "Learn of Eternity", and the knuckles of his fingers turned white from his pinching.

Father Odin is eccentric again! Why, why is it that I won Thor, but my father prepared everything for Thor!

Odin's eccentricity caused Loki to lose his balance again.


With anger, Loki re-manipulated the Destroyer armor and aimed at Thor in the sky.

At this time, the three warriors of Asgard, Sif and others were all attracted by Thor's big news. Those who were familiar with Thor knew that not only was Thor not dead! And the once brave Thor is back!

"Oh, step, embarrassment~" Jane looked up at Thor in the sky who had already completed half of her transformation, and murmured word by word.

Only Angelo and Steve noticed the movement of the Destroyer Armor, but Angelo just curled his lips and had no intention of stopping it.

It's a joke, this is Odin's arrangement, Loki, a son who wants to destroy Lao Tzu's plan, is a little tender.

Sure enough, a pillar of fire from the Destroyer armor went straight to Thor.

But there was no chance to touch Thor who was "transforming" at all, and he was annihilated by the storm surrounding Thor.

Loki saw this scene through the perspective of the Destroyer armor, his face remained calm, but he gritted his teeth.

good! Since my father has arranged everything for you, if I can't get in, then I'll see if you can get out by yourself!

So... the direction of the Destroyer armor turned, and the direction of the attack was aimed at An Qiluo and the others!

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